







汉语拼音:sù yuàn






  1. 指当事人受国家机关不当的处分时,依法向原处分机关的上级机关提出申诉,请求撤消或变更处分。



  1. From the appeal as thus defined, cassation is usually held to differ sharply.


  2. Voters in post-war Japan have been denied much of a voice by one-party politics.


  3. There are no more than three administrative appeal representatives for each administrative appellant and intervenor appellant.


  4. We call for all organizations , decision- makers and citizens engaged with the international common interest to support this appeal .


  5. To explain to the Match Area Controller, Referee Commission, or Appeals Jury, if necessary, the basis for giving a judgement.


  6. Built as an independent hotel about 20 years ago, it has 400 rooms and appeals mostly to travelers looking for mid-range prices and service.


  7. McMillen contacted the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), who sent her school district a demand letter.


  8. Terrorism recruits adherents on the basis of an appeal to human emotion.


  9. Refer to the Complaints & Appeals Procedure on the College website to appeal the Refund Policy.


  1. 诉愿裁判所

    appeal tribunal.

  2. 论宪法诉愿程序的价值

    On the Value of Appeal Procedure of Constitutional Law

  3. 论国际法上的个人诉愿制度

    On the Individual Petition System in International Law

  4. 首相打定主意不理会一手诉愿。

    The premier set his mind against all the appeals.

  5. 抗议书必须送交诉愿委员会之代表。

    The protest must be submitted to a representative of the Appeals Jury.

  6. 二参加人与本诉愿之利害关系。

    The interest at stake of the intervenor appellant and the administrative appeal.

  7. 诉愿委员会不能强行制裁或者惩罚。

    The Appeals Jury may not impose sanctions or penalties.

  8. 第31条诉愿决定对于参加人亦有效力。

    Article31 An administrative appeal decision has also effects upon the intervenor appellant.

  9. 恐怖主义基于对人类情绪的诉愿招募追随者。

    Terrorism recruits adherents on the basis of an appeal to human emotion.

  10. 第32条诉愿人或参加人得委任代理人进行诉愿。

    Article32 An administrative appellant or intervenor appellant might have authorized the representative to conduct administrative appeal.

  11. 诉愿委员会得决定是最后得,决定只有执行委员会能否决。

    The decision of the Appeals Jury is final, and can only be overruled by a decision of the Executive Committee.

  12. 诉愿委员会的决定是最后的,决定只有执行委员会能否决。

    The decision of the Appeals Jury is final, and can only be overruled by a decision of the Executive Committee.

  13. 四因业务或职务关系为诉愿人之代理人者。

    An individual who represent the administrative appellant based on the professional or business relationship.

  14. 每一诉愿人或参加人委任之诉愿代理人不得超过三人。

    There are no more than three administrative appeal representatives for each administrative appellant and intervenor appellant.

  15. 第68条诉愿人或参加人得提出证据书类或证物。

    Article68 The administrative appellant or intervenor appellant may present the documentary evidence or other evidence during the procedure.

  16. 五受理诉愿机关对诉愿人及原行政处分机关提出询问。

    The agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal to inquire the administrative appellant or the agency which the administrative action was made.

  17. 第36条诉愿代理人有二人以上者, 均得单独代理诉愿人。

    Article 36 While there are more than one administrative appeal representatives, each one might represent the administrative appellant independently.

  18. 受理诉愿机关应依诉愿人或参加人之申请,调查证据。

    The agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal shall investigate evidence based according to the application of an administrative appellant or intervenor appellant.

  19. 但受理诉愿机关认为必要时,得送达于诉愿人或参加本人。

    However, service might have made to the administrative appellant or intervenor appellant, while the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal deemed necessary.

  20. 在诉愿及行政诉讼期间,得命提供适额保证,停止执行。

    During the period of administrative appeal and administrative proceedings, the execution of the penalty may be suspended by the provision of bonds in the appropriate amounts.

  21. 第60条诉愿提起后, 于决定书送达前, 诉愿人得撤回之。

    Article 60 The administrative appellant may withdraw the administrative appeal before the administrative appeal decision has been served.

  22. 违反前项规定而为委任者, 其诉愿代理人仍得单独代理。

    A representative may still represent the administrative appellant independently in spit of the representative is authorized against the rule stipulated in last Paragraph.


  1. 问:诉愿人拼音怎么拼?诉愿人的读音是什么?诉愿人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诉愿人的读音是sùyuànrén,诉愿人翻译成英文是 petitioner

  2. 问:诉愿地拼音怎么拼?诉愿地的读音是什么?诉愿地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诉愿地的读音是,诉愿地翻译成英文是 pleadingly


