







汉语拼音:wú jì









  1. 不猜忌。

    《左传·定公二年》:“ 桐 叛 楚 。 吴子 使 舒鳩氏 诱 楚 人曰:‘以师临我,我伐 桐 ,为我使之无忌。’” 孔颖达 疏:“为我之畏 楚 形状,使 楚 人无復防忌於我也。”《三国志·蜀志·吕凯传》:“今 诸葛丞相 英才挺出,深覩未萌,受遗託孤,翊赞季兴,与众无忌,録功忘瑕。”

  2. 无所忌惮。

    晋 左思 《魏都赋》:“樵苏往而无忌,即鹿纵而匪禁。” 清 孙枝蔚 《邗上酬赠施尚白督学二十韵》:“对酒吾无忌,论文愧见知。” 邹韬奋 《大刀吓敌声中的空军幻影》:“何以一遇‘对外’,便只有敌人的飞机在天空横行无忌呢?”

  3. 不必避忌;没有忌讳。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·造神麴并酒》:“﹝渍麴法﹞其糠瀋杂用,一切无忌。”如:童言无忌。



  1. She is always reduction to sweat river of appearance, JiJi time; a sound mowgli brother, life if it is only as first.


  2. At that time, the Board of Civil chancery Sun firearms had been summoned, did not enter the lift wearing East Pavilion.


  3. Brave, unconcerned, mocking, violent--thus wisdom wants us: she is a woman and always loves only a warrior.


  4. This happened in Poland, where the zealous sleaze-hunters of the Law and Justice Party squandered their election win in 2005.


  5. This is virtually a number of AIDS contributed to the idea of trusting to luck and made them even more unscrupulous shells.


  6. A few division brother that bully Zhang Moji at ordinary times are bullying him again.


  7. See Zhang Moji only a few flying legs kick their all.


  8. In those days mowgli brother, now call you for love, six neither a generation all he relished.


  9. Children are the poorest millionaire, the most ignorant wise, the most Moji wise.


  1. 猴子们跳舞。无忌也跳舞。

    The monkeys dance. Mowgli dances, too.

  2. 奔跑得那样野蛮无忌

    It run so savagely and fear nothing

  3. 他们看起来只是孩子, 横行无忌。

    They looked just like boys and they were on a rampage.

  4. 横行无忌的歹徒将受到严惩。

    The scoundrels who ran amuck will be severely punished.

  5. 秃鹫们很害怕, 但是无忌不害怕。

    The vultures are afraid but Mowgli is not afraid.

  6. 无忌和他的朋友们安全了。

    Mowgli and his friends are safe.

  7. 无忌快乐地生活在丛林中。

    Mowgli is happy to live in the jungle.

  8. 动动你的胳膊。动动你的脚。动动你的身体,无忌。

    Move your arms. Move your legs. Move your body, Mowgli.

  9. 它可能会在整个世界上横行无忌的。

    It could overrun the earth.

  10. 动动你的胳膊,无忌。拍拍你的手,高飞。

    Move your arms, Mowgli. Clap your hands, Goofy.

  11. 政府监督管理无力,不法势力必然横行无忌。

    To the supervision and management of government, the illegal forces will operate with full impunity.

  12. 有书闭卷不阅读, 无忌是一块木头。

    A book that remains shut is but a block.

  13. 无忌独自在丛林中。飞来了许多秃鹫。

    Mowglis a lone in the jungle. Here are the vultures.

  14. 无忌是一个男孩。他生活在丛林里。

    Mowgli is a boy. He lives in the jungle.

  15. 孩子是最贫穷的富翁,最无知的智者,最无忌的哲人。

    Children are the poorest millionaire, the most ignorant wise, the most Moji wise.

  16. 老虎谢利来了。秃鹫们很害怕,但是无忌不害怕。

    Here is Shere Khan, the tiger.The vultures are afraid but Mowgli is not afraid.

  17. 那些拔草得女人还在无顾无忌地随心唱着。

    The weeding women were still singing to their hearts'deight, absolutely carefree.

  18. 那些拔草的女人还在无顾无忌地随心唱着。

    The weeding women were still singing to their hearts'deight, absolutely carefree.

  19. 一头大象在村子里横行无忌, 把许多树连根拔起。

    A big elephant is running amuck in the village, tearing up the trees by the roots.

  20. 媒体热衷于将她援引为一个放荡无忌的小女孩。

    She is eagerly invoked in the media as a sign of how licentious little girls can be.

  21. 但是有一些不是无忌的朋友。蛇卡奥阿和老虎谢利。

    But some of them are not Mowgli's friends. Kaa, the snake. And Shere Khan, the tiger.

  22. 挪威人与自然的深厚关系, 使得他们对裸体开放无忌。

    The fundamental relationship that Norwegian have with nature makes them open and uninhibited with respect to nudity.