




游戏:~耍。~笑。~兴(xìng )。~具。~偶。戏弄,搬弄:~弄。~狎。~花招儿。观赏:~赏。~味。瞻~。~物丧志。可供观赏的东西:古~。轻视,忽视:~忽职守。~世不恭。……



汉语拼音:tān wán








  1. 贪图玩耍。

    《红楼梦》第八一回:“为什么不念书,只是心野贪玩?” 周立波 《山乡巨变》上十八:“因为你呀……原先是个贪玩、爱笑、会闹的调皮的小家伙。” 枕书 《博物记趣·蛋白石》:“大人走后,小 威利 为了贪玩也跑得老远。”



  1. As you all know, if we all play all day, how do you think we can win the second place in this English contest?


  2. The weather began to turn cold! His body now? Read how? Don't play, you know?


  3. Who else but a bookworm, with none of the normal kid's tendency to play rather than study, would grow up to be a teacher anyway?


  4. Well-being of you and I in him, sometimes his fun, and you ?


  5. Children play, play happy, he left the oxen, not the somebody else eat the cow HeMiao, which do not have enough to eat.


  6. So, I know, if a man has no sense of responsibilities and admires blindly freeness and traveling, means he is willful.


  7. Father's work is so hard for you, fun is a child nature is not your fault, but should not lie ah!


  8. Beijing has long wanted Washington to stop selling arms to Taiwan, a self-governing island that China considers part of its territory.


  9. a teacher, bring a child into a playful inquisitive, a good student strive for excellence.


  1. 她还像以前一样贪玩。

    She enjoys playing as much as ever.

  2. 我得努力学习,不贪玩。

    I have to work hard, but not play.

  3. 我不尊敬他, 因为他贪玩。

    I do not respect him because he is playful.

  4. 贪玩的水花点缀着海岸。

    Splashes of greed make its banks more beautiful.

  5. 那时候大自然仍十分贪玩。

    When nature was still very playful.

  6. 他要我好好干,不要贪玩。

    He wants me to stick close to the work here and not play about very much.

  7. 不要贪玩,去做你的工作。

    Stop larking about and get on your work.

  8. 你这个调皮的猴子,别贪玩了。

    You naught monkey! Don't play any more.

  9. 不要只贪玩,去做你的工作。

    Stop larking about and get on with your work.

  10. 由于整日贪玩,他期末考试没有及格。

    He failed in the final exam by playing all the time.

  11. 他当然贪玩,要知道你的孩子才4岁啊!

    Of course! He is a4 year old boy!

  12. 妈妈常跟我说不要太贪玩电脑游戏。

    Mom often asks me not to play computer games too much.

  13. 我曾经是一个贪玩的男子,女孩子追逐。

    I have been a chap, whom girls follow.

  14. 不便之处,敬请原谅。我不尊敬他,因为他贪玩。

    We apologize for any inconvenience caused. I do not respect him because he is playful.

  15. 电影里得金发女郎往往看起来都很笨, 或者贪玩。

    In films blondes are often assumed as being clueless or as having more fun.

  16. 电影里的金发女郎往往看起来都很笨,或者贪玩。

    In films blondes are often assumed as being clueless or as having more fun.

  17. 我们选了一只毛绒球一样贪玩的小灰猫。

    We picked a little, gray, playful ball of fur.

  18. 当时李白非常贪玩,还没完成学业,就半途而废了。

    At that time Li Bai enjoyed playing everywhere and dropped out of school halfway.

  19. 这才恍然大悟,我已是初二了,不能再象以前那样贪玩了。

    This came, I have the two days and can no longer be a fun as before.

  20. 总而言之,简括起来说,野孩是个贪玩的孩子,因为他苦恼。

    To sum up the whole, and in one word, the gamin is a being who amuses himself, because he is unhappy.

  21. 这是一个关于乌拉山上贪玩小女孩吉哈卡得故事。

    This film is based on a Urals fairytale.

  22. 这是一个关于乌拉山上贪玩小女孩吉哈卡的故事。

    This film is based on a Urals fairytale.

  23. 同样地,别贪玩而荒废学业!

    Also, don't have so much fun that you forget to study!

  24. 比尔的贪玩妨碍了他的学习,他的成绩下降了。

    Bill's playing came between him and his studies, and his grades went down.

  25. 一天我突发奇想,三十年后,我的儿子也是这样贪玩吗?

    The dog want to play football, but he is hungry.

  26. 当你因贪玩而误了正事那你就向后退了一步变成负数!

    When you get down to business for the sake of fun then you miss a step backward into a negative!

  27. 有时候我也会贪好玩地戴戴假发。

    I'd wear a 9 wig sometimes for fun.


  1. 问:贪玩拼音怎么拼?贪玩的读音是什么?贪玩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪玩的读音是tānwán,贪玩翻译成英文是 be too fond of a good time

  2. 问:贪玩儿拼音怎么拼?贪玩儿的读音是什么?贪玩儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪玩儿的读音是tānwánr,贪玩儿翻译成英文是 To be fond of playing or fooling around....



贪玩(tān wán,ㄊㄢ ㄨㄢˊ),贪图玩耍的意思。语出《红楼梦》第八一回:“为什么不念书,只是心野贪玩?”