


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……





汉语拼音:shuō dào






  1. 讲说引导。《管子·权修》:“上身服以先之,审度量以闲之,乡置师以説道之。”

  2. 讲说真义。

    汉 王充 《论衡·问孔》:“説道陈义,不能輒形。”《法华经·药草喻品》:“我是一切知者,一切见者,知道者,开道者,説道者。”

  3. 说;说到。

    唐 白居易 《登郢州白雪楼》诗:“朝来渡口逢京师,説道烟尘近 洛阳 。” 元 郑廷玉 《金凤钗》第一折:“我恰纔街市去来,説道 赵秀才 得了头名状元,做了官了。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“前日 闻舍人 也曾説道聘过了。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·拿来主义》:“但我们没有人根据‘礼尚往来’的仪节,说道:拿来!”

  4. 道理;缘由。

    贾芝 孙剑冰 《义和团的传说故事·铁金刚》:“ 铁二怔子 是个直爽人,他办事从不骗人,既是要你砍他,这一定有说道。” 邓友梅 《那五》十一:“ 那五 一听,暗中直咋舌,没想到这里还有许多说道。”

  5. 商量;讨论。

    浩然 《艳阳天》第一二八章:“他要到一队的场上,找找 喜老头 ,把自己的想法跟老人家说道说道,让老人家帮自己出出主意。” 刘梓钰 《霸王别姬》:“咱们到会议室,现在就说道说道。”



  1. "The Hyatt Regency collapse was an isolated event, " he said about the idea of disaster mental health.


  2. "The prop person probably thought he was going to sit in it, " a baffled senior aide said on Thursday night.


  3. You are a very good man, " I said, " and if you help me, I shall be able to live with my friends and enjoy their love.


  4. A whole generation of children is not getting the well-rounded diets needed to develop mentally and physically, she said.


  5. "Now, youngsters, " said the slave dealer, "let's have no fuss and then you'll have nothing to cry about. All aboard . "


  6. "It's an honor to be selected to the All-Star team, and I'd like to thank all the coaches who voted for me, " Gasol said in a statement.


  7. "I always had clear in my mind that I was not going to give up and that I would soon enough have an opportunity to prove myself, " he said.


  8. 'I expect you know almost everybody living near here, 'I said. 'Do you know a woman whose names begin with the letters L. L. ? '


  9. The German to Tuttosport: "I say yes to Italy. " The Werder Bremen striker has no problems with missing out on the Champions League.


  1. 不,他说道。

    No, he says.

  2. 我厉声说道。

    I snapped.

  3. 浅野说道。

    I'm missing a character from my life, Asano says.

  4. 埃尼斯说道。

    A sloping meadow rose behind the bench, protected by a stand of lodgepole.

  5. 她痛苦地说道。

    she responded bitterly.

  6. 他不解的说道。

    What he does not understand is said.

  7. 吃饭时敏妮说道。

    said Minnie, when they were eating.

  8. 酒吧招待员说道。

    related the bartender.

  9. 哈克兴奋地说道。

    said Huck with animation.

  10. 是的,她微弱说道。

    Yes, she said wanly.

  11. 是得,她微弱说道。

    Yes, she said wanly.

  12. 噢, 是的, 牧师说道,

    O yes, the parson said,

  13. 弗兰兹试探地说道。

    said Franz inquiringly

  14. 基督山冷冷地说道。

    said Monte Cristo coldly.

  15. 然后我说道,坚持,坚持,坚持。

    And then I said, carry on. Carry on. Carry on.

  16. 噢,是的,牧师说道,

    O yes, the parson said,

  17. 我十分兴奋地说道。

    I very excitedly said.

  18. 你好。扳道工说道。

    Good morning, said the railway switchman.

  19. 她发怒地高声说道。

    She spoke loudly and angrily.

  20. 值班主任轻轻地说道。

    The tower chief murmured.

  21. 吉姆,下来,他轻声说道。

    Cmon down,Jim,he said gently.

  22. 我们没有自由,他们说道

    We have no freedom, they said.

  23. 他信口说道,他知道一切。

    He spitballed that he knew all about it.

  24. 那天,我温顺地说道

    I said meekly on that day

  25. 你好,他温柔地说道。

    Hello, he said softly.

  26. 我挂的,他的舅舅说道。

    I have,'said his Uncle.

  27. 我要睡觉了,她说道。

    I'm going to bed, she announced.

  28. “进来,”他心烦意乱地说道。

    "Come in," he said distractedly.

  29. 徐华北斩钉截铁地说道。

    Xu Huabei spoke the words with iron decisiveness.

  30. 不接!我内疚地说道。

    Not now! Guilt makes my voice harsh.


  1. 问:说道拼音怎么拼?说道的读音是什么?说道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:说道的读音是shuōdào,说道翻译成英文是 say; reason