




1. 般 [bān]般 [bān]样,种,类:这~。那~。百~。~配。暴风雨~的掌声。古同“班”,散布,分布。同“搬”。……



汉语拼音:zhě bān






  1. 这般。

    明 唐寅 《步步娇·秋景》套曲:“还怜冶容细腰,怎禁持者般懊恼。” 清 黄景仁 《虞美人·闺中初春》词:“晚霞一抹影池塘,那有者般颜色作衣裳。”



  1. If they pray in congregation, the leader dose not have to stand at the front but just to stand in the middle of the first line.


  2. These ghouls sell shares they do not own-usually borrowed stock, which they sell in the hope of buying it back at a lower price.


  3. You said that we were going to be greeted as liberators.


  4. I *can't* quit my job, again is a passive victim-like statement because in reality you're choosing not to quit your job.


  5. Like chaff one winnows another's faults, but hides one's own, even as a crafty fowler hides behind sham branches.


  6. Even thinking about it as an investor makes me want to run for the hills.


  7. It is a bird of the Paradise gifted with the voice of saints. It is a powerful priest and will inspire men to bravery.


  8. A. Lion - your lover's arrogance, act like a dictator pisses you off.


  9. When you see every event, good or bad, as a film shot in life, and be spectator, your Vishudhi is established .


  1. 没有听到任何声音只有演讲者音乐般的声音。

    Not a sound was heard but the musical voice of the speaker.

  2. 演讲者遭到连珠炮般的质问。

    The lecturer was bombarded with questions.

  3. 美国消费者如一个无助得吸毒成瘾者般迷上了廉价资金。

    The American consumer across as a helpless addict hooked on to cheap money.

  4. 美国消费者如一个无助的吸毒成瘾者般迷上了廉价资金。

    The American consumer across as a helpless addict hooked on to cheap money.

  5. 他们像巨人般奋起反抗压迫者。

    They stand up like Titans against their oppressors.

  6. 毫无疑问, 火炬将吸引如娥般得众多抗议者。

    Of course the flame would draw protesters like moths.

  7. 毫无疑问,火炬将吸引如娥般的众多抗议者。

    Of course the flame would draw protesters like moths.

  8. 王者般的对待

    royal treatment.

  9. 我们会许个愿,然后如有梦者般前行。

    We'll make a wish and do as dreamers do.

  10. 跟毒瘾者般,头发胡子不修,皮肤苍白,缺乏食欲。

    They are like junkies, with unkempt hair and beards, bad skin and poor appetites.

  11. 像个狂舞者般的回旋跳舞,手腕轻弹就能对敌人猛击。

    Whirling, dancing like a dervish, swiping foes with a flick of the wrist.

  12. 潮涌般的购买者

    A surge of shoppers

  13. 崇拜者的信雪片般飞来。

    Fan letters flooded in.

  14. 崇拜者的信潮水般涌来。

    Fan letters flooded in.

  15. 枪弹雨点般向攻击者射去。

    Gun shots volleyed at the attackers.

  16. 我们做了广告后申请者潮水般涌来。

    Applications flooded in after our advert.

  17. 她随着爱慕者们雷鸣般的掌声出场。

    She appeared on stage on the thunderous applause of her admirers.

  18. 二者结合使用时,会发生奇迹般的效果!

    When you marry the two, magic happens!

  19. 受试者似乎跳着芭蕾舞般优雅的舞蹈。

    The subject seems to dance with balletic grace.

  20. 也许他们需要一个父亲般严格的指引者。

    Perhaps they need the guiding hand of a firm father figure.

  21. 崇拜者的信雪片般飞来。她是个盲目崇拜者。

    Fan letters flooded in. She has a kind of idolatry.

  22. 首发会的参与者们都如同失控的野兽般疯狂。

    Anticipation for the DS Lite has become a frothing, uncontrollable beast.

  23. 那些外国旅游者和登山运动员奇迹般地逃脱。

    Miraculously, the foreign tourists and climbers were able to escape.

  24. 像罪犯般认罪与像儿子般认罪两者之间有天渊之别。

    There is a wide distinction between confessing sin as a culprit, and confessing sin as a child.

  25. 他们也勾勒了改革者面临的,噩梦般难缠的困难。

    They also illustrate the nightmarish difficulty reformers face.

  26. 崇拜者的信件潮水般地涌来,证明他成功了。

    The flood of fan mail proved he'd arrived.

  27. 强烈建议用一种味道雕像般扭结企业家爱好者。

    Highly recommended to lovers of statuesque business women with a taste for kink.

  28. 我一直是黎明女神的崇拜者,如希腊人般真诚。

    I have been as sincere a worshipper of Aurora as the Greeks.

  29. 研究者也还拿出一系列的如错轨车般的难题。

    The researchers also posed the standard series of dilemmas involving the runaway trolley.

  30. 天使般的天堂鸟,正展翅飞翔,欢欣歌颂圣者的到来。

    Spreading its angelic wings, the Bird of Paradise is poised to soar to the heights in joyful praise of the coming of the Lord.