







汉语拼音:qiāo cái






  1. 詈词。挨打的坯子。

    元 石德玉 《紫云庭》第三折:“从来撒欠颩风爱恁末,敲才兀自不改动些儿个。” 元 顾德润 《愿成双·忆别》套曲:“ 长安 花酒价如泥,不信敲才主仗得,似恁般情怀説向谁!” 元 杨梓 《豫让吞炭》第四折:“这伙刁天厥地小敲才,只管把我来哄,哄,哄。”



  1. Next, we shall find the right points to start with, like cracking the nut on its two ends, and the rest will be easier.


  1. 才敲过六点钟。

    It has just gone six.

  2. 我刚刚才敲了几次办公室的门。

    I knocked at the office door many times just now.

  3. 聚会枯燥无味,直到彼得敲鼓才改变了气氛。

    The party was very dull until Peter jazzed it up with his drum.

  4. 他每次都必须使劲敲桌子才能证明他的论点正确吗

    Must he always pound on the table to make his point.

  5. 他礼貌周全地敲了敲门才进去。

    After knocking politely at the door, he went in.

  6. 木匠把所有的钉子都敲紧了才宣布工程完成了。

    The carpenter drove every nail home before he pronounced the work finished.

  7. 木匠把所有得钉子都敲紧了才宣布工程完成了。

    The carpenter drove every nail home before he pronounced the work finished.

  8. 有时他要花上15分钟才能敲出一个词。

    Sometimes one word would take 15 minutes to write.

  9. 就连孩子们也得敲他们的们才能获得许可去厕所。

    Even the children had to knock on the door for permission to go to the toilet.

  10. 他一看表,才1点钟,可是那钟一边敲了13下才停。

    Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one oclock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped.

  11. 他一看表,刚好一点,但是大钟敲了十三下才停。

    Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on.

  12. 我敲了三次门她才把门打开。

    I knocked three times before she opened the door.

  13. 你要用劲才能把这些长钉敲进去。

    You have to use strength to drive these long nails in.

  14. 風才敲竹便疑客, 雁不入山難寄書。

    A doubt of guests coming just as the wind knocks on bamboos Hard to send letters since the wild geese dont fly to mountains.

  15. 来访者咚咚咚地敲着门,直到他应门时才停。

    The visitors beat at the door until her answered.

  16. 用了一个下午才把弯了的轮子敲成原样。

    It took all afternoon to pound out the bent wheel into shape.

  17. 用手敲管子或者墙,那样救援人员才可以发现你。

    Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you.

  18. 她去敲了丽蒂的门, 颇费了周折才把她叫醒。

    She want and tapped at Liddy's door and after some Labour awoke her.

  19. 约翰敲门一直敲了大约五分钟,他的妻子才出来开门。

    John knocked at the door for nearly five minutes before his wife opened it.

  20. 她去敲了敲丽蒂的门, 颇费了些周折才把她叫醒。

    She went and tapped at Liddy's door, and after some labour awoke her.

  21. 时钟一敲两点她已站在那儿了,到了四点才断了念头离开。

    As the clock struck two, she was there, and at four she turned resignedly away.

  22. 才听到钟敲了十下!

    He heard the clock strike ten!

  23. 来客使劲敲门, 直到他应了才停止。

    The visitors beat at the door until he answered.

  24. 演出要等到司法宫大钟敲响正午十二点才开始。

    The piece was not to commence till the last stroke of noon of the great clock of the Palais.

  25. 他似乎觉得天快要亮时,才听到钟敲了十下!

    When it seemed to him that it must be nearly daylight, he heard the clock strike ten!

  26. 她猛力敲门,我才发现她手里拿著刀,那把刀穿过了门板。

    Then she noticed her mother had a knife in her hand and Shannon ran to her bedroom and closed the door.