







汉语拼音:wú shí









  1. 不定时,随时。

    《仪礼·既夕礼》:“哭昼夜无时。” 郑玄 注:“哀至则哭,非必朝夕。” 唐 杜甫 《三川观水涨二十韵》:“火云无时出,飞电常在目。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·河漕·贾鲁河改道》:“今屡濬屡塞,而 黄河 又衝决无时,侵逼益甚。” 瞿秋白 《赤都心史》三二:“于时,我更起居‘无时’,不是游息的‘无时’,而是劳作的‘无时’。”

  2. 不知何时。

    汉 刘向 《九叹·忧苦》:“山脩远其辽辽兮,涂漫漫其无时。”

  3. 没有一刻;无有一时。

    《汉书·王莽传上》:“晨夜屑屑,寒暑勤勤,无时休息,孳孳不已者,凡以为天下厚 刘氏 也。” 唐 岑参 《送郑堪归东京氾水别业》诗:“因悲宦游子,终岁无时閒。”《<艾青诗选>自序》:“在他的所有的作品中,无时不在闪耀着形象思维的光辉。”

  4. 不逢时会。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·哀吊》:“或有志而无时,或美才以兼累,追而慰之,并名为弔。”



  1. My friends do always tell me that they see you drop the top, got a girl in every city flirting all around the clock.


  2. I always feel that she's trying to psych me out all the time.


  3. But it tallies with a second result from the project, which looked at the idea that God is always watching you.


  4. Inan English household, fun is going all the time. The entire house resounds with it.


  5. People who have a strong musical intelligence don't just remember music easily--they can't get it out of their minds, it's so omnipresent.


  6. Practice in the end, I feel my brain as if all the time with this song.


  7. The pursuit of a man's thought, but also a man of action, never give up the pursuit, no matter in encouraging men to fight.


  8. All the time. Sounds so special, upstate, fishing and all that good stuff.


  9. 'We're looking all the time to see if there are different possible combinations, either buy or sell, that make sense for the organization. '


  1. 爱无时不在。

    Love loves all the time.

  2. 他永远低贱,无时不可笑。

    He is ever contemptible and uninterruptedly ridiculous.

  3. 它们无时不刻注视着你。

    And they're all watching you.

  4. 我无时不刻都在想着你。

    You mean everything to me.

  5. 每一天,每一刻,我无时想起你。

    Everyday, every moment that goes by I think of you.

  6. 丁老师无时不刻地关心着我们。

    Ding teachers about every moment.

  7. 撒旦无时不刻地在企图欺骗我们。

    Satan is trying to deceive us all the time.

  8. 命里有时终须有。命里无时莫强求。

    Sometimes in life will have to be there, life force in no time Mo.

  9. 东西融,南北通,无时不刻盼重逢。

    Things in harmony, North and south, all the time for reunion.

  10. 我好想你!真的!我无时不刻的在想你!

    I miss you! Really! I never stopped thinking about you!

  11. 辩证唯物主义认为,矛盾无处不在,无时不有。

    On the view of dialectical materialism, Contradictions exist everywhere and everywhen.

  12. 他无时不找,无处不找,可是什么也没有找着。

    He sought constantly, he sought everywhere; he found nothing.

  13. 所以,要当心这些测试,因为它们无时不在。

    So watch out for these tests because they happen all the time.

  14. 但在量子世界里,这无时不刻都会发生。

    But in the quantum world, this happens all the time.

  15. 任务来自于无时不在的任务管理者黛安娜女士。

    Your mission are issuedthe ever present mission controller, DIANA.

  16. 她无时不着装打扮, 即使去逛商店也是如此。

    She always dressed, even if she was just going to the market.

  17. 就像我坐在这儿,无时不刻不想念着你。

    Like I sit around and think about you all the time.

  18. 他有一个无时不刻提供酒给他喝的司机。

    He had a chauffeur with him who gave him drinks all the time.

  19. 无时我正在凌晨醉来, 我的笨魂以至仍是干的。

    Sometimes I get up early and even my soul is wet.

  20. 它们就像玻璃碎片一样在我脑海里,无时不刻。

    It's like pieces of glass in my head, all the time.

  21. 而且,这不仅限于运动,因为我们无时不刻不在移动。

    In fact, it doesn't even have to be about sports because we're moving everywhere.

  22. 经济人和出版商无时不在发掘有才无名的作家。

    Agents and publishers are tireless in their search for unknown talent.

  23. 他并不后悔,只是怕,怕那个无处无时不紧跟着他的鬼。

    Xiangzi regretted nothing, he was only scared, scared of that ghost which followed him constantly, everywhere.

  24. 作为一种目标或理想,宗旨,为多层音频,无时不在。

    As a goal or ideal, aim for multilayer audio at all times.

  25. 是的,这几天几夜我是无时不神往到那些足以诱惑我的。

    Yes, and for days and nights I've been falling into that temptation.

  26. 文学经济人和出版商无时不在发掘有才无名得作家。

    Agents and publishers are tireless in their search for unknown talent.

  27. 文学经济人和出版商无时不在发掘有才无名的作家。

    Agents and publishers are tireless in their search for unknown talent.

  28. 何不反其道而行命里有时终须有, 命里无时莫强求

    M Why dont you invert it want what you have and care not for what you dont have

  29. 在这个移动的世界里,你又得无时不刻地带着它们。

    And in this mobile world, you have to carry it along with you.

  30. 逃避自由最常见的方法是随波逐流,无时不地唯时尚是从。

    But the most occurring mechanism to escape freedom is, being everywhere in vogue, conformism.


  1. 问:无时无刻拼音怎么拼?无时无刻的读音是什么?无时无刻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无时无刻的读音是wúshíwúkè,无时无刻翻译成英文是 all the time; incessantly; constantly

  2. 问:无时态的拼音怎么拼?无时态的的读音是什么?无时态的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无时态的的读音是wú shí tài de,无时态的翻译成英文是 untensed

  3. 问:无时效钢拼音怎么拼?无时效钢的读音是什么?无时效钢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无时效钢的读音是wú shí xiào gāng,无时效钢翻译成英文是 nonageing steel

  4. 问:无时效性质拼音怎么拼?无时效性质的读音是什么?无时效性质翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无时效性质的读音是wú shí xiào xìng zhì,无时效性质翻译成英文是 non-prescritive nature

  5. 问:无时间性的拼音怎么拼?无时间性的的读音是什么?无时间性的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无时间性的的读音是wú shí jiān xìng de,无时间性的翻译成英文是 timeless