







汉语拼音:yíng jiàn







  1. 兴建;建造。

    《后汉书·郎顗传》:“离房别观,本不常居,而皆务精土木,营建无已。” 唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·印度总述》:“国家营建,不虚劳役,据其成功,酬之价直。” 清 朱象贤 《闻见偶录·毁禁邪神》:“凌晨起,见钱充塞,逐日以多,遂营建华屋。”

  2. 创建。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·言语二》:“ 温嶠 初为 刘琨 使来过 江 。于时 江左 营建始尔,纲纪未举。”



  1. "We think the downside for activity and prices remains considerable . . . There is no sign of a bottom in any of these data, " he added.

  2. In an industry built on locking in the customer, the company says it wants to reduce the "barriers to exit" .

  3. After a review of recent developments in construction space scheduling , the concept of critical space analysis is presented.

  4. Both housing starts and permits fell in July , although this was due to a correction in the multi- family homes segment .

  5. l Coordinate and manage any issues between Operations, Finance, Store Development or other departments and Landlords.

  6. The last is the secluded techniques, including of setting up far-between plant, strengthening the concealment of establishment.

  7. Our focuses are the cultural and societal significance of contemporary garden architecture, particularly on private outdoor space.

  8. The results can provide architectural planning and construction engineering as a reference for evaluation of green and healthy building.

  9. Also keep alert for Australian building approvals on Wednesday and PMI data out of China on Thursday despite a national holiday.


  1. 紫禁城营建

    construction of Forbidden City.

  2. 开工以及营建许可

    construction permit

  3. 紫禁城营建采木述略

    Brief introduction of woods used in constructing Forbidden City

  4. 红豆杉采穗圃营建技术。

    Establishment for cutting orchard of Taxus spp.

  5. 森林公园营建的现状与展望

    Actuality and Prospects of Building Forest Parks

  6. 他在那里营建圣胡安城。

    There he laid out the city of San Juan.

  7. 油松高世代种子园营建技术。

    Studies on Establishing Techniques for the Advanced Generation Seed Orchards of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.

  8. 营建这个工程花了大约10年左右。

    It took about 8 years to put this project together.

  9. 人性化景观设施空间营建的研究

    Study on Humanist Space of Landscape Facilities

  10. 营建风景的人,本身将会成为风景。

    Who is constructing landscape, will be the marvelous scenery by due.

  11. 营建细部与工程基础原则应用

    Construction detailing and application of basic principles of engineering

  12. 汉诸侯王陵的营建和葬制

    Tomb Construction and Burial Customs for Dukes or Princes in the Han Dynasty

  13. 营建业成本控制若干问题研究

    Research on Problems of Construction Cost Control

  14. 营建健康的特许人与受许人关系

    Establishing a Healthy Relation between Franchiser and Franchisee

  15. 辽宁临海经济轴带的营建策略

    Economic Belt Design of Littoral and Sustainable Development in Liaoning

  16. 罗马人已经营建了巍峨的巨厦。

    The Romans were erecting great buildings.

  17. 我们排接到通知到团部搞营建。

    Our platoon receives an announcement to do build round ministry.

  18. 营建者们因缺乏原料只好停工待料。

    The builders couldn't get on for lack of materials.

  19. 谁会为司法机构营建必要的基础设施?

    Who will build the necessary infrastructure for the justice institutions?

  20. 高工冯新华攻克冰川冻土营建难题

    Efforts to solve barracks construction technical problems in glacier and permafrost zones bear fruit

  21. 马尾松无性系嫁接种子园营建技术研究。

    Study on Establishing Graft Seed Orchard of Pinus massoniana Lamb.

  22. 南阳古城的山水环境特色及营建思想

    Characteristics of Natural Scenery of Nanyang Ancient City and Its Philosophy of Construction

  23. 生物集雨面营建技术及其集雨效率的研究

    Construction Technology and Rainwater Harvesting Efficiency of Biological Rainwater Catchment

  24. 皈依法,储蓄甘露法水,为自己营建了自来水厂。

    Taking refuge in the Dharma, save the ambrosial water and set up a waterworks in yourselves.

