







汉语拼音:rù yào






  1. 用做药物。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·果二·桔》:“﹝橘核﹞凡用须以新瓦焙香,去壳取仁,研碎入药。”《新民晚报》1984.7.31:“龟肉质鲜美,营养丰富,是盛宴的佳品,它的甲和肉均可入药。”



  1. Its root and rhizome have been used for antifungal, antitumor, antitussive and expectorant, antiasthma, antivirus and antioxidation.


  2. Put the marshmallow, licorice, elderberries, cloves, tangerine peel, anise, and eucalyptus leaves into a pan with the water.


  3. Have a strong aromatic smell of pepper, cooking can remove fishy smell of mutton, medicine is able to eliminate in the cold, support yang.


  4. People often used to produce succinic acid and a variety of paint can do decorations can also be used as medicine.


  5. Furthermore, all of its organs can be used to make medicine. Therefore, the economic value of the sika deers is unlimited.


  6. In China, fresh ginger as a medicine used along with the plant to a few thousand years of history.


  7. Coltsfoot Flower also known as butterbur, winter flowers, is a perennial herb, with flower medicine.


  8. According to wildlife groups, China is the main market for illegally traded exotic species, which are eaten or used in traditional medicine.


  9. Wild yak are the body, Its heart, blood, horn, testosterone , bile and so on can be medicine.


  1. 陈皮可以入药。

    Dried tangerine peel can be used as medicine.

  2. 这种草可入药。

    The grass can act as a drug.

  3. 蝉衣可以入药。

    Cicada sloughs can be made into medicines.

  4. 蝉衣可以入药。

    Cicada sloughs can be made into medicines.

  5. 果仁可以吃还可以入药。

    Gingko kernels can a medicinal material.

  6. 葛麻是可以入药得。

    Kudzu vine can be used as medicine.

  7. 葛麻是可以入药的。

    Kudzu vine can be used as medicine.

  8. 葛麻是可以入药的。

    Kudzu vine can be used as medicine.

  9. 海螵蛸可以入药,用来止血。

    Cuttlebone can be used as a medicine to stanch bleeding.

  10. 蛇固然有毒, 但可以入药。

    Snake can be used as medicine in spite of its poison.

  11. 果酸存在于植物之中, 可入药。

    Fruit acid existing in foliage can be used as medicine.

  12. 果酸存在于植物之中,可入药。

    Fruit acid existing in foliage can be used as medicine.

  13. 因此即可入药,又能当茶饮。

    So you can medicine, also as tea.

  14. 以它入药,可治疗多种疾病。

    In its medicine, can cure many diseases.

  15. 谷芽入药可治疗消化系统疾病。

    Rice sprouts can be used in medicines that treat illness of the digestive system.

  16. 谷芽入药可治疗消化系统疾病。

    Rice sprouts can be used in medicines that treat illness of the digestive system.

  17. 野蚕可以入药,而且药用价值很高。

    Wild silkworms can be used as medicine, furthermore they have great medicinal value.

  18. 野蚕可以入药,而且药用价值很高。

    Wild silkworms can be used as medicine, furthermore they have great medicinal value.

  19. 蚂蟥同样可以入药, 切成片或者榨汁。

    Leeches are used as potion ingredients, both sliced and in the form of Leech Juice.

  20. 麻疯树的根、树皮、叶和种子均可入药。

    Their roots, barks, leaves and seeds can be used as medicines.

  21. 胎衣可入药,作中药时名为紫河车。

    Human after-birth can be used for medicinal purposes. When used as a kind of Chinese traditional medicine, it is usually called the placenta hominis.

  22. 其根可入药,质量最佳,有益寿延年之功。

    Its root can be medicine, the best quality and longevity of the reactive Yannian.

  23. 可直接食用,或加工成食用油或工业用油,也可入药。

    Can be directly consumed, or processed into edible oil or industrial oil can also be used as medicine.

  24. 种子可入药,味苦性寒。有毒。归肺,肾,大肠经。

    Seeds can be used as medicine and it tastes bitter, quality of cold, toxic, in the lungs, kidney and large intestine.

  25. 香加皮不同入药方式的杠柳毒苷提取率比较研究

    Comparison of extracted ratio of periplocin in cortex periplocae with different extracting manner

  26. 结论搀硫酸镁穿山甲经洗脱后,仍不能作为正品入药。

    ConclusionPangolin adulterated with magnesium sulfate can not be used as quality goods after lavation.

  27. 吃起来清凉爽口,还有药用价值,它的根茎叶果实都可以入药。

    Taste cool and refreshing tastily, still have officinal value, its rhizome leaf fructification can be used as medicine.

  28. 科技报道皮下芯片植入给药

    Technology Report Taking Medicine, With a Microchip Under the Skin

  29. 这些药放入已煎好得药汁里, 加盖泡15分钟。

    Place these herbs into the ready decoction and put the lid on for fifteen minutes.

  30. 这些药放入已煎好的药汁里,加盖泡15分钟。

    Place these herbs into the ready decoction and put the lid on for fifteen minutes.


  1. 问:入药拼音怎么拼?入药的读音是什么?入药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入药的读音是rùyào,入药翻译成英文是 to be used in medicine




【读音】rù yào

【注音】ㄖㄨˋ ㄧㄠˋ