


相距,隔开:距~。太阳是~地球最近的恒星。离开,分开:分~。~别。~家。~散(sàn)。~职。~异。~间(jiàn )。支~破碎。缺少:办好教育~不开教师。八卦之一,符号是“☲”,代表火。古同“罹”,遭受。古同“缡”,妇女的佩巾。〔~~〕形……


1. 任 [rèn]2. 任 [rén]任 [rèn]相信,信赖:信~。使用,给予职务:~命。~人唯贤。负担,担当:担~。~课。职务:就~。到~。~重道远。由着,听凭:~凭。~性。~意。~从。~随。听~。放~自流。听之~之。不论,无论:~何……



汉语拼音:lí rèn








  1. 离开所担任的职务。

    唐 韩愈 《顺宗实录五》:“方镇岳牧不用离任赴哀。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“我知那 临海 前官尚未离任,你到彼之期,还可从容。” 赵树理 《金字》:“按地方的习惯,每逢被提升的县、区长离任的时候,地方士绅便向老百姓收一笔钱,请他吃顿饭,送些礼物。”



  1. If Justice Ginsburg were to leave the court, the political imperative to choose a woman would only increase.


  2. The White House wants to see an agreement by the time U. S. President George Bush leaves office in January.


  3. And the president's trip, in part, was a chance to put the best possible face on the situation there as he prepares to leave office.


  4. He said he would leave in two years when his term ends, and that his son would not replace him.


  5. This evening, I come to you with a message of leave-taking and farewell, and to share a few final thoughts with you, my countrymen.


  6. Jiang Zemin, China's outgoing president, has been trying to rewrite party rules to let them in, against stiff resistance from conservatives.


  7. He'd certainly like to go out on an economic high note that would add to the already impressive economic credentials of his years in office.


  8. The measures led to Mr Schr? der's premature ousting from office, ironically a few months before they began to bear fruit.


  9. But a few days later Lord Browne publicly confirmed that, as expected, he would be stepping down in 2008.


  1. 离任护士长

    former head nurse.

  2. 离任审计实践与体会


  3. 他将离任, 新的总统将掌权。

    He will step down from the his chair, a new president will take the power.

  4. 正式离任的日期将在9月17日。

    His last day will be Sep 17.

  5. 正式离任得日期将在9月17日。

    His last day will be Sep 17.

  6. 我离任何地方都非常远。

    I was miles and miles from anywhere.

  7. 应该强迫他离任总统一职吗?

    Ought he to be forced out of the Presidency

  8. 应该强迫他离任总统一职吗?

    Ought he to be forced out of the Presidency?

  9. 瑞恩没有透露何日正式离任。

    Ryan did not give a date for his last day on the job.

  10. 女王陛下授勋给行将离任的首相。

    Her majesty awarded a distinction to the retiring prime minister.

  11. 我还要由衷感谢离任主席平先生。

    I also wish to extend our sincere thanks to the outgoing President, Mr. Ping.

  12. 卡特离任后,曾来看过我两次。

    Since leaving office, Carter has come to see me twice.

  13. 让我也感谢离任主席所作的工作。

    Let me also express my thanks to the outgoing Chairperson for her work.

  14. 布莱尔表示,他将在今年9月之前离任。

    Blair has said he will step down as prime minister before September.

  15. 到2017年,美国的下任总统将会希望离任。

    Jump forward to 2015, when the next president will hope to relinquish office.

  16. 你要在离任之前把钱粮做一个交接。

    Hand over the land tax before you leave your post.

  17. 你要在离任之前把钱粮做一个交接。

    Hand over the land tax before you leave your post.

  18. 他的伙伴和资助人普京2008年将离任。

    Mr Putin, his partner and patron, is due to leave office in 2008.

  19. 董事会今天碰头任命即将离任的主席的接班人。

    The board is meeting today to appoint a successor to the outgoing chairman.

  20. 在他离任之前, 董事会必须立刻挑选继任者。

    The board must now scramble to pick a successor before he leaves.

  21. 罗夫的离任也引发了关于其政绩的争论。

    Mr Rove's departure has also set off a debate about his legacy.

  22. 罗夫得离任也引发了关于其政绩得争论。

    Mr Rove 's departure has also set off a debate about his legacy.

  23. 我们的离任同事今天提出了许多重要的想法。

    Many very important ideas have been expressed today by our departing colleagues.

  24. 我即将离任的,奠定了回来,和爱心得到乐趣。

    I'm outgoing, laid back, and love to have fun.

  25. 我们知道朱莉安尼在那3个月后就离任了。

    Because Giuliani was obviously out three months after that?

  26. 我要向他表示祝贺, 并对他即将离任表示遗憾。

    I should like to congratulate him and to express my regret that he is leaving us.

  27. 大家昨天从离任主席那里获悉了这一战略。

    You heard about this strategy yesterday from the outgoing President.

  28. 请填写离任的公司东主 合夥人或董事资料。

    Please provide information of retired Company Proprietors, Partners and Directors.

  29. 请填写离任得公司东主, 合夥人或董事资料。

    Please provide information of retired Company Proprietors, Partners and Directors.

  30. 但在离任后,他的收入却和支出大不相符。

    It was after he left office that his income was not commensurate with his spending.


  1. 问:离任拼音怎么拼?离任的读音是什么?离任翻译成英文是什么?

    答:离任的读音是lírèn,离任翻译成英文是 to leave one's post; to leave one's office...


离任[leave one’s post] 离开职务离任回国