  25. 自由化措施已经为营建部门带来竞争和效率。

    Liberalization has brought about competition and efficiency in the construction services sector.

  26. 政府正在提倡和鼓励妇女到营建服务部门就业。

    The Government is promoting and encouraging the involvement of women in the construction services sector.

  27. 风水理论在人居环境水景营建中的运用研究

    Study on Utilization of Geomantic Theory in the Waterscape Build of Modern Living Environment

  28. 建筑和环境营建中废旧材料价值的追求与实现

    Pursuit and Realization of the Waste Materials'Value in Architecture and Landscape Construction

  29. 这块地已被划作为营建一个新购物中心之用。

    The land is destined for a new shopping center.

  30. 营建活载重因子随著可靠度指数的增加而增加。

    On the other hand, the construction live load factors increase with the increase of the reliability index.


  1. 问:营建拼音怎么拼?营建的读音是什么?营建翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建的读音是yíngjiàn,营建翻译成英文是 build; construct

  2. 问:营建上士拼音怎么拼?营建上士的读音是什么?营建上士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建上士的读音是yíng jiàn shàng shì,营建上士翻译成英文是 Builder First Class

  3. 问:营建下士拼音怎么拼?营建下士的读音是什么?营建下士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建下士的读音是yíng jiàn xià shì,营建下士翻译成英文是 Builder Third Class

  4. 问:营建中士拼音怎么拼?营建中士的读音是什么?营建中士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建中士的读音是yíng jiàn zhōng shì,营建中士翻译成英文是 Builder Second Class

  5. 问:营建军士拼音怎么拼?营建军士的读音是什么?营建军士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建军士的读音是yíng jiàn jūn shì,营建军士翻译成英文是 Builder

  6. 问:营建工长拼音怎么拼?营建工长的读音是什么?营建工长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建工长的读音是yíng jiàn gōng zhǎng,营建工长翻译成英文是 Building Foreman

  7. 问:营建管理处拼音怎么拼?营建管理处的读音是什么?营建管理处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建管理处的读音是yíng jiàn guǎn lǐ chù,营建管理处翻译成英文是 Office, Building Management

  8. 问:营建管理系统拼音怎么拼?营建管理系统的读音是什么?营建管理系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建管理系统的读音是yíng jiàn guǎn lǐ xì tǒng,营建管理系统翻译成英文是 Construction Managements System

  9. 问:营建一级军士长拼音怎么拼?营建一级军士长的读音是什么?营建一级军士长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建一级军士长的读音是yíng jiàn yī jí jūn shì zhǎng,营建一级军士长翻译成英文是 Master Chief Builder

  10. 问:营建二级军士长拼音怎么拼?营建二级军士长的读音是什么?营建二级军士长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建二级军士长的读音是yíng jiàn èr jí jūn shì zhǎng,营建二级军士长翻译成英文是 Senior Chief Builder

  11. 问:营建架线电工上士拼音怎么拼?营建架线电工上士的读音是什么?营建架线电工上士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建架线电工上士的读音是yíng jiàn jià xiàn diàn gōng shàng shì,营建架线电工上士翻译成英文是 Construction Electrician W First Class

  12. 问:营建架线电工下士拼音怎么拼?营建架线电工下士的读音是什么?营建架线电工下士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建架线电工下士的读音是yíng jiàn jià xiàn diàn gōng xià shì,营建架线电工下士翻译成英文是 Construction Electrician W Third Class

  13. 问:营建架线电工中士拼音怎么拼?营建架线电工中士的读音是什么?营建架线电工中士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营建架线电工中士的读音是yíng jiàn jià xiàn diàn gōng zhōng shì,营建架线电工中士翻译成英文是 Construction Electrician W Second Class




【拼音】yíng jiàn,
