




1. 貌 [mào]貌 [mào]面容:面~。容~。~相。以~取人。外表的样子:礼~。~合神离。道~岸然。外观:全~。古书注解里表示状态、样子,如“飞貌”指飞的样子。描绘,画像:“命工~妃于别殿”。……



汉语拼音:gài mào







  1. 大概的状况。

    郭沫若 《中国史稿》第一编第二章第一节:“由墓葬制度中可以窥见母系大家族的概貌。”



  1. RECKLESS, flashy and chaotic sums up the general view of Italian governments as well as the popular image of the country's drivers.


  2. This paper intends to explore the general situation of vulgar ci-verse in Tang and Song Dynasty and its aesthetic value.


  3. To rearrange headings and text, see an overview of the document, or move to a particular location, click Outline on the View menu.


  4. These bridges reflect the general development of large structures in contemporary China.


  5. In this paper the traffic signal is analyzed with its Wavelet Transform so as to watch the approximation and details more accurately.


  6. As Lewis's historical overview makes clear, fear (of communists, terrorists, foreign enemies, etc. ) has always bred official repression.


  7. Scholars have reconstructed Greek mythology by drawing material from written texts, sculpture, and pictures painted on pottery.


  8. We will learn correct terminology as well as an overview of the transgender rights movement in the USA.


  9. THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SUMMATION of the new Asian geopolitical landscape has come not from Washington or Beijing, but from Canberra.


  1. 词频概貌测试

    Lexical Frequency Profile.

  2. 论语动词语义概貌

    The General Semantic Meanings of Verbs in The Analects of Confucius

  3. 隋唐乐舞美学概貌

    A General Picture of aesthetics in the dance and Music of Sui and Tang dynasties

  4. 这便是十五世纪新城的概貌。

    behold the Town of Paris in the fifteenth century.

  5. 这将为你提供一个局势的概貌。

    This will give you an approximate idea of the situation.

  6. 图三给出了功率半导体器件的概貌。

    Figure III gives the general picture of power semiconductor devices.

  7. 从北到南可以领略到挪威自然的概貌。

    The itinerary from north to south is a compendium of Norwegian nature.

  8. 动力循环研究的新近概貌及未来的发展动向

    A New Outlook on the Study of Power Plant Cycles and Their Development Trends

  9. 第二部分描述撰集百缘经词汇概貌。

    In the second chapter, we describe the general picture of the lexicon system of ZHUANJIBAIYUANJING.

  10. 健康概貌是对所有影响健康的因素的一个概述。

    A health profile is a portrait of all of the factors that influence your health.

  11. 从湖南方言调查报告看湖南赣语的语音概貌

    Phonological Survey of Gan Dialect in Hunan from the Material of Report of Hunan Dialect Survey

  12. 用于概貌的位点数目取决于种群中等位基因频率。

    The number of loci used for the profile depends on the ALLELE FREQUENCY in the population.

  13. 数据桥梁可能采取的方式目前尚未显现出完整的概貌。

    The entire range of forms the data bridge might take has yet to be established.

  14. 这些访谈生动地展现了英国在黑暗的萧条时期的概貌。

    The interviews present a remarkable snapshot of Britain in these dark days of recession.

  15. 第二章试图再现汉末魏代音乐机关活动的概貌。

    The second chapter tries to restore the general features of the musical institutions in late Han Dynasty and Wei Dynasty.

  16. 千年蚕织图记叙了南宋时期丝绸生产技术的概貌。

    The Silkworm Weaving records the general picture of silk production techniques in the period of South Song.

  17. 这种文档给开发人员对每个类的用途描绘了一个概貌。

    This documentation gives developers an overview of what each class ofthe project is supposed to do.

  18. 本文欲对唐宋俚词的创作概貌和美学价值进行探讨。

    This paper intends to explore the general situation of vulgar civerse in Tang and Song Dynasty and its aesthetic value.


  1. 问:概貌拼音怎么拼?概貌的读音是什么?概貌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:概貌的读音是gàimào,概貌翻译成英文是 general picture



【拼音】 gài mào

【注音】ㄍㄞˋ ㄇㄠˋ


【引证解释】[general picture] 大致的状况、面貌