


1. 这 [zhè]2. 这 [zhèi]这 [zhè]代词,此,指较近的时间、地点或事物,与“那”相对:~里。~些。~个。~样。这时候,指说话的同时:他~就来。这 [zhèi]“这(zhè)一”二字的合音,但指数量时不限于一:~个。~点儿……





汉语拼音:zhè měi






  1. 犹言这些人们。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷二:“这每取经后不肯随 三藏 ,肩担着扫箒藤杖,簇捧着箇杀人和尚。” 凌景埏 校注:“这些人们。”



  1. And that's because what's called the velocity of money, the speed with which a dollar moves through the economy, has fallen.


  2. No one knows for sure how serious each of these dangers will be. But one thing they have in common: they do not respect state frontiers.


  3. Each of these things have become a final occasion, and then all the screen is equality, dignity and autocratic.


  4. Each small unit has a minor aim or objective , yet which contributes much to the overall performance of the large organization .


  5. The tradition of carrying or wearing one of each item is said to bring luck and fortune to the newly married couple.


  6. It was an amazing feat when you consider that each stone weighs about five tons.


  7. Compiler optimization-based methods for each of these stages can easily be attacked.


  8. Let's take a closer look at each of these consequences, and examine how they impact today's smartphones.


  9. What are the constraints that each of these imply for any design?


  1. 你觉得能享受这每一分钟吗?

    Are you enjoying every minute of it?

  2. 我们的故事就在这每时每刻之间。

    And thereby hangs a tale.

  3. 他们对观看这每一个电视节目的 感受如何?

    How did you feel watching every single one of these shows?

  4. 我们必须保证这每一根支柱都强有力并富有弹性。

    We have to ensure that each of these pillars is strong and resilient.

  5. 你真的认为黑魔王没有问过我这每一个问题吗?

    Do you really think that the Dark Lord has not asked me each and every one of those questions?

  6. 这每九年会发生一次, 每当星蚀走回到魔羯或巨蟹时。

    This happens whenever the eclipses travel back to Capricorn and Cancer, which happens once every nine years.

  7. 这地毯每平方米22美元。

    This carpet be 12 dollars per square metre.

  8. 这车每加仑跑40英里。

    It does 40 mpg.

  9. 这地毯每平方米多少钱?

    How much is this carpet per square metre?

  10. 这车每半小时一班。

    The bus leaves every half an hour.

  11. 这药每小时服一次。

    This medicine is to be taken hourly.

  12. 这钟每小时报时一次。

    The clock strikes the hours.

  13. 这座钟每小时报时一次。

    This clock strikes the hours.

  14. 这期刊每季度出版一期。

    The review is published quarterly.

  15. 这货车每小时能行80公里。

    The truck can go 80 km. an hour.

  16. 这药每三小时服用一次。

    Take this medicine once every three hours.

  17. 这是每电荷库伦, 这是每摩尔库伦。

    This is coulombs per charge and this is coulombs per mole.

  18. 他们这周每逃诩开门营业。

    They are open for business every day of the week.

  19. 这汽车每加仑汽油能走40英里。

    This car does 40 mpg, ie of petrol.

  20. 这孩子每星期有五元零用钱。

    The child has a weekly allowance of five dollars.

  21. 我现在拥有了我这辈子每一天

    I now had the sweet joy and the serenity.

  22. 这是每一个站长关心的问题。

    This is the problem that each stationmaster cares.

  23. 这事每星期只花他一元钱。

    It costs him no more than one dollar a week.

  24. 这孩子每星期有五百元零用钱。

    The child has a weekly allowance of five hundred dollars.

  25. 这药每隔一天随温水服一次。

    Take this medicine with warm water every other day.

  26. 菲律宾妇女这条每公斤七十,这条六十。

    PHILIPPINE WOMAN This one is seventy per kilo, and this one sixty.

  27. 这家伙每张照片看着都不一样。

    Guy looks different in every photo.

  28. 这家伙每张照片看着都不一样。

    Guy looks different in every photo.

  29. 这家伙每张照片看着都不一样。

    Guy looks different in every photo.

  30. 这口泉每分钟大约喷出10吨水。

    The spring flings out about ten tons of water in a minute.