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1. 呐 [nà]2. 呐 [nè]呐 [nà]〔~喊〕大声呼喊,如“~~助威”、“摇旗~~”。呐 [nè]古同“讷”,说话迟钝。……
汉语拼音:suǒ nà
金 元 时由 波斯 、 阿拉伯 一带传入我国。《清文献通考·乐二十三》:“其乐器有大鼓、小鼓、铜号、铰子、嗩呐、喇叭。” 曹禺 《北京人》第三幕:“外面忽然传来一阵非常热闹的吹吹打打的锣鼓唢呐声,掩住了风声。” 沈从文 《萧萧》:“乡下人吹唢呐接媳妇,到了十二月是成天有的事情。”
Suona another is the main, together with a group of percussion instruments.
另一种是以唢呐为主,加上一组打击乐器。The others dance in pairs while beating the drums and blowing the suona horns, a woodwind instrument, and always change their formation.
其他人在唢呐和锣鼓的伴奏下,相互对舞,并且不停的变换队形。Third chapter has done the comprehensive research regarding all the Hakkas suona art music main body shape.
第三章对于都客家唢呐艺术的音乐本体形态做了全面的研究。The popularity of the zurna quickly spread through areas conquered by the Arabs.
唢呐很快地就在阿拉伯的占领地区上风行了起来。Second chapter has done the careful thorough research regarding all Hakkas suona art own source and course.
第二章对于都客家唢呐艺术自身的源流做了细致深入的研究。therefore , the thesis thinks wudaoliang group and suonahu formation are the outcome of the miocene epoch.
因此,论文认为五道梁群和唢呐湖组都是中新世时期的产物。The major accompanied instruments are banhu, sheng, flute, suona horn, gong and drum etc.
主要伴奏乐器是板胡、笙、笛、唢呐以及锣、鼓等打击乐。If you were in the school band, you might play the trumpet, the violin, or the flute, but how about the marimba, the oud, or the zurna?
假如您参加了学校乐团,您也许会演奏喇叭、小提琴或长笛;但您听过马林巴琴(marimba)、乌德琴(oud)或唢呐(zurna)吗?" Non suona, ma canta sul violin o " was what his contemporaries said of Tartini's playing.