




1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……



汉语拼音:wèi wéi






  1. 说是,以为。

    明 刘基 《郁离子·瞽聩》:“ 商陵君 谓为豢龙来,矢螘以邀之。”



  1. With life's Xiaocheng truncated, shallow understanding of life the true meaning of sporadic, since that will be able to progress as a.


  2. When the listener, everywhere is full for otherwise.


  1. 见我头上无有毛发, 谓为是石, 以梨打我, 头破乃尔!

    That's why he struck me with pears and broke my head like that.

  2. 谓声望甚高, 为世人所敬仰

    Be highly respected and admired

  3. 谓之为园林, 无宁称为山水画。

    Wei Zhiwei garden, no peace as landscape painting.

  4. 广东话有谓水为财也。

    In colloquial Cantonese money is often referred to as water.

  5. 字符串谓词9 29为假,而数值比较929为真。

    A string predicate 9 29 is false, while a numeric comparison 9 29 is true.

  6. 在谓词演算中,有时将原子公式简称为原子。

    The atomic formula is called atom for short in predicate calculus.

  7. 称谓语分为亲属称谓名词,社会称谓名词和认知称谓名词。

    Address terms can be divided into kinship appellation nouns, communication appellation nouns and cognitive appellation nouns.

  8. 符号逻辑往往分为两个分支,命题逻辑和谓词逻辑。

    Symbolic logic is often divided into two branches, propositional logic and predicate logic.

  9. 上帝谓臣刚直,使臣城隍浙江,为陛下治奸贪吏。

    God princes, envoys for your majesty to probe into the rape of zhejiang, greedy collectors.

  10. 要为条件指定一个值, 请找到该条件的谓词属性。

    To assign a value to a condition, find the predicate property of the condition.

  11. 称它为鱼翅业, 意谓着是从活鲨鱼身上剪下来得。

    Finning as it is called, means cutting the fins off a live shark.

  12. 称它为鱼翅业,意谓着是从活鲨鱼身上剪下来的。

    Finning as it is called, means cutting the fins off a live shark.

  13. 对本例来说,您需要为关系列添加一个查询谓词。

    For this example, you need to add one query predicate for a relational column.

  14. 定位步骤分为三个部分可选轴, 节点测试和可选谓词。

    There are three parts to a location step an optional axis, a node test, and an optional predicate.

  15. 而一阶谓词逻辑化为其前束范式是命题演算的重要步骤。

    First order logic is a most important concept in the field of propositional logic.

  16. 而一阶谓词逻辑化为其前束范式是命题演算得重要步骤。

    First order logic is a most important concept in the field of propositional logic.