


1. 强 [qiáng]2. 强 [qiǎng]3. 强 [jiàng]强 [qiáng]健壮,有力,与“弱”相对:~壮。~健。~人。~力。~大。~劲。刚~。富~。列~。~弩之末。年富力~。程度高:~手。~烈。~酸。能力~。胜过,优越,好:……





汉语拼音:qiǎng yán






  1. 厚颜,不知羞耻。

    汉 司马迁 《报任少卿书》:“及以至是,言不辱者,所谓强颜耳,曷足贵乎?”《汉书·司马迁传》作“彊颜”。 颜师古 注:“强音其两切。” 唐 韩愈 《进撰<平淮西碑文>表》:“乾坤之容,日月之光,知其不可以绘画,强颜为之,以塞詔旨。” 宋 苏轼 《乞常州居住表》:“与其强颜忍耻,干求於众人,不若归命投诚,控告於君父。” 清 林则徐 《附奏夷人夹带鸦片罪名应议专条片》:“所云只得回国者,不过惮於具结,强颜而出此言,未必真心如此。”

  2. 勉强表示欢欣。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·褚生》:“姬起,强颜欢笑,乃歌艳曲。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“余心甚悵然,恐 芸 之对人堕泪,而 芸 反强颜劝勉,代整行装。”



  1. Do not deliberately to smile, because you Jiangyan smile when we feel wronged!


  2. A true friend can see you tears pouring, while other believe the smile you're faking.


  3. You must grin and bear it.


  1. 强颜欢笑。

    I force a smile on my face.

  2. 强作笑脸/ 强颜欢笑

    to force a smile/ laugh

  3. 不管怎样,强颜欢笑吧

    Aw.try to smile anyway.

  4. 你必须强颜忍受。

    You must grin and Bear it.

  5. 令我们无法强颜欢笑

    of our ability to act the happy part, though.

  6. 强颜欢笑,是一种艺术。

    To be agreeable while dsagreeingthats an art.

  7. 我厌倦了整天强颜欢笑

    I am so tired of pretending to smile.

  8. 我厌倦了整天强颜欢笑。

    I am so tired of pretending to smile.

  9. 这支队伍正在强颜欢笑。

    The team is putting on a happy face now.

  10. 心情沮丧却强颜欢笑的。

    Is dejected but trying to look cheerful.

  11. 是的,我们都曾强颜欢笑

    Yes we all feign a laugh.

  12. 白宫面对就业数字强颜欢笑。

    The White House tried to put a brave face on the job figures.

  13. 她抑制自己的不快, 强颜欢笑。

    She swallowed her displeasure and smiled.

  14. 她强颜欢笑, 就为得皇帝作乐。

    he serves at the pleasure of the President.

  15. 她强颜欢笑以掩饰内心的忧虑。

    She hid her concern with a forced smile.

  16. 尽管他很失望,可还是强颜欢笑。

    Despite his disappointment, he was able to manage a smile.

  17. 原来你那天晚上,只是强颜欢笑。

    So that big smile on your face the other night was all an act.

  18. 她的强颜欢笑并不使人信服。

    Her efforts to feign cheerfulness werent convincing.

  19. 他家里有一种强颜欢笑的气氛。

    There was a desperate gaiety in his family.

  20. 可怜的姑娘以强颜欢笑来掩饰悲伤。

    The poor girl disguised her sorrow beneath a cheerful appearance.

  21. 对这种怪客人, 我还得强颜欢笑吗?

    I still have to keep a smile on my face, even to this strange customer

  22. 你要知道,我已经准备好强颜欢笑了。

    Well, you have to understand. I had this whole frozen smile ready.

  23. 在葬礼上,他强颜欢笑面对前来吊唁的人。

    At the funeral, he forced a smile for anyone who offered condolences.

  24. 人人都显得兴高采烈,即使这不过是强颜欢笑也罢。

    Everyone looked cheerful even if the cheer was strained.

  25. 我依然强颜欢笑,我知道我的野心比我的实力高得多。

    But I force a smile, knowing that my ambition far exceeded my talent.

  26. 自从那个女人搅进我们的生活我甚至无法强颜欢笑。

    Ever since that woman pushed her way into our lives, I can't even work up a smile.

  27. 这张照片是几年后拍的,布拉格只能是强颜欢笑。

    This is a photograph several years later, when Bragg had cause to smile.


  1. 问:强颜欢笑拼音怎么拼?强颜欢笑的读音是什么?强颜欢笑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强颜欢笑的读音是qiǎngyánhuānxiào,强颜欢笑翻译成英文是 try to look happy; with a forced smile



详细解释 1. 厚颜,不知羞耻。

汉 司马迁 《报任少卿书》:“及以至是,言不辱者,所谓强颜耳,曷足贵乎?”《汉书·司马迁传》作“彊颜”。

颜师古 注:“强音其两切。” 唐 韩愈《进撰表》:“乾坤之容,日月之光,知其不可以绘画,强颜为之,以塞诏旨。” 宋 苏轼 《乞常州居住表》:“与其强颜忍耻,干求於众人,不若归命投诚,控告於君父。” 清林则徐 《附奏夷人夹带鸦片罪名应议专条片》:“所云只得回国者,不过惮於具结,强颜而出此言,未必真心如此。” 2. 勉强表示欢欣。

清蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·褚生》:“姬起,强颜欢笑,乃歌艳曲。” 清 沈复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“余心甚怅然,恐 芸 之对人堕泪,而 芸 反强颜劝勉,代整行装。”