







汉语拼音:zhāo yáo








  1. 炫耀;张扬。

    《史记·孔子世家》:“ 灵公 与夫人同车,宦者 雍渠 参乘,出,使 孔子 为次乘,招摇市过之。”《明史·赵彦传》:“其子官锦衣,颇招摇都市。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·伪皇孙事》:“后又於其地冒称皇孙,招摇愚民,为 松相公 筠 所斩。” 姚雪垠 《长夜》二:“是不是要把他们杀害在一个离大路稍远的荒僻地方避免招摇,叫他们无从推测。”

  2. 山名。

    《吕氏春秋·本味》:“和之美者, 阳朴 之薑, 招摇 之桂。” 唐 陈子昂 《感遇》诗之十二:“ 招摇 青桂树,幽蠧亦成科。”

  3. 借指桂树。

    三国 魏 曹植 《弃妇》诗:“招摇待霜露,何必春夏成?”

  4. 星名。即北斗第七星摇光。亦借指北斗。

    《礼记·曲礼上》:“行,前朱雀而后玄武,左青龙而右白虎,招摇在上,急缮其怒。” 郑玄 注:“招摇星在北斗杓端主指者。” 孔颖达 疏:“招摇,北斗七星也。” 汉 刘向 《九叹·离世》:“指日月使延照兮,抚招摇以质正。” 唐 储光羲 《秋次坝亭寄申大》诗:“南听鸿雁尽,西见招摇转。”中国近代史资料丛刊《辛亥革命·各省起义·江浙联军<檄南京文>》:“ 蓐收 怒而招摇指,是贪狼堕地之时;凉风动而参伐明,正大树开花之候。”

  5. 逍遥貌。

    《文选·扬雄<甘泉赋>》:“徘徊招摇,灵栖迟兮。” 李善 注:“招摇,犹彷徨也。” 明 李介 《天香阁随笔》卷二:“他时更拟邀羣仙,坐览八极周云烟。公还骑鹤我骑鵠,招摇再踏 蓬莱 颠。”

  6. 摇动貌。

    《史记·司马相如列传》:“垂旬始以为幓兮,抴彗星而为髾。掉指桥以偃蹇兮,又旖旎以招摇。”《汉书·礼乐志》:“饰玉梢以舞歌,体招摇若永望。” 颜师古 注:“招摇,申动之貌……招,音韶。”



  1. The peacock became so puffed up with pride, that he began to show off his colourful feathers in a fantastic strutting dance.


  2. There is a pride in being cheap at the moment. Sometimes people come here and are very flash but it is now fashionable to be a cheapskate.


  3. Ying-Yingthat laughter is like the ripples in the heart of the swagger Lake, traction of the blurred, indulging in pleasure and wonderment.


  4. There was a man heading toward us, ostentatiously swinging his arms as he walked. He was probably a cadre.


  5. Visibility: During the Lean Startup era, the advice was to focus on building the company and avoid hype.


  6. Before the economy opened up, a chic suit meant one with the label of a state-owned factory sewn ostentatiously on the sleeve.


  7. Replete, I wandered back to my beachside villa, fell into the bed and woke to a view of waving palms and the surf breaking over the reef.


  8. It often ostentatiously orders a second season of a show the same day the first episode of the first season is broadcast.


  9. If at this time, Zhang Jihai satisfied, the consequence was the community had a blatantly fellow and art circle has a mediocre teacher.


  1. 别那麽招摇!

    Don't be such a swank!

  2. 招摇的打扮

    ostentatiously dressed.

  3. 招摇撞骗罪

    crime of cheating and lying.

  4. 你们别过分招摇

    Don't draw undue attention on yourselves.

  5. 他那样子太招摇。

    His manner is too loud.

  6. 婚礼办得毫不招摇。

    The wedding was a very,low key affair.

