







汉语拼音:qīng chè








  1. 犹明察。

    《楚辞·九章·惜往日》:“君含怒而待臣兮,不清澈其然否。” 王逸 注:“内弗省察其侵冤也。澈,一作澂。” 清 冯桂芬 《启肃毅伯李公论清丈书》:“州县公事无不乐於糊涂而恶於清澈者,於田赋为尤甚。”

  2. 清净透明。

    晋 陆云 《寒蝉赋》:“轻羽涉池,清澈微激。” 唐 薛用弱 《集异记·嘉陵江巨木》:“江水清澈,毫髮可见。” 明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·滇游日记二》:“自 沙涧 至此,诸水俱清澈可爱。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第三幕:“ 王昭君 坐在石墩上,望着明净清澈的皓月。”

  3. 清明。多指人的神色。

    《南齐书·张融传》:“ 融 形貌短丑,精神清澈。” 唐 杜甫 《徐卿二子歌》:“大儿九龄色清澈,秋水为神玉为骨。”

  4. 清晰响亮。

    南朝 宋 刘敬叔 《异苑》卷一:“ 潯阳 姑石山 在 江 之坻。初 桓玄 至西下,令人登,之中岭,便闻长啸,声甚清澈。”

  5. 清楚明白。

    清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·韩昌黎诗》:“近时 朱竹垞 、 查初白 有《水碓》及《观造竹纸联句》,层次清澈;而体物之工,抒词之雅,丝丝入扣,几无一字虚设。”



  1. In Bailong think of his own name, countless teardrops in the sky, I saw their eyes clear and happiness.


  2. She seems to me that clear and transparent big eyes, said: "Little master, do not cry. "


  3. But her eyes were still clear and unwearied, and she still moved like a shadow on the sea.


  4. "Kill me! Oh, kill me! " said the poor duckling, and he waited for his death bowing his head towards the water.


  5. With that he put it back into the clear water, and the flounder disappeared to the bottom, leaving a long trail of blood behind him.


  6. All I could do was stare at Lori-who, for the first time since Valentine's Day, stared back at me with great liquid eyes.


  7. Back in the United States, we often think of that wonderful lake and its pure, clear water filled with life.


  8. If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, I shall not cry because your leave doesn't take away the world that belonged to me.


  9. the beast rolled over and stared at me with its green ' pellucid eyes .


  1. 清澈的池塘

    a limpid pool.

  2. 水面清澈明亮。

    The water was glassy.

  3. 溪流十分清澈。

    The stream is very limpid.

  4. 海面平缓, 清澈。

    The sea lay smooth and clear.

  5. 清澈纯净的水

    water of crystalline purity

  6. 这种酒很清澈。

    The wine was unclouded.

  7. 这种酒很清澈。

    The wine was unclouded.

  8. 蓝蓝的山脊, 清澈的

    Blue ridge mountains shenandoah river

  9. 蓝蓝得山脊,清澈得

    Blue ridge mountains shenandoah river.

  10. 湖水清澈见底。

    The water was so clear we could see the bottom of the lake.

  11. 但是海水也很清澈。

    But it is also very clear.

  12. 天空,我爱清澈的天空!

    The sky, I like the limpid sky!

  13. 漓江的水清澈, 碧绿。

    The water of the Li River is clear and green.

  14. 湖水清澈,犹如明镜。

    The lake is like a clear bright mirror.

  15. 有清澈特征的透明的

    Characterized by transparent clearnesspellucid.

  16. 清澈浅黄色油状液体

    Clear pale yellow oily liquid

  17. 天色清澈明朗,阳光温暖。

    The sky overhead throbbed and pulsed with light.

  18. 她的眼神清澈而坚定。

    Her eyes were clear and steady.

  19. 最清澈得, 总在源头。

    The most limpid, which was always in the source.

  20. 湖面同明镜一样清澈。

    The limpid lake is like a mirror.

  21. 最清澈的,总在源头。

    The most limpid,which was always in the source.

  22. 最清澈得,总在源头。

    The most limpid ,which was always in the source .

  23. 深橙红色,清澈晶亮。

    Salmon color, shiny and limpid.

  24. 泥水慢慢地变清澈了。

    The muddy water cleared slowly.

  25. 宽广的山峡谷水流清澈。

    Wide gorges are there where clear water flows.

  26. 荷兰金酒色泽透明清澈。

    The Dutch gold color transparent crystal wine.

  27. 他们汲出了清澈的水。

    They dipped up the clear water.

  28. 阳光是明媚的,溪水是清澈的。

    The sun is shining brightly, the water is clear.

  29. 色泽清澈的美酒, 十分诱人。

    Good wine limpid in color is very attractive.

  30. 瀑布得水清澈而幽蓝。

    The waterfall gushes with clear blue water.


  1. 问:清澈拼音怎么拼?清澈的读音是什么?清澈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清澈的读音是qīngchè,清澈翻译成英文是 limpid; clear; transparent

  2. 问:清澈地拼音怎么拼?清澈地的读音是什么?清澈地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清澈地的读音是,清澈地翻译成英文是 pellucidly

  3. 问:清澈的拼音怎么拼?清澈的的读音是什么?清澈的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清澈的的读音是qīng chè de,清澈的翻译成英文是 limpid

  4. 问:清澈响亮的拼音怎么拼?清澈响亮的的读音是什么?清澈响亮的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清澈响亮的的读音是,清澈响亮的翻译成英文是 clarion



词语:清澈 词性:形容词

【拼音】:qīng chè

【解释】:清净而明澈 清而透明:湖水清澈见底