


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà zhōu



面积广阔的陆地及 附近岛屿的总称。全球分为七大洲:亚洲、欧洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲和南极洲。



大洲 [dà zhōu]
  1. 大洲,全球按照海陆分布格局,按照大陆和周围岛屿合称一个大洲的标准,全球共分为亚洲,欧洲等七个大洲。七大洲的面积和组成各不相同。其名称来历也各有原由。各大洲的分界线主要以自然地理事物和人造工程为标志。各大洲的地质特点非常特殊。但都与地球板块运动紧密联系。七大洲成为人类进行各种活动的主要场所。



  1. You include the representative of a country organisconsumedd with a continent to which Chinan understandings p street articularly close.


  2. I had envisaged that completing our first continent would be a momentous occasion but it was not to be.


  3. One twitch of the finger is all it takes to dispatch missives to the next continent or the next cubicle at light speed.


  4. My own path to service at the U. N. was made possible by the sacrifice and commitment of my family and many friends from all continents.


  5. I just came off of a nearly month-long speaking tour on three different continents, and I won't go into that, but it was an amazing thing.


  6. Marginally useful as the trade deals may be, they hardly add up to a "strategic association" between the two continents.


  7. The company currently occupies an upper floor of a nondescript building in Tel Aviv, but in its earliest years it lived on three continents.


  8. There have been times when Victoria's official duties have separated us, often taken her to far away countries and continents.


  9. If you look up in the top window and there you see seven summits expeditions?


  1. 非洲是个大洲。

    Africa is a big continent.

  2. 世界有七大洲。

    There are seven continents.

  3. 五环代表五大洲。

    The five rings represent the five continents.

  4. 睡遍了六大洲

    Six continents.

  5. 它包括了五大洲。

    It covers the five continents.

  6. 非洲是第二大洲。

    Africa is the second largest continent.

  7. 世界上有七大洲。

    There are seven continents in the world.

  8. 颜色是不同的大洲。

    The colors show the continent.

  9. 世界被分成七大洲。

    The world is divided into seven continents.

  10. 大洲升起, 山岭勃发。

    The continents shifted, mountains arose.

  11. 各大洲的国际贵宾

    international dignitaries from different continents

  12. 大洲升起,山岭勃发。

    The continents shifted ,mountains arose .

  13. 光缆连接在大洲之间

    And the cables go really continent to continent.

  14. 亚洲是世界第一大洲。

    Asia is the largest continent in the world.

  15. 世界上共有七个大洲。

    The world has seven continents.

  16. 世界上共有七个大洲。

    The world has seven continents.

  17. 我们经常谈到七大洲。

    We often speak of seven continents.

  18. 我六个大洲都去过。

    I haveI've been to all six continents.

  19. 大陆大洲的主要陆地板块

    The principal landmass of a continent.

  20. 奥运会标志代表着五大洲。

    The Olympic symbol represents five continents.

  21. 奥运五环象征着五大洲。

    The five Olympic rings symbolize five continents.

  22. 他惬意地地在三大洲工作。

    he works comfortably on three continents.

  23. 该清单包括了全球五大洲。

    The list covers five continents around the world.

  24. 我们的顾客遍及世界各大洲。

    Our customers around the world on all continents.

  25. 我们得顾客遍及世界各大洲。

    Our customers around the world on all continents.

  26. 他访问过世界7个大洲中的6个洲。

    He s visited six of the world s seven continents at least twice.

  27. 他在全球三大洲惬意地工作。

    He works comfortably on three continents.

  28. 他在全球三大洲惬意地工作。

    He works comfortably on three continents.

  29. 跨洲旅行应被视为大洲间得旅行。

    Intercontinental travel shall be defined as travel from one continent to another.

  30. 跨洲旅行应被视为大洲间的旅行。

    Intercontinental travel shall be defined as travel from one continent to another.


  1. 问:大洲拼音怎么拼?大洲的读音是什么?大洲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大洲的读音是,大洲翻译成英文是 continents

  2. 问:大洲岛拼音怎么拼?大洲岛的读音是什么?大洲岛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大洲岛的读音是,大洲岛翻译成英文是 Dazhou Island

  3. 问:大洲马尾藻拼音怎么拼?大洲马尾藻的读音是什么?大洲马尾藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大洲马尾藻的读音是dàzhōumǎwěizǎo,大洲马尾藻翻译成英文是 Sargassum dazhouense


