




1. 任 [rèn]2. 任 [rén]任 [rèn]相信,信赖:信~。使用,给予职务:~命。~人唯贤。负担,担当:担~。~课。职务:就~。到~。~重道远。由着,听凭:~凭。~性。~意。~从。~随。听~。放~自流。听之~之。不论,无论:~何……



汉语拼音:dào rèn







  1. 到达任所就职。

    《旧唐书·武宗纪》:“又赴选官人多京债,到任填还,致其贪求,罔不由此。” 宋 岳飞 《申刘光世乞兵马粮食状》:“所有士马,疮痍尚新,羸弊方甚,兼自到任未及一旬,芻茭糗粮,一一窘乏。”《红楼梦》第九九回:“凡有新到任的老爷,告示出的越利害,越是想钱的法儿。” 郭沫若 《反正前后》第二篇三:“但是在他尚未到任之前, 王人文 却被始终主张剿灭 四川 的 端方 参了一本。”



  1. heard that they were to get a new captain and were pleased until somebody reminded them: better the devil you know.


  2. On May 3rd he proposed the holding of elections in November, a year before his term ends, as part of a reconciliation package.


  3. In addition, these resources cannot be partitioned or bound to any one solution.


  4. Three months into Mr. Locke's tenure in China, his popularity among the masses separates him from his predecessors.


  5. The Times did come knocking at my door, though Cousin Edwin had departed by the time I arrived.


  6. Before my arriving here, we were chasing market share, scale, and a number of different objectives that weren't clear.


  7. People here have kept telling me that I came " at an interesting and important time " . I certainly do agree.


  8. A caretaker administration is in place as Iraqis form a government based on the results of that election.


  9. The arrival of John Bolton as America's ambassador to the UN in August 2005 did not help matters; the two men never got on.


  1. 未到任大使

    ambassador designate.

  2. 新州长将于下星期到任。

    The new governors assumption of post will take place next Tuesday.

  3. 初到任上怎样赢得威信

    How to Win Prestige as a New Leader

  4. 他比我早到任一年。

    His employment is senior to mine by a year.

  5. 主教到任三天以后参观了医院。

    Three days after his arrival, the bishop visited the hospital.

  6. 新州长将于下星期二到任就职。

    The new governor's assumption of office will take place next Tuesday.

  7. 其他三名诉讼法官将于2003年10月到任。

    Three other ad litem judges will arrive in October2003.

  8. 预期候选者将在2001年10月至12月间到任。

    Candidates are expected to come on board between October and December2001.

  9. 然后到任一你是受欢迎的, 藉由我所有的心。

    Then to either you're welcome, with all my heart.

  10. 然而, 截止本报告编写时为止, 这些人员尚未到任。

    However, at the time of writing of this report, the incumbents had not yet reported for duty.

  11. 唐先生,我刚到任就能拜会您,感到十分荣幸。

    Mr. Tang, its a great pleasure for me to call on you today soon after I arrived at my post in Beijing.

  12. 你刚到任就已经开始着手执行一项重大的任务。

    You have just arrived and you have already embarked on a major task.

  13. 渴望,很多的,加饰边于的直线可能落到任一边。

    Long, profuse, straight fringing may fall to either side.

  14. 本人能随时前赴面试,若被录用,可于一月内到任。

    I am able to attend an interview at any time that is convenient for you and, if appointed, can start working within one month.

  15. 已经把我降到只任助手的工作了。

    I have been relegated to the role of a mere assistant.

  16. 然而现在, 危机已经威胁到几乎任一个国家。

    Now, however, the crisis has threatened to engulf nearly everyone.

  17. 我们到了那个国家任教。

    We landed up teaching in that country.

  18. 从1827年到1846年他任该大学的教授和校长。

    From 1827 to 1846 he was professor and rector at that university.

  19. 能立即到任者优先。

    Immediate availability is preferable.

  20. 她一把扯下连衣裙,任其滑落到地上。

    She ripped off her dress and let it fall to the floor.

  21. 切尼在1989年到1993年之间,任美国国防部部长。

    Cheney served as the US Secretary of Defense from 1989 to 1993.

  22. 切尼在1989年到1993年之间,任美国国防部部长。

    Cheney served as the US Secretary of Defense from 1989 to 1993.

  23. 作为上校, 他被调动到高层的死星赴任。

    As a Colonel, he was transferred to the high profile Death Star assignment.

  24. 从在任政府受损到新政府组建只花了不到一个星期。

    It took less than a week in office for the new government to be undermined.

  25. 拖到任一时间线上后,可以标记当前日期。

    Drag onto any timeline to mark the current date.

  26. 以后又调到中央实验歌剧舞剧院任古典舞蹈教师。

    And later transferred to the central experimental opera and ballet theater either classical dance teachers.

  27. 拖到任一时间线上以添加里程碑分隔线和标注。

    Drag onto any timeline to add a milestone division and callout.

  28. 拖到任一时间线上以在三角形形状中添加里程碑。

    Drag onto any timeline to add a milestone in the shape of a triangle.

  29. 拖到任一时间线上以在剑形形状中添加里程碑。

    Drag onto any timeline to add a milestone in the shape of a dagger.

  30. 拖到任一时间线上以在大圆形状中添加里程碑。

    Drag onto any timeline to add a milestone in the shape of a large circle.


  1. 问:到任拼音怎么拼?到任的读音是什么?到任翻译成英文是什么?

    答:到任的读音是dàorèn,到任翻译成英文是 take office

  2. 问:到任何地方拼音怎么拼?到任何地方的读音是什么?到任何地方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:到任何地方的读音是,到任何地方翻译成英文是 whithersoever


