




小心,当心:谨~。不~。~重(zhòng )。~言。~独(在独处时能谨慎不苟)。姓。……







汉语拼音:jǐn shèn xiǎo xīn








  1. This man had exercised the office of turnkey with so much vigilance, acuteness, and fidelity, that he gradually rose to be governor.


  2. You must be very careful about what you wish for, because you simply cannot lie to yourself and get away with it.


  3. I had to ensure that the process would be executed with a great deal of care and attention.


  4. Prosecutors, wary of revealing sensitive material in court, tried to tempt him with a generous plea deal, but he held out until last week.


  5. Cautious as the rest of her family (was) , she didn't seem willing to give an immediate reply to my question.


  6. A person who is born in Year of Ox has quite cautious and down-to-earth manner, and is not easy to be influenced by ones.


  7. "I think we have to be careful on that, " he cautioned. "And the question is to what extent the situation continues to deteriorate. "


  8. However, consumers need to be careful in case they buy a pig in a poke and find no legal means of protecting their rights.


  9. You could experience delays in shipments or mail, and should be careful while traveling. You may find that you're being used.


  1. 对有戒心,对谨慎小心

    chary of.

  2. 谨慎小心近于明智

    A cautious mind is the half of wisdom

  3. 谨慎小心以免冒犯别人

    to be chary of offending others

  4. 谨慎小心的人近于明智。

    A cautious mind is the half of wisdom.

  5. 他是一位谨慎小心的司机。

    He is a careful driver.

  6. 我得谨慎小心,不能说过头。

    I'm being careful not to overdo it.

  7. 他们搬进来以后一直很谨慎小心。

    They've been cagey ever since they moved in.

  8. 约翰很谨慎小心的。你必须留意他。

    John is pretty cagey. You have to keep an eye on him.

  9. 谨慎小心的驾驶者严格遵守交通规则。

    A careful driver is observant of the traffic rules.

  10. 当我们享受网络的时候, 应该谨慎小心。

    We should be careful when we enjoy the Internet.

  11. 我们必须谨慎小心, 别说任何诽谤性的话。

    We must be careful not to say anything libellous.

  12. 泰勒为人谨慎小心,不会去投机冒险。

    Taylor has too much prudence to gamble.

  13. 但是人们在乐观的同时也不无谨慎小心。

    But the optimism is tinged with caution.

  14. 在斜坡上转向的时候, 务必格外谨慎小心。

    Always use extreme caution when changing direction on slopes.

  15. 建议消费者在购买人造大理石时谨慎小心。

    Proposal consumer is buying the keep ones eyes peeled when the scagliola.

  16. 当你看见警告信号时,你就必须谨慎小心了。

    You must be cautious when you see warning signs.

  17. 我必须确保非常谨慎小心地执行这个过程。

    I had to ensure that the process would be executed with a great deal of care and attention.

  18. 最后,你应该学会做任何事都要谨慎小心。

    Lastly, you should learn to be discreet in everything you do.

  19. 一个谨慎小心的生意人不可能赚大钱。

    A safe business man is unlikely to make huge profits.

  20. 但处理具体事情要谨慎小心,及时总结经验。

    But we also have to be cautious about introducing particular reforms and review our experience regularly.

  21. 今后, 对于如何做这件事你一定要谨慎小心。

    Next, you must be careful of how you do it.

  22. 有时候, 谨慎小心也可能是另一形式的粗鲁。

    Sometimes delicacy can be a form of crudity.

  23. 他一直谨慎小心,力求对每一个人都彬彬有礼。

    He'd been careful to be civil to everyone.

  24. 你过于奢侈铺张,这与谨慎小心的金牛格格不入。

    Your extravagance and desire to party are antagonizing to the prudent Bull.

  25. 冉阿让仍朝前走, 谨慎小心, 唯恐撞了家具。

    Jean Valjean advanced with precaution, taking care not to knock against the furniture.

  26. 彼得斯的开朗露齿的笑容是谨慎小心,难以捉摸的。

    Peter's wide grin was wary and uncertain.

  27. 隋欣说, 这个故事让我在搭便车时更加谨慎小心。

    This made me more cautious about hitchhiking, she said.

  28. 开车不谨慎小心,从法律的角度来看是一种犯罪行为。

    Driving without due care and attention is a crime in the eyes of the law.

  29. 在使用这以方法的时候要谨慎小心,以免发生溢流现象。

    Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow occur.

  30. 如果你伤害自己与指甲, 您应该谨慎小心对话和尖锐的话。

    If you injury yourself with a nail you should be careful of careless talk and sharp words.




【注音】jǐn shèn xiǎo xīn





【英语】watch one’s step


