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汉语拼音:bìn qì
见“ 摈弃 ”。
亦作“ 摈弃 ”。排斥抛弃。
汉 刘向 《列女传·齐孤逐女》:“妾三逐於乡,五逐於里,孤无父母,摈弃於野,无所容止。” 三国 魏 曹丕 《诏王朗等三公》:“今将休息,栖 备 高山,沉 权 九渊,割除摈弃,投之画外。” 宋 苏舜钦 《维舟野步呈子履》诗:“吾儕性疏拙,摈弃安足痛。” 峻青 《黎明的河边·血衣》:“看到这一切, 李老头子 摈弃了他那迷信的思想,再不幻想什么天雷了。”
《南齐书·文学传·卞彬》:“ 彬 颇饮酒,摈弃形骸。”
They must get away from trying to create new desires in people, trying to push and force themselves on people, trying to control people.
他们必须摈弃那些试图在消费者心里制造新鲜欲望的方式;以及极力把自己推销给顾客,甚至想控制顾客的方式。I wondered if there was anything that I could do to eliminate or clarify the practice here in London?
我在想,自己是否能够做些什么,以便在伦敦摈弃这种做法,或是把这种做法加以明晰?If so, letting go of this belief may be one of the biggest difficulties for you to overcome in delegating tasks to your employees.
如果是的话,让你摈弃这个念头,放手授权则是最大的困难之一。In every generation, there seems to be a counterculture that rejects traditional thinking while promoting their own causes.
每一代人似乎都有反传统文化,他们摈弃传统思维,促进自己的利益。Some regional government and business leaders said they hoped China and Japan would be able to put the dispute behind them.
一些地区国家的政府和商界领袖说,他们希望中国和日本能摈弃此次争端。He was short-sighted, and did not care about politics, cast away moral values. He's bound to fail.
他目光短浅,不讲政治,摈弃道德,失败是必然的。Completely scrapping Ant or Maven and using Groovy for the entire build process would be a bit extreme in this case.
完全摈弃Ant或Maven,整个构建过程都使用Groovy,在这个例子中,这样做有点极端。Nadler also reacted to the president's statement that the United States will not employ torture in interrogations of suspected terrorists.
纳德勒还对奥巴马总统有关美国在审讯恐怖分子嫌疑人的时候将摈弃酷刑手段的声明作出了回应。However repeats ideas, the opinion not to drift with the current actually abandons for her.