







汉语拼音:yí chéng






  1. 易地受教以成其业。

    《逸周书·文政》:“幼子移成。” 孔晁 注:“移成,谓易子而教也。”



  1. Denudation produces many fractures to release pressure, the slight crevices force the oil and gas to pool forming or dissipation;


  2. the migration and accumulation of petroleum;


  1. 容栅传感器输出信号的相位变化量与被测位移成比例。

    The output of capacitance grid transducer and the testing displacement share pro rata.

  2. 尿道口前移阴茎头成形术

    meatal advancement and glandular plasty

  3. 老树移栽活不成。

    Remove an old tree, and it will wither to death.

  4. 豫陕小秦岭脉状金矿床三期流体运移成矿作用

    A three stage fluid flow model for Xiaoqinling lode gold metallogenesis in the Henan and Shaanxi provinces, central China

  5. 目得评价维拉帕米对牙龈成纤维细胞移出得影响。

    Objective To evaluate the influence of verapamil on gingival fibroblast migration.

  6. 目的评价维拉帕米对牙龈成纤维细胞移出的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the influence of verapamil on gingival fibroblast migration.

  7. 详细评述了化学位移成象及波谱成象的发展。

    The problems of developing the chemical shift imaging and spectroscopic imaging are reviewed in detail.

  8. 老树移种活不成。

    Remove an old tree, and it will die.

  9. 髋关节成形术用骨移植物

    Arthroplasty of hip with bone graft

  10. 侧移土体被动桩成拱效应及主动侧土压力计算

    Soil Arching Effect in Passive Piles and Time Effect Analysis

  11. 细纱可移动气圈控制环对成纱毛羽的影响

    Effect of Spinning Movable Balloon Control Ring on Finish Yarn Hairiness

  12. 张拉式膜结构考虑索滑移的整体施工成形分析

    Research on integral construction form considering cable sliding of tensioned membrane structures

  13. 脉状金矿床成矿控矿构造构造背景运移机制沉淀场所

    Keywords lode gold depositsore forming and ore controlling structurestectonic settingmigratory mechanismprecipitation position.

  14. 在推作机带动下, 六角亭沿著铁管排成的轨道, 轻移莲步。

    Pulled by a winch, this hexagonal pavilion glides smoothly over a track of iron rollers.

  15. 油气运移和成藏

    hydrocarbon migration

  16. 鼻中隔成形术用移植物

    Nasal septoplasty with graft

  17. 鼻中隔成形术不用移植物

    Nasal septoplasty without graft

  18. 主成份分析和交叉相关的红移测量

    Galaxy Redshift Determination by Use of Principal Component Analysis and Cross Correlation

  19. 应用合成相移, 然后发射并接收两个脉冲。

    The resultant phase shifts are applied, and then two pulses are transmitted and received.

  20. 移除了单个空格以生成有效得常数名称, 并将

    The single space is removed to produce a valid constant name, and an

  21. 沾化凹陷缓坡带油气运移及成藏模式

    Hydrocarbon migration and reservoir?forming modes in gentle slope belt of Zhanhua sag

  22. 移除了单个空格以生成有效的常数名称,并将

    The single space is removed to produce a valid constant name, and an

  23. 数字式移相与频率合成的一种软件实现方法

    A Method of Digitizing Phase Moving and Frequency Synthesizing by using Software Technique

  24. 酒东盆地营尔凹陷油气生成和运移聚集

    Petroleum generation, migration and accumulation in Yinger depression, the eastern Jiuquan Basin

  25. 现在只有1个等级得压制, 压制得额外伤害加成被移除。

    There is now only one rank of the Overpower ability. Bonus damage removed.

  26. 现在只有1个等级的压制,压制的额外伤害加成被移除。

    There is now only one rank of the Overpower ability. Bonus damage removed.

  27. 应用草图,现在可以将所有结点的坐标移制成表。

    Using the sketch, it is now possible to tabulate the coordinates of all the nodes.

  28. 济阳坳陷溶解气运移释放成藏机理与模式

    The mechanism and model of accumulation and migration and release of dissolved gas in Jiyang Depression

  29. 油气运移输导系统类型控制着油气的成藏模式。

    The type of gas migration systems control the forming pattern of gas reservoir.

  30. 油气运移输导系统类型控制着油气得成藏模式。

    The type of gas migration systems control the forming pattern of gas reservoir.