


和,配合得当:和~。~调(tiáo )。~音。滑稽:诙~。~趣。~谑(诙谐逗趣)。亦庄亦~(既严肃又诙谐)。(事情)商量好,办妥:事~。……


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……



汉语拼音:xié hé








  1. 亦作“ 谐龢 ”。调和;协调。

    《周礼·地官·调人》:“调人掌司万民之难而谐和之。” 晋 郭璞 《蜜蜂赋》:“百药须之以谐龢, 扁鹊 得之而术良。” 唐 崔致远 《谢加太尉表》:“臣伏以大司马之威权,百官所仰,上将军之法令,十道皆遵,岂唯整戢五兵,实在谐和七政。” 丁玲 《阿毛姑娘》第二章一:“只是那样慢慢的,含着微笑的一步一步,两种皮鞋谐和着响声往山上踱。”

  2. 和谐;和顺。

    南朝 宋 谢惠连 《西陵遇风献康乐》诗:“萧条洲渚际,气色少谐和。”《旧唐书·方伎传·裴知古》:“金石谐和,当有吉庆之事。” 明 钱琦 《钱公良测语·治本》:“国之将兴也,百官有司貌若违异,而心则同於尽职;国之将亡也,百官有司貌若谐和,而心则各为竞进。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第二九章:“大伙都思量 素芳 和 拴拴 不是谐和的夫妻。”

  3. 见“ 谐和 ”。



  1. The concert now proposed would face a bigger range of outsiders trying to spoil its tunes.


  2. The law of karma holds throughout the universe. It operates at all levels, ensuring justice, harmony, and balance.


  3. A study of the vertical vibration of a flexible plate with rigid core resting on saturated ground is presented in this paper.


  4. The principal resonance of a second-order stochastic oscillator under combined harmonic and random parametric excitations is investigated.


  5. In fact, that translates into a need for the co-ordination monetary policy with fiscal authority.


  6. Consonant letters carry an inherent vowel which can be altered or muted by means of diacritics.


  7. This paper studies chaotic motions in a nonlinear oscillatory system perturbed by external harmonic force and bounded noise excitation.


  8. The rocking vibration of a flexible circular plate with rigid core resting on saturated ground is studied.


  9. The progression of a dissonant tone or chord to a consonant tone or chord.


  1. 谐和的家庭

    harmonious families.

  2. 谐和运动凸轮

    harmonic cam

  3. 谐和褶皱作用

    harmonic folding

  4. 谐和地压采煤法

    harmonic coal mining method

  5. 开普勒第三定律与谐和思想

    Kepler's Third Law and His Harmonics

  6. 漫步云端,谐和平安飞行安全,重于泰山

    ramble in the air, harmony and safety flying safety, heavier than mount tai.

  7. 谐和激励下的连续体结构拓扑优化

    On Topology Optimization of Continuous Structures under Harmonic Excitation

  8. 各向异性介质中的谐和粘弹性波衰减特性分析

    Attenuation characteristics analysis of viscoelastic wave in anisotropic medium

  9. 球单极的引力场和它在谐和坐标条件下的解

    Gravitational fields of a global monopole and its solution in harmonic coordinates

  10. 孔子儒学思想体系中几对矛盾统一体的化解与谐和

    The Settle and Concordant of Several Couples of Unities of Contradiction in the Theory System of Confucianism

  11. 到现在为止,我们一直没有考虑谐和振荡器中的摩擦效应。

    Thus far we have negated frictional effects in the harmonic oscillator.

  12. 谐和激励下强非线性杜芬范德波振子的响应

    Responses of Duffingvan der Pol oscillator with strong nonlinearity subject to harmonic excitation

  13. 表面承受常静水载荷的谐和弹性半无限体的表面不稳定性

    Surface Instability of an Elastic Half Space of a Harmonic Material with Hydrostatic Loading on its Surface.

  14. 财政资源是实现谐调和可持续的社会发展的基本条件。

    Financial resources are the basic precondition for the attainment of a harmonious and sustainable social development.

  15. 偶极谐振子和可以用积分后的光子吸收截面来表示。

    The dipole oscillator sum can be expressed in terms of the integrated photo absorption cross section.

  16. 质量和频率随时间变化的谐振子的经典和量子精确解

    Exact classical and quantum solutions for a harmonic oscillator with variable mass and frequency

  17. 比较贝多芬和肖邦的谐谑曲

    A Comparative Study of Scherzi Composed by Beethoven and Chopin

  18. 半空间谐振子的量子力学和半经典近似

    Quantum mechanics and semiclassical approximations for a harmonic oscillator in half space

  19. 这件蓝色的衬衫和灰色的领带是谐调的搭配。

    The blue shirt and gray tie are a perfect match.

  20. 自测家庭和谐度

    Examining Family Harmony by Yourself

  21. 所有制结构和谐性

    harmonicous ownership structure

  22. 和谐论美学中的美育思想

    The Aesthetic Education Implicit in the Idea of Harmony

  23. 卷闸门, 和谐门, 无框门, 铝合金。

    Gate, harmony doors, Wu Kuang doors, aluminum alloy.

  24. 和谐式公屋的爆窃问题

    Burglary cases in Harmony Type PRH estates

  25. 使变和谐使从不和谐向和谐发展

    Music To cause to progress from dissonance to consonance.

  26. 论古典和谐观中崇高之缺失

    On The Lost of Sublime in Classical Idea of Harmonious

  27. 要使得社会和谐, 必先使阶层和谐。

    It must make the stratum harmonious first to make the society harmonious.

  28. 冲突性与和谐性存,和谐性日益增强。

    The conflict and concordance are compatible, concordance is strengthened day by day.

  29. 周易的生命和谐观及其现代启示

    The Concept of Life Harmony from Zhou Yi and Its Modern Inspirations

  30. 他们夫妻二人结婚以后一直琴瑟和谐。

    They have been living in marital harmony since they got married.


  1. 问:谐和拼音怎么拼?谐和的读音是什么?谐和翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谐和的读音是xiéhé,谐和翻译成英文是 harmonious

  2. 问:谐和感拼音怎么拼?谐和感的读音是什么?谐和感翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谐和感的读音是xié hé gǎn,谐和感翻译成英文是 harmony

  3. 问:谐和啰音拼音怎么拼?谐和啰音的读音是什么?谐和啰音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谐和啰音的读音是xié hé luō yīn,谐和啰音翻译成英文是 consonating rale

  4. 问:谐和振动拼音怎么拼?谐和振动的读音是什么?谐和振动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谐和振动的读音是xié hé zhèn dòng,谐和振动翻译成英文是 vibration harmonic

  5. 问:谐和湖型拼音怎么拼?谐和湖型的读音是什么?谐和湖型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谐和湖型的读音是,谐和湖型翻译成英文是 harmonic lake type

  6. 问:谐和褶曲拼音怎么拼?谐和褶曲的读音是什么?谐和褶曲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谐和褶曲的读音是,谐和褶曲翻译成英文是 harmonic fold

  7. 问:谐和音阶拼音怎么拼?谐和音阶的读音是什么?谐和音阶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谐和音阶的读音是xié hé yīn jiē,谐和音阶翻译成英文是 harmonic scaling

  8. 问:谐和频率拼音怎么拼?谐和频率的读音是什么?谐和频率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谐和频率的读音是xié hé pín lǜ,谐和频率翻译成英文是 frequency harmonic

  9. 问:谐和相关载波器拼音怎么拼?谐和相关载波器的读音是什么?谐和相关载波器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谐和相关载波器的读音是xié hé xiāng guān zài bō qì,谐和相关载波器翻译成英文是 harmonically related carrier


