


1. 拉 [lā]2. 拉 [lá]拉 [lā]牵,扯,拽:~车。~网。~下马(喻使某人下台)。用车载运:~货。使延长:~延。~伸。排泄粪便:~屎。联络:~拢。~帮结伙。摧折:摧枯~朽。带领转移:把部队~出去。牵引乐器的某一部分使乐器发出声……




1. 结 [jié]2. 结 [jiē]结 [jié]系(jì),绾(wǎn ):~网。~绳。~扎。条状物打成的疙瘩:打~。蝴蝶~。聚,合:~晶。~识。~盟。~交。~集。~合。~党营私。收束,完了(liǎo):~账。~局。~案。~果。~论。……


1. 派 [pài]派 [pài]水的支流:九~(指长江支流之多)。一个系统的分支:~系。~别。~性。党~。作风,风度:正~。气~。~势。~头。分配,指定:~赴。~驻。~遣。委~。指摘:~不是。量词(a.用于派别,如“两~的意见争论不休”;……



汉语拼音:lā bāng jié pài








  • 【解释】:拉:拉拢;结:组织。组织帮派,搞小集团活动。
  • 【出自】:《人民日报》1983.2.20:“对于少数人在改革中抵制、怠工、失职渎职;乘机制造思想混乱,拉帮结派,进行非法组织活动……就要严肃处理。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;含贬义


  1. They are more likely to have friends of different ages and to be free of the cliquish, exclusive behavior so common in school.


  2. "There is much more of a clique than under his predecessor, " says one former executive.


  3. You might think you left the world of cliques and in-crowds behind when you left high school. You'd be wrong.


  4. Say hello to the teachers and students, respect for teachers and students to unite. So that life is full of laughter, not a fight.


  5. Prostitution and death await the poorest girls. The boys take to glue and crime.


  6. f. Good behaviour, no fighting and colluding.


  7. Skinny gunmen in their 20s menaced each other's territory in gang turf wars when not battling Israeli troops.


  8. Because politicians would need to seek more than 50% of votes to win, they would become less tribal.


  9. We are a big family. It is disgusting that some people form cliques and shatter unity.


  1. 对,你还能拉帮结派。

    Yes!You'll start a gang.

  2. 他们划分地盘, 拉帮结派

    Sit in a zone, become known as the local drones

  3. 他们暗地里在拉帮结派。

    They were trying to from a faction behind the curtain.

  4. 拖船被派去拉损坏了得油船。

    Tugs were sent to the damaged oil tankers.

  5. 拖船被派去拉损坏了的油船。

    Tugs were sent to the damaged oil tankers.

  6. 他是阿拉派来的!

    This one is truly sent from allah!

  7. 犹太神秘主义者, 喀巴拉派创始人。

    Jewish mystic and founder of a school of Kabbala.

  8. 华拉派部落在美国算是比较有事业心的了。

    The Hualapai tribe is one of the more enterprising in America.

  9. 中午,缪拉派他的副官到拿破仑那儿请求援兵。

    In the middle of the day Murat sent his adjutant to Napoleon with a request for reinforcements.

  10. 尽管没有娱乐业,华拉派部落也受到了赌博的影响。

    Although they lack a casino, the Hualapai have been affected by gambling.

  11. 是结帮拉派的风潮再度在东北亚与东南亚之间兴起。

    second, to help end a wave of redrawing school in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia between the rise.

  12. 我们派犹达和息拉去, 他们要亲口报告同样的事。

    We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, who themselves also will, by word of mouth, tell you the same things.

  13. 派拉蒙影业公司

    Paramount Pictures, Inc.

  14. 那时,父亲是派拉蒙电影公司的负责人

    At that time my father was head of Paramount Studios.

  15. 我们是派拉蒙影业的,在拍休格兰特的电影。

    We're with paramount pictures, shooting the new Hugh Grant film.

  16. 那时我父亲是好莱坞得大亨,派拉蒙制片公司得经理。

    At that time my father was a Hollywood tycoon, head of Paramount Studios.

  17. 那时我父亲是好莱坞的大亨,派拉蒙制片公司的经理。

    At that time my father was a Hollywood tycoon, head of Paramount Studios.

  18. 除此之外, 梦工厂将不再参与派拉蒙影片得制作和投资。

    In addition, DreamWorks will no longer be involved in the production of Paramount Pictures and investment.

  19. 除此之外,梦工厂将不再参与派拉蒙影片的制作和投资。

    In addition, DreamWorks will no longer be involved in the production of Paramount Pictures and investment.

  20. 米高梅,派拉蒙和哥伦比亚都是电影业的大公司。

    MGM, Paramount, and Columbia are all majors in film industry.

  21. 那时,父亲是派拉蒙电影制片厂的厂长,母亲从事文化事业。

    At that time my father was head of Paramount Studios. My mother was involved in various intellectual projects.

  22. 派拉特补充称, 一些跨国公司已经开始将高水平得科学家。

    Mr Pilat added that some multinationals were beginning to move genuine research to China because of the high numbers of skilled scientists they could recruit in Shanghai or Beijing.

  23. 派拉特补充称,一些跨国公司已经开始将高水平的科学家。

    Mr Pilat added that some multinationals were beginning to move genuine research to China because of the high numbers of skilled scientists they could recruit in Shanghai or Beijing.

  24. 小说出自一个年轻的古典文学教授为派拉蒙写的电影剧本。

    The novel originated as a screenplay for Paramount written by a young classics professor.

  25. 她写信给派拉蒙电影公司,询问他们是否同意让她去试镜。

    She wrote to Paramount Studios and asked if they would audition her.

  26. 他是好莱坞派拉蒙电影制作公司的负责人,但他当初是以一位作家的身份初涉影艺圈的。

    He was head of Paramount Studios in Hollywood but he had begun his motion-picture career as a writer.

  27. 他们拉帮结派对付我。

    They ganged up against me.

  28. 他们拉帮结派,狼狈为奸。

    They ganged up and acted in collusion with each other.

  29. 他们拉帮结派, 扩军备战。

    They formed cliques and carried arms expansion and war preparations.

  30. 年轻人拉帮结派的只会在这里制造麻烦。

    Gangs of youths are just making trouble here.


  1. 问:拉帮结派拼音怎么拼?拉帮结派的读音是什么?拉帮结派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉帮结派的读音是lābāngjiépài,拉帮结派翻译成英文是 To gather a league.


成语,意思是 组织帮派,搞小集团活动。拉:拉拢;结:组织。