


1. 丧 [sāng]2. 丧 [sàng]丧 [sāng]跟死了人有关的事:~事。~礼。~亡。~假(jià)。~乱。治~。吊~。丧 [sàng]丢掉,失去:~失。~生。~偶。~胆。~气(不吉利,倒霉。“气”读轻声)。颓~(情绪低落,精神委……





汉语拼音:sāng shì








  1. 泛指人死后殓奠殡葬等事宜。

    《周礼·地官·牛人》:“丧事共其奠牛。”《南史·宋纪上·武帝》:“己卯,禁丧事用铜钉。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·陆珪》:“ 陆 固好动,既恶小舲狭隘,又不耐丧事之扰,竟舍舟从陆。” 朱自清 《背影》:“这些日子,家中光景很是惨淡,一半为了丧事,一半为了父亲赋闲。”

  2. 特指灵柩。

    《后汉书·伏湛传》:“詔 隆 中弟 咸 收 隆 丧,赐给棺敛,太中大夫护送丧事,詔告 琅邪 作冢。”《南史·宋纪上·武帝》:“使兼太尉持节护丧事,葬以 晋 礼。”



  1. She talked about great people as if she had the fee-simple of May Fair, and when the court went into mourning, she always wore black.


  2. He would eat and dress simply and would always think of ways to help those who were poor.


  3. In Chinese culture, white is the West, the West is considered the place to be after death, therefore, white and death, the funeral linked.


  4. In Chinese Taiwan, tower is only send as a gift in funeral; you use it to dry your tear.


  5. Since they were children, my cousins have held wakes, chanted sutras over dead bodies, and anticipated the needs of those in mourning.


  6. One of the funeral jobs led to a terrible row between Crass and Sawskins.


  7. Those were depressing days, partly due to the funeral events, and partly due to his jobless state.


  8. Drinking is the first thing at the moment of daily diet, joy or beravement events, and nationality festival.


  9. If there was a funeral, people from neighboring villages would come to watch her cry.


  1. 白花是丧事的标志。

    Whiteflowers are insigne of mourning.

  2. 冬寒春暖,丧事频繁。

    A green Yule and a white Pasch make a fat churchyard.

  3. 又借钱办了丧事。

    He also borrowed money to meet the funeral expenses.

  4. 又借了钱办了丧事。

    He also borrowed money to meet the funeral expenses.

  5. 他是主持丧事的大师。

    He is the Master of Mourning.

  6. 吴老太爷丧事那一天!

    The day of Old Mr. Wu's funeral!

  7. 那么就要办丧事而不是喜事了。

    We might end up holding a funeral instead of a wedding.

  8. 大门堂下将会有两起丧事。

    That will make two funerals under the same carriage gate.

  9. 如此,婚事变成了丧事,乐声变成了哀声。

    Thus the wedding was turned into mourning, and the sound of music into lamentation.

  10. 他临终时曾经嘱咐过丧事从俭。

    Before passing away, he asked that all unnecessary formalities should be dispensed with at his funeral.

  11. 他临终时曾经嘱咐过丧事从俭。

    Before passing away, he asked that all unnecessary formalities should be dispensed with at his funeral.

  12. 丧事, 火警和失窃能把各色人拉平。

    Death, fires, and burglary make all men equals.

  13. 我这里来了急电,要我去主持丧事。

    I've had a telegram from my nephew asking me to go to Shanghai and supervise the funeral.

  14. 他们在办喜事的时候跳舞,在办丧事的时候哭泣。

    They danced at weddings and wailed at funerals.

  15. 丧尽礼按照礼节来办理他们的丧事,

    Observe the proper etiquette in arranging their funerals.

  16. 然后办丧事的人将棺材封起来推走。

    Then the undertakers locked the casket down, and they rolled it away.

  17. 和婚俗舞蹈一样,丧事舞蹈同样五花八门,样式繁多。

    Like the marriage dance, the funeral dance is also varied and diversified.

  18. 谁家再有丧事, 必请你银娇奶奶帮哭。

    And she would be hired to wail at every funeral.

  19. 他讨厌假期,只有遇到丧事或急事时才休工。

    He hates holidays and is only absent for funerals and emergencies.

  20. 我退休方式要简化,死后丧事也要简化,拜托你们了。

    I hope you will see to it that both my retirement and my funeral are simple.

  21. 死亡不是喜事, 也不是丧事, 而是一件庄严的佛事。

    Death is an occasion for neither mourning nor celebrating, but one for solemn Buddhist practice.

  22. 正是这种旷达的生死观,造就了佤族诸多的丧事舞蹈。

    It is just this optimistic and wise view of life and death that has created the many funeral dances of the Va nationality.

  23. 他父亲的丧事刚办完,他就开始挥霍他所继承的钱。

    Right after his father's funeral, he started to drakes with the money he had come into.

  24. 他始终没有想到丧事人家的凄惨和那父母们的伤心。

    He had no more imagined to himself the blighted home, and the miserable parents.

  25. 家中的丧事使我们的圣诞庆祝会变得令人扫兴。

    A death in the family put a damper on our Christmas celebrations.

  26. 你来跟从我,来让那些没有永生的人料理这些丧事吧。

    Follw me,and let the dead bury their dead.

  27. 同样, 寿花和丧花也是在过生日和办丧事时张贴的。

    They are also pasted in rooms to celebrate birthdays and to commemorate the dead at funerals.

  28. 回家变卖典质,父亲还了亏空。又借钱办了丧事。

    Once home he sold property and mortgaged the house to clear our debts, besides borrowing money for the funeral.

  29. 谁家办丧事, 方圆十里地都有人赶来看她哭。

    If there was a funeral, people from neighboring villages would come to watch her cry.

  30. 有一次, 因为办一件丧事, 克拉斯和索金斯大吵了一

    One of the funeral jobs led to a terrible row between Crass and Sawskins.


  1. 问:丧事拼音怎么拼?丧事的读音是什么?丧事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丧事的读音是sāngshì,丧事翻译成英文是 funeral arrangements



新中国成立前,丧事烦琐,讲究封建礼仪,主要过程为:送终 长辈绝气前,晚辈守在身旁,直到咽气,谓之“送终”。更衣 死者在弥留之际,脱下旧衣,更换寿衣,用白线扎腿,根数与卒年龄相等。