


较量高低、长短、远近、好坏等:~赛。~附。对~。评~。能够相匹:今非昔~。无与伦~。表示比赛双方胜负的对比:三~二。表示两个数字之间的倍数、分数等关系:~例。~值。譬喻,摹拟:~如。~方。~兴(xìng )(文学写作的两种手法。“比”是譬喻……


1. 强 [qiáng]2. 强 [qiǎng]3. 强 [jiàng]强 [qiáng]健壮,有力,与“弱”相对:~壮。~健。~人。~力。~大。~劲。刚~。富~。列~。~弩之末。年富力~。程度高:~手。~烈。~酸。能力~。胜过,优越,好:……


1. 度 [dù]2. 度 [duó]度 [dù]计算长短的器具或单位:尺~。刻~。~量衡。事物所达到的境界:程~。高~。风~。分角的单位,一圆周角分为360度:角~。依照计算的一定标准划分的单位:温~。湿~。经~。纬~。浓~。电能的单位,……



汉语拼音:bǐ qiáng dù



  1. Where thickness characteristics AT the joint are more important than strength, a thinner welder is possible AT reduced joint strength.


  2. The result shows that regain effects saw ginned cotton breaking obviously, the next is relative humidity, and the last is test number.


  3. The aim of a blowdown system is to reduce the pressure inside the process equipment faster than the strength reduction due to heat exposure.


  4. light weight manifested in the form of high specific properties, or corrosion resistance.


  5. Aluminum alloy riser (AAR) has high specific strength, which can withstand the rigors of the offshore environment while reducing weight.


  6. In the condition of the same salt content and fly ash ratio, the shear strength will increase with the preservative age prolonged.


  7. Specific strength. The ratio of tensile strength to specific gravity for a material.


  8. For more advanced composites with carbon fibres, the ratio can be significantly higher.


  9. Titanium alloy exhibits the property of high strength to rigidity. It provides potentiality to replace aluminum alloy and alloy steel.


  1. 各种材料的比重, 比强度

    Specific weight and specifice strength of various materials

  2. 相同铃龄随温度下降断裂比强度降低。

    Fibre maturity was increased as fibre developed and the rate of increase decreased with boll age.

  3. 比强度一种材料的抗拉强度与比重的比值。

    Specific strength. The ratio of tensile strength to specific gravity for a material.

  4. 强力仪测定棉纤维断裂比强度的一致性研究

    A Study on Consistency of Cotton Fibre Specific Breaking Strength by Different Tensile Testers

  5. 纤维长度和比强度基因的加性效应和显性效应相当。

    The additive effect is same as the dominant effect on fiber length and fiber strength.

  6. 海岛棉纤维比强度的配合力分析及遗传表达特点研究

    Study on Combining Capacity of Fiber Specific Strengthand Genetic Expressive Feature of Island Cotton

  7. 比结合强度

    specific bonding strength.

  8. 比介质强度

    specific dielectric strength.

  9. 比辐射强度

    specific intensity of radiation.

  10. 孔板布浆导流短弧形板定量偏差强度比

    Keywords holey plateleading flowshort forming arcbasis weight differencethe ratio of strength

  11. 拉挤玻璃纤维是强,具有较高得抗弯强度比木材。

    Pultruded fiberglass is stronger, and has higher flexural strength than timber.

  12. 拉挤玻璃纤维是强,具有较高的抗弯强度比木材。

    Pultruded fiberglass is stronger, and has higher flexural strength than timber.

  13. 辐射状的支撑缆索可以产生的强度比挂式悬索更好。

    Radiating stay cables provide greater rigidity than suspension cables with suspenders.

  14. 变化畦编加衬纬复合材料的强度比米拉诺加衬纬的高

    The tensile strength of composite of changed cardigan rib adding laid in is higher than milano rib adding laid in.

  15. 高强度的暴风雨比低强度的暴风雨有更大的水滴大小。

    High intensity storms have a larger drop size than low intensity storms.

  16. 瓦楞纸箱的尺寸比与抗压强度关系的研究

    The Research on the Relationship Between Dimension Scale and Compression Strength for Corrugated Box

  17. 比饱和磁化强度随退火温度的升高逐渐增大。

    Special saturation magnetization increases gradually with the increase of annealing temperature.

  18. 铸铁在强度方面比不上钢。

    Cast iron cannot compare with steel in strength.

  19. 铸铁在抗拉强度上比不上钢。

    Cast iron cannot compare with steel in tensile strength.

  20. 铸铁在抗张强度方面比不上钢。

    Cast iron cannot compare with steel in tensile strength.

  21. 基于结构仿生理论的高比强度、比刚度结构设计研究

    Research on The High Specific Strength and Specific Stiffness Structure Design Based on The Structural Bionic Theory

  22. 袭击得强度一天比一天加大,迫击炮弹使人更难以入睡。

    The strength of attacks intensified day after day, making it even hard to sleep because of the mortar shells.

  23. 袭击的强度一天比一天加大,迫击炮弹使人更难以入睡。

    The strength of attacks intensified day after day, making it even hard to sleep because of the mortar shells.

  24. 混凝土阻尼比与劈裂抗拉强度的关系研究

    Research on the Relations Between Concrete Damping Ratio and Its Splitting Tensile Strength

  25. 恒定碱度条件下生石灰配比对烧结矿强度的影响研究

    Study on the factors influencing sinter strength through adding different quicklime under conditions of constant alkalinity

  26. 断裂韧性对纤维长度的依赖性比撕裂和抗张强度大。

    Compared to tear resistance and tensile strength, fracture toughness is more dependent on fiber length.

  27. 且基因表达量与刺激强度成正比。

    The magnitude of gene expression was proportional to the intensity of stimulation.

  28. 免热处理高强度低屈强比铆螺钢的研究

    Study of High Strength and Low Yield Ratio Cold Heading Steel not Requiring Heat Treatment

  29. 分子的消光系数等于入射光和透射光强度对数的比。

    The molecular extinction coefficient is equal to the ratio of the log of the intensity of the incident and emergent light.

  30. 小剪跨比钢筋砼实腹牛腿强度计算

    Carrying Capacity Calculation of Reinforced Concrete Brackets of Small Sheer Span


  1. 问:比强度拼音怎么拼?比强度的读音是什么?比强度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比强度的读音是bǐ qiáng dù,比强度翻译成英文是 specific strength

  2. 问:比强度特性拼音怎么拼?比强度特性的读音是什么?比强度特性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比强度特性的读音是bǐ qiáng dù tè xìng,比强度特性翻译成英文是 strength weight property



比强度是材料的强度(断开时单位面积所受的力)除以其表观密度。又被称为强度-重量比。比强度的国际单位为(N/m2)/(kg/m3) 或N·m/kg。

材料的抗拉强度与材料表观密度之比叫做比强度。比强度的法定单位为牛/特(N/tex)习惯上,有时将比强度也称为强度。材料在断裂点的强度(通用拉伸强度)与其密度之比,用厘米(米2 /秒2 )表示。