







汉语拼音:dǐng péng






  1. 房屋或船舱上面挡风雨的遮盖物。

    巴金 《将军集·月夜》:“船夫 阿李 从船尾慢慢地经过顶篷爬到了船头,一面对客人说话。” 郭光 《仅仅是开始》四六:“大家纷纷上山砍树桩子,拔草稞,就着破壁墙架起顶篷。”



  1. On his way back he saw a handsome young man on a horse behind a canopied cart.


  2. Like them, I also sat me down in a teahouse, and began to enjoy the moment provided by this street fair wreathed in the smell of tobacco.


  3. Some canopies have narrow strips of metal or wood to provide either sunlight or shade, depending on the position of the sun.


  4. When the general cleaning should follow the order of top-down, from the institute to dashboards, from the seat to the carpet.


  5. "Boys, a circus dog never forgets the big top, " he said.


  6. "I know, " said Harry, lying back in his four-poster and staring at the canopy above him.


  7. The covered wagon rolls along the muddy path. The gentle motion of the wagon almost puts you to sleep.


  8. Covered, walled structures are the best places to take refuge from a thunderstorm.


  9. I thoroughly enjoyed myself even though I had the soft-top up since it was raining (and had rained hard overnight).


  1. 司机室顶篷

    cab roof board.

  2. 车辆顶篷灯

    roof light for vehicle.

  3. 帆布顶篷拖车

    trailer with canvas cover.

  4. 儿童手推车顶篷

    hood for baby carriage

  5. 车内顶篷灯

    interior light.

  6. 顶篷灯木座

    ceiling lamp seat

  7. 火车站月台顶篷

    roofs for railway platform

  8. 光感应液晶顶篷。

    The photo sensitive liquid crystal canopy.

  9. 凉亭上面的树叶顶篷

    A ceiling of leaves over the arbor.

  10. 四根柱子撑着顶篷。

    Four pillars support the ceiling.

  11. 顶篷船或车的顶篷或凉篷

    A canopy or an awning for a boat, wagon, or cart.

  12. 用帐篷遮盖用顶篷或凉篷遮盖

    To cover with a canopy or an awning.

  13. 换新顶篷需要1000英镑左右。

    A new roof will cost round about1000.

  14. 汽车顶篷上可开合得孔

    sun roof

  15. 汽车顶篷上可开合的孔

    sun roof

  16. 机库的顶篷是飞行甲板。

    The flyingoff platform was to be provided on the roof of the hangar.

  17. 该弹弓还具有帆布顶篷面板。

    The Slingshot also features a canvas roof panel.

  18. 当盖上顶篷,就完全密闭了。

    When the canopy forms, it's perfectly opaque.

  19. 他们给整个商场盖了个顶篷。

    They have covered in the whole market.

  20. 汽车的顶篷被重击压得凹陷

    The top of the car was caved in by the impact.

  21. 人们还可以购买顶篷来遮挡植物。

    People can also buy canopies to shelter their plants.

  22. 给露天体育场加盖顶篷的计画。

    A plan to roof in the stadium.

  23. 天气好时我可以敞着顶篷开车。

    In fine weather I can drive my car with the hood down.

  24. 天气好时我可以敞著顶篷开车。

    In fine weather I can drive my car with the hood down.

  25. 是一辆双门带一个塑料顶篷的。

    It's a coupe with a vinyl roof.

  26. 是一辆双门带一个塑料顶篷得。

    It's a coupe with a vinyl roof.

  27. 上海国际赛车场副看台膜结构顶篷设计

    Analysis of membrane structures for secondarygrandstand of Shanghai International Circuit.

  28. 他们不到一小时就把大顶篷支了起来。

    They had the big top up in less than an hour.

  29. 我从钟的顶端爬出, 那是一个圆顶的顶篷。

    I pop up the top, and there's a cupola.

  30. 房子四壁一旦支起来,就把顶篷放下来安好。

    Once the walls of the room are up, let in the ceiling.


  1. 问:顶篷灯拼音怎么拼?顶篷灯的读音是什么?顶篷灯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶篷灯的读音是dǐng péng dēng,顶篷灯翻译成英文是 ceiling light