




1. 场 [cháng]2. 场 [chǎng]场 [cháng]平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。集,市集:赶~。场 [chǎng]处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。量词,用……



汉语拼音:pěng chǎng








  1. 原指特意去剧场赞赏戏曲演员表演,以抬高其身价。今多指为别人活动吹嘘。

    老舍 《四世同堂》六三:“虽然捧场的不少, 若霞 可是有真本事,并不专靠着捧场的人给她喝采。” 徐迟 《牡丹》三:“她的名字不断在黄色小报上出现,也有捧场,也有造谣中伤的。”



  1. TILL THEN, thank you so much to you all, for organising, putting in so much effort, and of course for turning up.


  2. They don't seem to agree , but as they are supportive women they smile politely and scurry off home afterwards .


  3. About a year ago, I feared I would struggle to build an audience for my new personal development website.


  4. From then on, Hank Aaron loved to kid me that he had personally delivered Georgia's electoral votes with his Saturday-morning plug.


  5. Since Howard Buffett scratched no backs , his own back went unscratched , and his son's as well .


  6. He recently drew a good crowd of staff when he returned to the fund for an emotional farewell.


  7. A few of the people who did eventually read my first novel came to hear me when I went out with my second novel, Taft.


  8. Yet the luxury industry built up quite a head of steam in recent months, boosted by the new riches in India, China and Russia.


  9. Given that Japan is the world's second biggest owner of Treasuries, Mr Yosano may have been talking his own book.


  1. 捧场的评论

    a flattering review.

  2. 无原则的捧场

    unprincipled praise.

  3. 捧场而不热心

    To damn with faint praise.

  4. 感谢各位的捧场。

    Thanks for everyone's support.

  5. 所以,谢谢你们捧场

    So thank you.

  6. 非常感谢你来捧场。

    Thank you so much for coming.

  7. 请多多捧场支持我们!

    Please come and support us!

  8. 好的,谢谢捧场,伙计们

    All right, thanks for coming out, guys!

  9. 目前她没有媒体的捧场。

    She's not in favour with the media just now.

  10. 希望各界志士仁人前来捧场。

    We welcome people with high ideals,and from all walks of life to come here.

  11. 希望各界志士仁人前来捧场。

    We welcome people with high ideals, and from all walks of life to come here.

  12. 我们都来给你们捧场了

    We all came to support you.

  13. 我们都来给你们捧场了。

    We all came to support you.

  14. 这家剧院有众多的捧场者。

    The theater gets a lot of support.

  15. 替他捧场的人疯狂地尖叫。

    His supporters screamed with wild abandon.

  16. 今天我是特地赶来捧场的。

    Today I've come especially to show my support.

  17. 感谢以下各位朋友的捧场和支持!

    Thanks for your interest and support! very thanks!

  18. 欢迎来我的博客,多谢大家的捧场。

    Hello and welcome to my blog and thanks for putting up with me.

  19. 来捧场的人挤过大门, 涌入运动场。

    Supporters crowded through the gates into the stadium.

  20. 来捧场得人挤过大门,涌入运动场。

    Supporters crowded through the gates into the stadium.

  21. 捧场者演出时雇来鼓掌的一帮人

    A group of persons hired to applaud at a performance.

  22. 你真够面子, 连李教授都来为你捧场。

    You receive such an honor, even professor Li has come here for you.

  23. 你真够面子,连李教授都来为你捧场。

    You receive such an honor, even professor Li has come here for you.

  24. 接下来的两星期我们都会在这,请多多捧场。

    We'll be here for the next two weeks, so please do stop by.

  25. 猫剧再次引起音乐剧的轰动和观众热烈的捧场。

    Cats caused audiences to once again get exited about musical theater.

  26. 也许明道也会来捧场。只有西红柿知道为什么。

    Maybe Ming Dao will also visit frequently. Only Tomato knows why.

  27. 因为胜利, 人民感谢我们, 资产阶级也会出来捧场。

    With victory, the people will be grateful to us and the bourgeoisie will come forward to flatter us.

  28. 改旗易帜, 或许会多蒙骗几个人前来捧场。

    However, they may cheat more people attend by changing their banner.

  29. 报道一篇刊登的报道,评论或短评,尤指捧场文章

    A published account,review,or notice,especially a favorable one.

  30. 任何新技术的出现总伴随着广告和啤酒的捧场。

    As with any new technology, there are those that endorse it and there are lagers.


  1. 问:捧场拼音怎么拼?捧场的读音是什么?捧场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捧场的读音是pěngchǎng,捧场翻译成英文是 support

  2. 问:捧场文章拼音怎么拼?捧场文章的读音是什么?捧场文章翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捧场文章的读音是,捧场文章翻译成英文是 write-up



pěng chǎng