




1. 似 [sì]2. 似 [shì]似 [sì]相类,像:相(xiāng )~。类~。~是而非。好像,表示不确定:~乎。~应如此。表示比较,有超过的意思:一个高~一个。似 [shì]〔~的〕跟某种情况或事物相似,如“他乐得什么~~”。亦作……



汉语拼音:kù sì








  1. 极似,很像。

    《宋书·武帝纪上》:“ 何无忌 , 刘牢之 甥,酷似其舅。” 明 唐寅 《姑苏八咏·桃花坞》:“花开烂漫满邨坞,风烟酷似 桃源 古。” 徐迟 《三峡记》:“这里(指 青石洞 )看 望霞峰 上的神女,最为酷似。”



  1. If Stela had been an animal, he would have been a weasel.


  2. It is often misunderstood because it presents as a tumor-like mass, but histologically resembles a skeletal muscle myopathy or dystrophy.


  3. There is a huge statue like an ancient Egyptian sphinx, and a burial place like that of King Tutankhamen .


  4. In Michigan a man in a President Obama mask robbed a bank. Either that of President Obama has an exciting new plan to reduce the deficit.


  5. An aged witch stood in front of him, holding a tray of what looked horribly like whole human fingernails.


  6. She looked suspiciously like Clarkson, and snarky commentators wondered what had attracted her to the famous multi-millionaire.


  7. As she walked beside Archer with her long swinging gait her face wore the vacant serenity of a young marble athlete.


  8. Its slender body turns into a cylinder as it stretches upward, with its bluish silver color blending into the sky.


  9. This asana is so named because the body mimics the shape of a bow with its string stretched back ready to shoot an arrow.


  1. 她酷似她姨母。

    She is the express image of her aunt.

  2. 她酷似她姐姐。

    She bears a striking resemblance to her older sister.

  3. 她酷似乃父

    She favors her father.

  4. 长相酷似的人

    dead ringer

  5. 孪生子彼此酷似

    Each twin was the counterpart of the other.

  6. 她酷似她的母亲。

    She is the very image of her mother.

  7. 约翰酷似他父亲。

    John is a carbon copy of his father.

  8. 他酷似他的父亲。

    He is the express image of his father.

  9. 婴孩酷似其父。

    The baby is the spitting image of his father.

  10. 她酷似你姐姐。

    She bears more than a passing resemblance toyour sister.

  11. 酷似他父亲的人

    a ringer for his father.

  12. 酷似启示录中的死神。

    Like Death in the Apocalypse.

  13. 我丈夫酷似他哥哥。

    My husband is the image of his brother.

  14. 彼此间有酷似之处。

    Theres a close resemblance.

  15. 约翰长得酷似他父亲。

    John is the double of his father.

  16. 他长得酷似他的父亲。

    He beasrs a strong resemblance to his father.

  17. 漆得酷似大理石的木头

    wood painted to mimic marble

  18. 汤姆和他父亲长相酷似。

    Tom and his father are as like as two peas.

  19. 这对孪生兄弟相貌酷似。

    These twin brothers are as like as two peas.

  20. 人人都说我女儿酷似我。

    Everybody says that my daughter bears a striking resemblance to me.

  21. 乔安娜长得酷似她父亲。

    Joanna bears a strong likeness to her father.

  22. 蒂娜长得酷似她的母亲。

    Tina bears a striking resemblance to her mother.

  23. 我们发现此儿酷似其母。

    We find the mother featured in the son.

  24. 后来的模型酷似先前的设计。

    The subsequent model is a reflection of its predecessor in design.

  25. 后来的模型酷似先前的设计。

    The subsequent model is a reflection of its predecessor in design.

  26. 那两个酷似姜饼君的

    What are the, uh, the.

  27. 安酷似她的孪生姐姐。

    Ann is the double of her twin sister.

  28. 玛丽和她的母亲长相酷似。

    Mary and her mother are as like as two peas.

  29. 玛丽和她得母亲长相酷似。

    Mary and her mother are as like as two peas.

  30. 这女孩面貌酷似她的母亲。

    The girls likeness to her mother was striking.


  1. 问:酷似拼音怎么拼?酷似的读音是什么?酷似翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酷似的读音是kùsì,酷似翻译成英文是 to be the very image of; to resemble very clo...

  2. 问:酷似的人拼音怎么拼?酷似的人的读音是什么?酷似的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酷似的人的读音是,酷似的人翻译成英文是 double



【词目】酷 似

【拼音】kù sì


【基本解释】 极其相似