




穷,收入少,生活困难,与“富”相对:~穷。~寒。~民。清~。缺乏,不足:~乏。~血。~瘠。絮烦可厌:~相(xiàng )。~气(a.絮烦可厌;b.行动态度不大方。“气”均读轻声)。僧道谦称:~道。~僧。……



汉语拼音:chì pín








  1. 谓贫穷得一无所有。

    《南史·齐临汝侯坦之传》:“检家赤贫,唯有质钱帖子数百。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三五:“﹝祖上之物﹞藏埋在地下。已后归来,尽数都不见了。以致赤贫,卖了儿子。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部八:“他们化费好多的心机,按照赤贫人家的需要,把东西和牲口都分出去了。”



  1. Thanks to years of spectacular growth, more people have been pulled from abject poverty in modern Asia than at any other time in history.


  2. Globalisation may be lifting millions of people out of absolute poverty, but it has also led to startling divergences in relative wealth.


  3. Most of the children of this impoverished area suffer from malnutrition.


  4. As well as alleviating abject poverty, the scheme is credited with helping to put a floor under domestic consumption.


  5. Why does private wealth seem to go hand in hand with public squalor?


  6. In both countries it has reduced poverty, especially extreme poverty, and has begun to close the inequality gap.


  7. This sweltering, desperately poor country appears to be one of the world's most forgotten places.


  8. Generating the economic growth needed to lift people out of abject poverty means ushering corporations into putative paradise.


  9. The country's authorities see coal as a "poverty alleviation" tool to spread electricity across the country.


  1. 从赤贫到巨富。

    To go from rags to riches.

  2. 无法形容的赤贫

    unspeakable poverty.

  3. 巨富和赤贫的并列。

    The juxtaposition of extreme wealth and poverty.

  4. 他们处于赤贫的窘况。

    They're living in tremendous poverty.

  5. 目标1消除赤贫和饥馑

    Goal1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

  6. 从赤贫到暴富的故事

    a rags-to-riches story

  7. 使成为贫民使沦为赤贫

    To make a pauper of impoverish.

  8. 他的投机使他陷于赤贫。

    His speculation reduced him to beggary.

  9. 他因赤贫而灰心丧气。

    He was frustrated by deep poverty.

  10. 他终于由巨富沦为赤贫。

    At last from great wealth he fell into direct poverty.

  11. 于是, 他陷入赤贫而不能自拔。

    Then, he is immersed in beggarly and cannot extricate oneself.

  12. 赤贫家庭的生活状况骇人听闻。

    Destitute families were living in appalling conditions.

  13. 塞拉利昂是赤贫国。

    Sierra Leone is desperately poor.

  14. 这个男孩因赤贫而感到羞耻。

    The boy felt shamed of his abject poverty.

  15. 生活在赤贫,不限制其生育能力。

    People living in abject poverty don t limit their fertility.

  16. 有多少白人家庭生活于赤贫之中?

    How many white families have lived in stark poverty ?

  17. 旧社会使他最终陷入赤贫的境地。

    in the old society he was finally reduced to a state of abject poverty

  18. 一个赤贫农的主妇死了。

    The mother of a family of desperately poor farmers dies.

  19. 解决赤贫问题没有更好的办法了。

    There was no better way to address extreme poverty.

  20. 严格说来他们并没有处于赤贫状态。

    They're not exactly on the breadline.

  21. 一个从赤贫走向成功的商业奇才

    a commercial genius who rose from utter destitution to success

  22. 一个从赤贫走向成功的商业奇才

    a commercial genius who rose from utter destitution to success

  23. 懒惰是赤贫之道,也是万恶之源。

    Idleness is key of beggary and the root of all evil.

  24. 大多数人受着饥饿和赤贫的折磨。

    Most of the people were ground down by the hunger and deep poverty.

  25. 那里有些地方的人民生活在赤贫中。

    There were areas in the region where people lived in abject poverty.

  26. 经过了赤贫之后,我们开始了幸福的生活。

    Having survived starvation , were beginning to live happily.

  27. 大多数生活悲惨的奴隶加入了起义赤贫。

    the most abject slaves joined in the revolt abject poverty.

  28. 我们共同承担消除赤贫的紧迫的道德责任。

    Together, we have an urgent moral imperative to eradicate abject poverty.

  29. 他仅用了三年就从赤贫变成了巨富。

    He went from rags to riches in only three years.

  30. 又见一个赤贫的寡妇, 投了两个小钱,

    And He saw a certain impoverished widow casting there two lepta.


  1. 问:赤贫拼音怎么拼?赤贫的读音是什么?赤贫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赤贫的读音是chìpín,赤贫翻译成英文是 utterly destitute

  2. 问:赤贫的拼音怎么拼?赤贫的的读音是什么?赤贫的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赤贫的的读音是,赤贫的翻译成英文是 beggarly

  3. 问:赤贫阶级拼音怎么拼?赤贫阶级的读音是什么?赤贫阶级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赤贫阶级的读音是chì pín jiē jí,赤贫阶级翻译成英文是 destitute class



中文解释 词目:赤贫

拼音:chì pín 基本解释 [in abject poverty;utterly destitute] 穷得一无所有,极其贫穷, 赤贫如洗。