


人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……





汉语拼音:míng yī







  1. 著名的医生。

    《汉书·杜延年传》:“ 昭帝 末,寝疾,徵天下名医。”《红楼梦》第九六回:“无奈这个地方没有名医,误用了药,一剂就死了。”《近十年之怪现状》第十八回:“ 龙中丞 更是急的了不得,令人出去遍访名医,争奈总没有一个看的对的。”



  1. He took his children to see many famous doctors, but none of the medicine they prescribed could make them speak again.


  2. Mrs. Churchill had been recommended to the medical skill of an eminent person there, and had otherwise a fancy for the place.


  3. John snow was a famous doctoc in London-so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as personal.


  4. Long long ago, there was a famous doctor named Bian Que who usually traveled everywhere to collect medicine to cure patients.


  5. Wang Ren Qing Dynasty famous doctor in medicine have outstanding achievements, with a "medical Lin error correction, " a book.


  6. Methods The Test Anxiety Inventory(TAI)was used in testing 204 medical college students in two weeks before final examinations.


  7. Hear of the old name medical service that has a China, treat difficulty miscellaneous disease only, then he sees a doctor.


  8. After a long and arduous journey, he arrived at a mountain where he was accepted as a student by a practitioner.


  9. The king of Wei asks the famous doctor BianQue said: " Your family brothers three people, all fine to medical skill, which one is best? "


  1. 应立即找名医诊察。

    Skilled medical advice should be at once sought.

  2. 抚今思昔话名医

    Talk on Famous Doctors by Reflecting on the Past in the Light of the Present

  3. 大都会的整形外科名医?

    Plastic surgeon to the metropolis rich and famous?

  4. 你是电视上的名医啊。

    You are a great doctor in that TV series.

  5. 名医刘民叔医案一则

    One Medical Case of Famous Physician Liu Minshu

  6. 历代名医热病治法选析

    Selective discussion on the therapeutics of ancient famous physicians for febrile disease

  7. 名医类案研究的方法学探讨

    Research Methodology for Classified Medical Records of Famous Physicians

  8. 多年后, 通过努力, 他成了名医。

    Many years later, through efforts, he became a famous doctor.

  9. 寻常痤疮当代名医辨治经验体会

    Experience of diagnosis and treatment of famous herbalist doctors of the time on ance vulgaris

  10. 历代名医治疗妊娠腹痛的用药分析

    Administration Analysis of Celebrated Doctors Treating Pregnant Abdominalgia in Each Dynasty

  11. 论元末名医滑寿临证治验特色

    On Hua Shou's Clinical Treatment Characteristics

  12. 这位名医为许多重要人物做过手术。

    This famous doctor has operated on many important people.

  13. 略论宋代名医朱肱伤寒辨治特色

    Differentiation and Treatment Characteristics of Exogenous Febrile Disease by Zhu Gong of Song Dynasty

  14. 一位古希腊的名医和历史学家。

    Dioscorides, a Greek historian, recommended Aloe Vera as a treatment for burns, kidney ailments and constipation.

  15. 他快要死了,但一位名医救了他的生命。

    He was nearly at death's door but a famous doctor saved his life.

  16. 于是他去了巴黎, 师从法国名医夏科特。

    He went to Paris to study with a famous French doctor, Charcot.

  17. 迈耶一家世代名医, 从医是他们的祖传。

    The Mayers have been distinguished doctors for generations. It runs in the blood.

  18. 迈耶一家世代名医,从医是他们得祖传。

    The Mayers have been distinguished doctors for generations. It runs in the blood.

  19. 从续名医类案看古代医案的临床价值

    Clinical Values of Ancient Medical Records in Supplement to the Classified Case Records of Celebrated Physicians

  20. 春秋时期有一位名医,人们都叫他扁鹊。

    The autumn spring is period to have a famous doctor, people all call he flat magpies.

  21. 如果他们今晚来的话就能见到那名医了。

    If they were to come tonight, they could meet the famous doctor.

  22. 滴是一位外科名医, 结婚十年奇迹地怀孕了。

    Shizuku, a talented surgeon, gets pregnant.

  23. 我不明白一个名医跟这个案子能有什么关系。

    I don't see how a reputable surgeon could know anything about it.

  24. 这家合伙企业的护城河将会随着名医的离去而消失。

    The partnership's moat will go when the surgeon goes.

  25. 这位名医在身殉职, 确切地说是死在病人的家。

    The famous doctor died in harness, actually it was at a patient's home.

  26. 于是,他成了当地群众一提起就赞不绝口的名医。

    Then, he became the renown doctor that local masses mentions to be profuse in praise.

  27. 他的父亲李言闻是当地名医,著有医学书籍10多部。

    His father, Li Yanwen, was a good doctor who authored more than 10 books on medicine.

  28. 在马丁家里,白求恩和弗朗西丝会见了其它名医和社会名流。

    At Martin's home Bethune and Frances met other eminent doctors and socialites.


