







汉语拼音:ròu yuán






  1. 即肉丸子。

    《金瓶梅词话》第九八回:“第二日起来得迟,约饭时纔起来。 王六儿 安排些鷄子肉圆子,做了个头脑,与他扶头。”《官场现形记》第一回:“﹝ 王孝廉 ﹞筷子上夹了一个肉圆,也不往嘴里送,只是睁着两隻眼睛,望着 王乡绅 。”参见“ 肉丸子 ”。



  1. Meatballs with carrot slices in soup Alex, since there is only one response and this one is not satisfying, I figured out something for fun.


  2. They jostled for position in the corridor and thrust bread, meatballs, cheese, smoked fish and potato cake under my nose.


  3. A ball or dumpling of finely chopped meat or seafood bound with eggs and poached in stock or water.


  4. What? - I forgot your meatball in the car.


  5. Morning Star Farms makes vegetarian buffalo wings, BBQ ribs, and meatless meatballs.


  6. Yeah, and I love meatballs.


  7. Return all meatballs to pan. Add tomatoes, stock and sugar, bring to the boil then simmer uncovered for 15~20 minutes.


  8. Heat oil in a large non-stick fry pan, and cook the meatballs in 2 batches, for 5 minutes each or until browned.


  9. And I'll be even happier if you give me some more meatballs.


  1. 我吃了彰化肉圆。

    I ate the Chang Hua meatball.

  2. 我还是个顽固份子, 偏好蒸的屏东肉圆。

    However, I am so stubborn that I still prefer the steamed ones from Bindong.

  3. 你是否喜欢意大利食品如披萨饼,意大利通心粉,意大利肉圆?

    Do you like Italian food like pizza, pasta, meatball

  4. 在八卦山下, 也有许多好吃的店家, 其中最著名的就是肉圆。

    Under Mt. Bagua, also many delicious shop owners, most famous is the meat circle.

  5. 膳趣肉圆意粉


  6. 肉团还是肉圆,都行吧

    Loafs,loaves?I think it can be either.

  7. 肉团还是肉圆,都行吧。

    Loafs, loaves? I think it can be either.

  8. 用肉圆最佳效果。

    Use meatballs for best results.

  9. 北斗油炸的肉圆,深入南台湾的高雄。

    The deep fried meat dumpling of Bedao, is now available in Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan.

  10. 以荠菜搅入肉圆,让荠菜吸收油脂,增菜味又去肥腻。

    To Shepherd's Purse stirred into meatballs, so Capsella fat absorption, increase fatty food flavor went.

  11. 淮山圆肉炖甲鱼

    Braised Turtle with Yam and Longan

  12. 鱼胶圆肉炖水鸭

    Stewed Duck with Fish Glue and Longan

  13. 底中圆腿肉

    bottom round.

  14. 他们是小小的,圆圆的,里面有肉的饼子。

    They are small round cakes with meat inside.

  15. 与肉和菜蒸和煮的小圆面团。

    Small round mass of dough steamed or boiled with meat and vegetables.

  16. 圆的饼, 里面放有肉, 蛋, 果仁或甜馅。

    Round cakes with meat, eggs, nuts or something sweet inside.

  17. 这些圆球现在已经膨胀起来, 变成肉红色。

    The bulbs were swollen now, turning a fleshy red.

  18. 这些圆球现在已经膨胀起来,变成肉红色。

    The bulbs were swollen now, turning a fleshy red.

  19. 这是内含肉, 蛋, 果仁或甜食得小圆蛋糕。

    They are small round cakes with meat, eggs, nuts or something sweet inside.

  20. 这是内含肉,蛋,果仁或甜食的小圆蛋糕。

    They are small round cakes with meat, eggs, nuts or something sweet inside.

  21. 们是里面有肉,蛋,果仁或甜东西的小圆饼。

    They are small round cakes with meat, eggs, nuts or something sweet inside.

  22. 这种肉馅儿的宁波汤圆是所有汤圆中最受欢迎的。

    The Ningbo rice glue balls with lard stuffing are the most popular among all the rice glue balls.

  23. 肉酿生麸圆

    Wheat Gluten Ball Stuffed with Pork.

  24. 圆角焊肉厚

    leg of fillet weld.

  25. 切碎的牛肉放在小圆面包里, 然后油炸。

    a fried cake of minced beef served on a bun.

  26. 叶肉细胞中叶绿体体积增大,形状变圆并移向细胞中央。

    The chloroplast concentrated to the middle of the cell with volume increase and the shape more roundness.

  27. 从圆球上伸出十条末端为小眼睛的肉茎眼梗。

    Ten smaller eyes on stalks sprout from the top of the orb.


  1. 问:肉圆拼音怎么拼?肉圆的读音是什么?肉圆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肉圆的读音是,肉圆翻译成英文是 Meatball

  2. 问:肉圆子拼音怎么拼?肉圆子的读音是什么?肉圆子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肉圆子的读音是,肉圆子翻译成英文是 quenelle

  3. 问:肉圆 (台湾)拼音怎么拼?肉圆 (台湾)的读音是什么?肉圆 (台湾)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肉圆 (台湾)的读音是,肉圆 (台湾)翻译成英文是 Ba wan

  4. 问:肉圆#世界各地的肉圆拼音怎么拼?肉圆#世界各地的肉圆的读音是什么?肉圆#世界各地的肉圆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肉圆#世界各地的肉圆的读音是,肉圆#世界各地的肉圆翻译成英文是 Frikadeller