







汉语拼音:zhōng xiào






  1. 忠于君国,孝于父母。

    《孝经·开宗明义》“终於立身” 汉 郑玄 注:“忠孝道著,乃能扬名荣亲,故曰终於立身也。”《东观汉记·北海敬王刘睦传》:“大王忠孝慈仁,敬贤乐士。” 唐 韩愈 《潮州请置乡校牒》:“人吏目不识乡饮酒之礼,或未尝闻《鹿鸣》之歌,忠孝之行不劝,亦县之耻也。” 清 陈梦雷 《丁巳秋道山募建普度疏》:“王风既降,圣教莫修,忠孝情衰,廉耻道丧。”



  1. The concept of "filial piety" and the theory of "Both loyalty and filial piety are not attained"

  2. This is a society whose sense of duty and collective obligation, in all realms, sets it apart from the individualism cultivated in the West.

  3. The way of all-rounded development is to overthrow the old system, establish democracy, and get the freedom of thought and economy.

  4. Officer: Then go right at Chung Hsiao West Road. Walk three more blocks. You'll see it on your left.

  5. In charge of matters on local etiquette setting, educational propaganda, religionary sacrifice, commending faith and filial piety, etc.

  6. Kuan Kung why the Chinese people have so much prestige, as Guan Gong is a Chinese model of filial piety and righteous.

  7. So to follow Confucianism often leads people into confusion.

  8. Han Fei plays an important role in formation process of loyalty and filial piety in Han Dynasty.

  9. Gates and Tachi Yamada, a top foundation official, according to an attendee.


  1. 忠孝难以两全。

    It is difficult to be a loyal subject and a filial son at the same time.

  2. 忠孝不能两全。

    It is hard to be both loyal and filial at once.

  3. 就在忠孝敦化站。

    Just at the Zhongxiao Dunhua Station.

  4. 辽金人的忠孝观

    The Sense of Loyalty and Filial Piety in the Liao and Jin Dynasties

  5. 略论净明道的忠孝思想

    Research on the concepts of loyalty and filial piety within the Jingming Sect

  6. 他向我们灌输忠孝之道。

    He inculcated onus the duties of loyalty and final piety

  7. 忠孝教育应以坚持真理为前提。

    Fourthly, loyalty and filial piety should be premised on putting truth first.

  8. 忠孝节义批儒后的反思

    Fealty, Filial Piety, Morales and RighteousnessIntrospect after Critcising of Confucian

  9. 就吾弟个人而言, 可谓忠孝两全。

    as far as you yourself are concerned, this will be an expression of both loyalty and filial piety.

  10. 刘裕的忠孝观念及其驭人策略试释

    Analysis on LIU Yu's Concept of Loyalty and Filial Piety and Personnel Controlling Tactics in Song Dynasty

  11. 论刘基以守道为核心的忠孝观

    Liu ji's views on loyalty and filial piety based on taoist

  12. 论净明道对儒家忠孝思想的继承和发展

    Influence of the Quiet and Perceptive Religious Sect on Loyalty and Affiliation of Confucian School

  13. 从忠孝之辩看儒家思想对佛教忠孝观的影响

    Look at the influence of Confucianism upon Buddhist viewpoint of loyalty and filial piety from the great debate about loyalty and filial piety

  14. 所以遵循仁义忠孝道德常常会使人陷入困惑。

    So to follow Confucianism often leads people into confusion.

  15. 一旦忠孝不可兼得, 他们可以依照不同的情况有所选择。

    However, if they could not give consideration to both sides, they could make a choice.

  16. 本章探讨了元代文人忠孝节义观新的时代特点。

    This probe into Yuan Dynasty scholar loyalty, filial and justice view in new era characteristic.

  17. 忠孝复兴站到了往木栅方向的旅客请在本站换车。

    ZhongXiaoFuXing Station. For the passengers transfering to MuZha line, please change train at this station.


  1. 问:忠孝拼音怎么拼?忠孝的读音是什么?忠孝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠孝的读音是zhōngxiào,忠孝翻译成英文是 loyalty and filial piety

  2. 问:忠孝洞拼音怎么拼?忠孝洞的读音是什么?忠孝洞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠孝洞的读音是Zhōngxiàodòng,忠孝洞翻译成英文是 Chunghyo-dong

  3. 问:忠孝复兴拼音怎么拼?忠孝复兴的读音是什么?忠孝复兴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠孝复兴的读音是Zhōngxiào Fùxīng,忠孝复兴翻译成英文是 Zhongxiao Fuxing, a subway station on Taipei Met...

  4. 问:忠孝敦化拼音怎么拼?忠孝敦化的读音是什么?忠孝敦化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠孝敦化的读音是Zhōngxiào Dūnhuà,忠孝敦化翻译成英文是 Zhongxiao Dunhua, a subway station on Taipei Met...

  5. 问:忠孝新生拼音怎么拼?忠孝新生的读音是什么?忠孝新生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠孝新生的读音是Zhōngxiào Xīnshēng,忠孝新生翻译成英文是 Zhongxiao Xinsheng, also known as "National Tai...

  6. 问:忠孝西路拼音怎么拼?忠孝西路的读音是什么?忠孝西路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠孝西路的读音是,忠孝西路翻译成英文是 Zhongxiao Road

  7. 问:忠孝复兴站拼音怎么拼?忠孝复兴站的读音是什么?忠孝复兴站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠孝复兴站的读音是,忠孝复兴站翻译成英文是 Zhongxiao Fuxing Station

  8. 问:忠孝敦化站拼音怎么拼?忠孝敦化站的读音是什么?忠孝敦化站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠孝敦化站的读音是,忠孝敦化站翻译成英文是 Zhongxiao Dunhua Station

  9. 问:忠孝新生站拼音怎么拼?忠孝新生站的读音是什么?忠孝新生站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠孝新生站的读音是,忠孝新生站翻译成英文是 Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station

  10. 问:忠孝洞腺柳拼音怎么拼?忠孝洞腺柳的读音是什么?忠孝洞腺柳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠孝洞腺柳的读音是zhōngxiào dòng xiàn liǔ,忠孝洞腺柳翻译成英文是 Chunghyodong Willow Tree

  11. 问:忠孝洞陶窑址拼音怎么拼?忠孝洞陶窑址的读音是什么?忠孝洞陶窑址翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠孝洞陶窑址的读音是zhōngxiào dòng táo yáo zhǐ,忠孝洞陶窑址翻译成英文是 Chunghyodong Kiln Site

  12. 问:忠孝洞旌闾碑阁拼音怎么拼?忠孝洞旌闾碑阁的读音是什么?忠孝洞旌闾碑阁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠孝洞旌闾碑阁的读音是zhōngxiào dòng jīng lǘ bēi gé,忠孝洞旌闾碑阁翻译成英文是 Chunghyodong Monument House