


1. 勾 [gōu]2. 勾 [gòu]勾 [gōu]用笔画出符号,表示删除或截取:~销。~乙(在报刊书籍的某些词句两端画上像“乙”的记号,表示作为资料)。画出形象的轮廓,描画:~画。~勒。用灰、水泥等涂抹建筑物的缝(fèng ):~缝。调……





汉语拼音:gōu jiàn






  1. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Wu defeated the State of Yue, and took the king of Yue, Gou Jian, and his wife prisoner.


  2. His country became strong within a few years. Then Gou seized a favorable opportunity to wipe off the State of Wu.


  3. After a few years, his country became strong. Then Gou seized a favorable opportunity to wipe off the State of Wu.


  4. Fan Li was an illustrious general of the State of Yue during the Spring and Autumn Period.


  5. You think it was the resolution of Goujian, the Yue king?


  6. Many years later , he was set free . Gou secretly accumulated a military force after he went back to his own state.


  7. Goujian distracted him with Yue's most beautiful women, bribed his officials and bought enough grain to empty his granaries.


  8. Gou secretly trained his army after he went back to his own state.


  9. Wu Zixu not expected, shortly after his death, took the opportunity to give Bing Fa Yue Gou Wu Wu capital would be surrounded.


  1. 越国国王勾践而修建的。

    In commemoration the Yue King Gou Jian.

  2. 这石洞,后来人们称为勾践洞。

    Later, the cave was named after him.

  3. 为什么勾践要选择屈服和卧薪尝胆。

    Why choose Gou yield and Revival.

  4. 几年以后,勾践被放回越国。

    Several years later, he was set free.

  5. 勾践回国后, 发奋图强, 伺机报仇。

    After Gou Jian returned to his homeland, he made a firm resolve to revenge his defeat at the hands of the King of Wu.

  6. 我劝你还是早点离开勾践, 免得惹来灾难。

    I suggest you withdraw in order to avoid disaster.

  7. 越王勾践十年坚苦, 终于洗刷了耻辱。

    Gou Jian, the King of Yue, worked steadfastly and assiduously for ten years, and then finally took his vengeance.

  8. 越王勾践十年坚苦,终于洗刷了耻辱。

    Gou Jian, the King of Yue, worked steadfastly and assiduously for ten years, and then finally took his vengeance.

  9. 相传春秋时期,范蠡帮助越王勾践打败了吴国。

    Fan Li was an illustrious general of the State of Yue during the Spring and Autumn Period.

  10. 几年后,夫差以臣属的身份放勾践回国。

    After a few years Fuchai let him return home as his vassal.

  11. 勾践身穿破衣,蓬头垢面,勤勤恳恳侍奉吴王。

    These jobs Gou Jian performed assiduously and punctiliously, always dressed in tatters and looking unkempt and dirty.

  12. 后越王勾践卧薪尝胆,任用文种和范蠡重振国政。

    The King of Yue, Gou Jian submitted and sued for peace.

  13. 战国时期,越国的君王勾践因战略上的失误而战败。

    Warring States period, the more the country's King Gou because of strategic mistakes and defeat.

  14. 战国时期, 越国得君王勾践因战略上得失误而战败。

    Warring States period, the more the country's King Gou because of strategic mistakes and defeat.

  15. 然而,勾践正是弯腰侧背通过门的,难道这是懦弱的表现吗?

    However, it is bending over paranotum Gou through the door, is it really cowardly acts?

  16. 这样一来, 勾践自己不免就尝遍了辛酸苦涩各种难吃的滋味。

    Come so, him Gou Jian is unavoidable tasted miserable and agonized all sorts of insipid flavor.

  17. 勾践拔起一棵来尝一尝,虽有些鱼腥味,但却不涩不苦。

    Gou Jian uproots one will taste, although have some of fishlike smell, but not acerbity however not bitter.


  1. 问:勾践拼音怎么拼?勾践的读音是什么?勾践翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勾践的读音是,勾践翻译成英文是 King Goujian of Yue



“勾践”是个多义词,它可以指勾践(桌游《英雄杀》的卡牌), 勾践(春秋时期越国君主)。