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He said the ILO is working with local civic organizations to change opinions about child labor.
他称,国际劳工组织正与地方民间组织合作来改变关于童工的观念。Before child labor laws, small children often had to work 50to 60hours a week in factories. It was more than flesh and blood could bear.
在儿童劳工法出现之前,童工在工厂里一个星期常常要工作50到60小时,这不是血肉之驱所能忍受的。Seventh of the parents or other guardians shall not be allowed under the age of 16 children or by the guardian as a child.
第七条父母或者其他监护人不得允许未满16周岁的子女或者被监护人做童工。The tendency of child labor to reinforce itself, through either economic or social means, seems to be cause for pessimism.
童工现象经由社会或经济手段而自我扩张的趋势,似乎是令人悲观的原因。But many in India do not see child labour as a social evil that has to be ended immediately, saying the poor need it to survive.
但印度许多人并不认为童工现象是社会弊端,认为不需要立即消除,穷人需要童工生存。For a couple of months, I waited until she contacted me to tell me about life as an illegally employed adolescent in the big city.
有几个月的时间,我一直等她的消息,直到她联系我并告诉我她在大城市身为非法移民童工的生活。Iqbal Masih was a Pakistani boy who was sold to a carpet industry as a child slave at the age of 4 for the equivalent of (12) USD.
伊克巴尔·马薛是一名巴基斯坦男孩,4岁时被父亲以相当于12美元的价钱卖给一家地毯工厂当童工。More often than not, the children of child workers are also trapped in poverty, perpetuating the cycle.
童工的孩子亦在贫困中挣扎,周而复始。Over the years the company has been accused of using child labour in Asia and of buying feathers plucked from live geese.