







汉语拼音:luó gǔ








  1. 锣和鼓。泛指打击乐器。

    明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·诗文三·除夕元旦词》:“锣鼓儿童声聒耳,傍早关门,掛起新帘子。” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第二二章:“这才又重打锣鼓另开张。”

  2. 指这类打击乐器发出的响声。

    洪深 《歌女红牡丹》第十五本:“ 红老板 ,你锣鼓没听真么?” 杨沫 《花蕊》:“我嫌京戏锣鼓太响。”



  1. Unable to resist the temptation, he began to run hard.


  2. From the perspectives of its formation, content, forms and artistic features, the song is one of the oldest folk customs of Tujia people.


  3. But Groce said that the drum tent had been a touchy area even for other exhibitors.


  4. Kelly: Because kids would not be able to walk around and sing them on Christmas Eve or at church.


  5. Gongs and drums to see awe-inspiring in its shape when seen, as early as the sound heard plants, andru lei guan er , extraordinary.


  6. Two golden color's south lions also wave along with the percussion instrument sound, waited for that the athletes return.


  7. Drums, gongs and loudspeakers blaring revolutionary songs had made earplugs standard issue in the British Mission in Beijing.


  8. To the pounding beat of the drums and cymbals, the dragon began to dance.


  9. The author profited from the folk percussion instrument to hit the mark ingeniously "the screw knot went against" the structural style.


  1. 八, 丰收锣鼓

    Bumper harvest gongs and drums

  2. 潮州大锣鼓

    Chaozhou Big Drum.

  3. 山西锣鼓节

    Shanxi International Gong and Drum Festival.

  4. 锣鼓声响彻云霄。

    The beating of gongs and drums resounded to the skies.

  5. 锣鼓敲打得很热闹。

    Drums and gongs were beating boisterously.

  6. 都会表演舟山锣鼓。

    Zhoushan Gong and drum was always performed.

  7. 栽秧薅草锣鼓歌

    the drum songs of transplanting seedlings and cutting weeds

  8. 晋南丧葬锣鼓考述

    A study on the funeral gongs and drums music in Jinnan

  9. 在戏曲开演前敲打锣鼓

    Beat drums and gongs as a beginning

  10. 农民们使劲地敲打着锣鼓。

    The farmers beat their drums with great strength.

  11. 和着锣鼓点儿, 扭来扭去。

    skipping back and forth to the rhythm of loud drums.

  12. 用锣鼓,扩音器和录音机帮忙。

    Use drums and gongs, megaphones and recorders to help.

  13. 锣鼓声中, 千舟竞渡。

    Dragon boats are paddled with a band beating gongs and drums.

  14. 锣鼓声中,千舟竞渡。

    Dragon boats are paddled with a band beating gongs and drums .

  15. 号角声和锣鼓声回荡山谷。

    The trumpets and drums resound

  16. 他们伴随着锣鼓声跳舞。

    They danced to the accompaniment of cymbals and drums.

  17. 川剧锣鼓牌子的曲式结构

    The Structure of the Musical Form of the Tune Name of Gong and Drum in Sichuan Opera

  18. 你现在就在南锣鼓巷!

    You are at NanLuoGu Alley now!

  19. 他得重打锣鼓另开张,打头来!

    He would have to start from scratch all over again.

  20. 舟山锣鼓最早是应用于航海。

    At first Zhoushan Gong and drum was performed for seafaring purposes.

  21. 吹响号角, 敲起锣鼓, 肥猪来了!

    Blow the horn, bang the drum. The pig is coming to town!

  22. 人声嘈杂,锣鼓不停地大响特响。

    People shouted, while the drums and.cymbals crashed incessantly.

  23. 整个机场回荡着锣鼓声和口号声。

    The whole airport rang with the sound of drums and gongs and the shouting of slogans.

  24. 是定海海山小学锣鼓队的成员。

    Are members of the Dinghai Haishan Primary School Percussion Band.

  25. 锣鼓不住地响着, 龙灯开始舞动了。

    To the pounding beat of the drums and cymbals, the dragon began to dance.

  26. 日营幼童军练习演奏中式钹及锣鼓。

    Day camp Cub Scouts practiced to play the Chinese cymbals and drum.

  27. 鼓手敲击出热带音乐。锣鼓敲打得很热闹。

    The drummers beat out their tropical music.

  28. 导演说锣鼓点就装在你的心里。

    The director said The point gongs mounted on your mind.

  29. 威风锣鼓的曲牌, 既独立成章, 又联缀成套。

    Power and prestige of the Qupai gongs, Chengzhang both independent and combination sets.

  30. 潮汕得大锣鼓, 行进着如歌如潮得情曲。

    Chao Shan big gong and drum, march forward as song the feelings song as tide.


  1. 问:锣鼓拼音怎么拼?锣鼓的读音是什么?锣鼓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锣鼓的读音是luógǔ,锣鼓翻译成英文是 gongs and drums; traditional percussion inst...

  2. 问:锣鼓喧天拼音怎么拼?锣鼓喧天的读音是什么?锣鼓喧天翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锣鼓喧天的读音是luógǔxuāntiān,锣鼓喧天翻译成英文是 the loud sound of gongs and drums

  3. 问:锣鼓经拼音怎么拼?锣鼓经的读音是什么?锣鼓经翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锣鼓经的读音是,锣鼓经翻译成英文是 Luogu


