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1. 排 [pái]2. 排 [pǎi]排 [pái]除去,推开:~出。~斥。~水。~外。~挤。~山倒海。~忧解难。摆成行列:~列。~队。~字。~印。~笔。~场。排成的行列:~头。前~。军队的编制单位,“班”的上一级。练习演戏:~戏。竹或木……
汉语拼音:pái chì
《后汉书·宦者传序》:“虽时有忠公,而竟见排斥。” 唐 韩愈 《赠别元十八协律》诗之四:“势要情所重,排斥则埃尘。” 宋 王安石 《读墨》诗:“兼爱为无父,排斥固其理。” 明 黄绾 《明道编》卷一:“或在同类,偶有一言非及良知,其人本虽君子,亦共排斥。” 清 顾炎武 《与友人论<易>书》:“排斥众説,以申一家之论,而通经之路狭矣。” 萧乾 《未带地图的旅人》:“它(社会主义)同民主自由,同个人幸福,并不互相排斥,誓不两立。”
The verdict will by no means silence those who recoil instinctively at the thought of two men or two women marrying.
该判决绝不会让那些一想到两个男人或两个女人结婚就本能排斥的人就此沉默。Opposition to GMOs is one of the factors that have made organic products a $25-billion-a-year market in the United States.
人们对转基因谷物的排斥,是促使有机产品发展成美国每年盈利250亿美元的市场的因素之一。A week after the transplant it started to grow -- a clear sign that his body did not reject the new face.
脸部移植一周后,它便开始长了——很明显,他的身体并未排斥这张新面孔。But every Out group carries with it a critical perspective, forged in the painful experiences of rejection and marginalization.
但是每一个另类的团体周围都会充满批判的观点在排斥和边缘化这种痛苦经历之中徘徊。they are locked out of being able to discharge responsibilities just as surely as they are locked out of being able to exercise rights.
现在他们什么都没有,因为他们被排斥在外,不能履行职责,也同样不能行使权利。She was In a critical condition after the heart transplant operation when her body rejected the organ.
心脏移植手术后她的身体排斥移入的器官,她处于危险之中。If doctors can predict which patients are beginning to reject the transplanted organ, they could try to head it off, she said.
如果医生们能够预测患者何时开始器官排斥,那么它们就会试图解决此问题。He said you found out very quickly whether it takes, or if it's complete tissue rejection.
他说如果你很快发现身体是否适应,或是发现是不是有排斥现象。It is one of the great mysteries of office life why most managers are so resistant to this when it does not cost one penny.