


1. 兴 [xīng]2. 兴 [xìng]兴 [xīng]举办,发动:~办。~工。~学。~建。~叹(发出感叹声,如“望洋~~”)。百废待~。起来:夙~夜寐(早起晚睡)。旺盛:~盛。~旺。~隆。~衰。复~。~替(兴衰)。天下~亡,匹夫有责。……





汉语拼音:xīng jiàn








  1. 建造;创立。

    南朝 梁 陆倕 《石阙铭》:“兴建庠序,启设郊丘,一介之才必记,无文之典咸秩。”《晋书·冯跋载记》:“兴建大业,有功力焉。” 清 姚鼐 《<食旧堂集>序》:“ 子潁 为 两淮 运使,兴建书院,邀余主之。”



  1. Pittsburgh, where he made his fortune , was given a music hall , a museum, an art gallery , and a public library.

  2. It was a time of high culture, when great cathedrals were built and renowned universities were founded.

  3. He said construction of the remaining 30 meters is a critical phase that involves installation of a digital antenna.

  4. He had spent much of his time designing buildings that no one had asked him to design. Many of these designs were never built.

  5. The Williamsburg Bridge was one of the last major bridges built for the horse and carriage, as well as for pedestrians and bicyclists.

  6. She was a Dutch woman in Amsterdam and she helped with the Underground Railroad and helped people hide and find their way out of Europe.

  7. Pennsylvania Avenue, America's "Main Street, " was one of the earliest streets constructed in the federal city.

  8. Media reports said the terms of the deal are expected to boost prospects for other private electricity firms to build new power plants.

  9. But in two thousand four the Center for Rural Development had the idea for a bank to help self-employed workers buy their own rickshaws .


  1. 兴建化肥厂

    build a fertilizer plant.

  2. 旅馆还在兴建中。

    The hotel is still under construction.

  3. 垃圾焚化厂兴建工程

    Waste Incinerator

  4. 到处在兴建新工厂。

    New factories are going up everywhere.

  5. 许多大楼正在兴建中。

    Many blocks are under construction.

  6. 沿石堤兴建的滑梯

    embankment slide

  7. 各处正在兴建新建筑物。

    New buildings are going up everywhere.

  8. 兴建海口旅游城管见

    A Few Reflections on the Building of Haikou Touring Town in Fuqing City

  9. 荔景医院仍在兴建。

    The Lai King Hospital was being built.

  10. 新的海港正在兴建中。

    The new harbour is in course of construction.

  11. 一座桥正在那里兴建吗?

    Is a bridge being built there

  12. 政府拨款兴建了100所小学。

    The government allocated funds for the setting up of 100 primary schools.

  13. 全城到处在兴建新楼房。

    New buildings are across the city.

  14. 兴建五条有盖行人天桥

    Construction of five covered footbridges

  15. 到处都在兴建新的住宅。

    New houses are going up everythere.

  16. 这栋建筑是去年兴建的。

    This building was put up last year.

  17. 官邸兴建于元洲仔顶端

    Island House was built on the top of an island

  18. 有两家新饭店正在兴建。

    There are two new hotels under construction.

  19. 本来要在对面街兴建商场

    was supposed to go up across the street.

  20. 一座娱乐公园正在兴建中。

    An amusement park is under construction.

  21. 正在世界各地紧锣密鼓筹备兴建

    that are being planned all over the world.

  22. 镇中心正在兴建一家医院。

    A hospital is being built in the centre of the town.

  23. 三哩岛核电厂按时批准兴建。

    The TMI plant was duly constructed.

  24. 到处都在兴建新的办公楼群。

    New office blocks are going up everywhere.

  25. 一个医院正在学校附近处兴建。

    A hospital is being built near the school.

  26. 这座桥由当地农民集资兴建。

    This bridge was built with funds pooled by the local farmers.

  27. 获批准可动工兴建的私人楼宇

    Private New Buildings with Consent to Commence Work

  28. 兴建新医院的计划有希望成功。

    The plan for a new hospital bids fair to succeed.

  29. 我知道你在兴建一座新工厂。

    I know you're building a new factory

  30. 车间紧邻车库, 是二战后兴建的。

    This shop is located close to the depot and was built after WWII.


  1. 问:兴建拼音怎么拼?兴建的读音是什么?兴建翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兴建的读音是xīngjiàn,兴建翻译成英文是 build

  2. 问:兴建中的中国长城 (短篇故事)拼音怎么拼?兴建中的中国长城 (短篇故事)的读音是什么?兴建中的中国长城 (短篇故事)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兴建中的中国长城 (短篇故事)的读音是,兴建中的中国长城 (短篇故事)翻译成英文是 The Great Wall of China




【拼音】xīngjiàn ㄒㄧㄥ ㄐㄧㄢˋ