  7. 在私人俱乐部里招摇

    Put on airs in the private club

  8. 招摇地带着某人散步

    to take or display on or as if on a promenade

  9. 这支乐队一向不惮招摇。

    The band has never been shy of publicity.

  10. 远离他们的招摇和傲慢。

    From all their flaunting and arrogance.

  11. 招摇或华丽地装饰或打扮

    To decorate or dress ostentatiously or gaudily.

  12. 他们跳着舞,四下招摇。

    They danced and paraded around.

  13. 丽莉这么招摇真是太蠢了。

    It's a pity Lily makes herself so conspicuous.

  14. 大量的南亚人不满印度的招摇。

    Plenty of South Asians resent Indias swagger.

  15. 她太爱招摇了。我不喜欢她。

    She's such a snob. I don't like her.

  16. 乔是一个爱招摇的, 庸俗的人。

    Joe is a loud, vulgar person.

  17. 他们从来不穿过于招摇的服装。

    They were never ostentatiously dressed.

  18. 冒充国家工作人员招摇撞骗罪

    offence of posing as a state personnel in order to cheat

  19. 你不是该招摇进场惹人注目吗?

    Weren't you supposed to enter so the others could see you?

  20. 她是全校最喜欢招摇的女孩。

    Shes the biggist flirt in school.

  21. 真的,你不会觉得这样太招摇了

    Really? You don't think that it's too fancy?

  22. 软泥上的青荇,油油的在水底招摇。

    The weeds growing in the river sluge Sway lazily in the water below.

  23. 她穿着新衣服招摇地在大厅里走。

    She is parading the hall in her new dress.

  24. 他的浮夸招摇立即引起了舆论界的注意。

    His flamboyance earned him instant media attention.

  25. 美国还是招摇地允许任何人变成美国公民。

    America still dazzles at allowing anybody to become an American.

  26. 我喜欢穿着泳衣在海滩上招摇而行。

    I love to put on a bathing suit and parade on the beach.

  27. 她今天招摇地穿着一件皮大衣走进来。

    She came in today sporting a fur coat.

  28. 我们在门口说再见这样不会太招摇。

    We said goodbye at the door so as not to fiaunt our new love.

  29. 软泥上的青荇, 油油地在水底招摇

    The floating heart growing in the sludge, sways leisurely under the water.

  30. 您若是喜欢招摇,届时务必自带上相机。

    If you are the flamboyant type, then do bring a camera.


  1. 问:招摇拼音怎么拼?招摇的读音是什么?招摇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:招摇的读音是zhāoyáo,招摇翻译成英文是 show off

  2. 问:招摇撞骗拼音怎么拼?招摇撞骗的读音是什么?招摇撞骗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:招摇撞骗的读音是zhāoyáozhuàngpiàn,招摇撞骗翻译成英文是 to show off everywhere and use a fake name in orde...

  3. 问:招摇过市拼音怎么拼?招摇过市的读音是什么?招摇过市翻译成英文是什么?

    答:招摇过市的读音是zhāoyáoguòshì,招摇过市翻译成英文是 to make oneself widely known or show off deliber...

  4. 问:招摇撞骗罪拼音怎么拼?招摇撞骗罪的读音是什么?招摇撞骗罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:招摇撞骗罪的读音是zhāoyáozhuàngpiànzuì,招摇撞骗罪翻译成英文是 crime of cheating and bluffing

  5. 问:招摇撞骗者拼音怎么拼?招摇撞骗者的读音是什么?招摇撞骗者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:招摇撞骗者的读音是zhāoyáozhuàngpiànzhě,招摇撞骗者翻译成英文是 bluffer



招摇——zhāo yáo 定义:张扬炫耀以引人注意。示例:何必如此招摇|他不喜欢招摇。

反义词:(低调)。 另:中国古代风水中的招摇煞,指的是死人入土不腐烂,肢体发生变动等一系列因丧葬犯日而引起的煞局,现殡葬改革后罕有发生。但在很多地区仍会发生,常被误解为传说中的僵尸。