







汉语拼音:shì gù







  1. 连词。因此;所以。

    《论语·先进》:“其言不让,是故哂之。” 唐 柳宗元 《刘叟传》:“是故事至而后求,曷若未至而先备。” 梁启超 《论请愿国会当与请愿政府并行》:“是故指会议政务处或宪政编查馆为政府,更无有是处。”



  1. Individual States, therefore, will not be able to respond to the original pleading as such, since it may not concern them at all.

  2. It's was the off-season, and the island wasn't exactly much of a tourist spot, so the rent was cheap.

  3. Her husband's job kept him out late, so she was free to come and go as she pleased.

  4. So I am only a little younger than you, as a result of this, you can't call me "little sister" because I am not a little girl any longer.

  5. Is past, these photograph to have no the dance over 38 lines, on the contrary is to lead the view peeped into 38 lines north world.

  6. Former President Bill Clinton reminded Democrats this week that this year's Republican attacks on Obama have a familiar ring to them.

  7. The first, we tried to do a summary of the basic medical iontophoretic experiment in recent and future developments in our literature.

  8. or if in hostility he hits him with his fist so that he dies, that person shall be put to death; he is a murderer.

  9. Is a past Buddhist relics Fu, various kind man, woman, if the one who have letter should deliver a wish and living that national territory.


  1. 她的拒绝只是故作姿态。

    Her refusal was merely a deliberate gesture.

  2. 这类拥护完全是故作姿态。

    These embraces were a vain pretence.

  3. 我并不是故你拉你下水

    I didn't mean to drag you into this.

  4. 她生病了,是故未能来。

    She was ill, and therefore could not come.

  5. 他关心穷人只是故作姿态罢了。

    His concern for the poor is a mere pose.

  6. 为未来写作如果不是故作姿态,也是自欺欺人。

    Unless it is pretence, to write for the future only deludes oneself and others as well.

  7. 是故不知诸侯之谋者, 不能预交。

    We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs.

  8. 是故,我将爱,视为生命赐予我最好的礼物。

    Therefore, I as life gave me the best gift.

  9. 是故,我将爱,视为生命赐予我最好得礼物。

    Therefore, I as life gave me the best gift.

  10. 是故需从立法的角度重新建构遗弃罪。

    Therefore, it is necessary to construct the abandonment crime on legislation.

  11. 是故阿难。汝今当知, 见明之时, 见非是明。

    Therefore, Ananda, you should know that when you see light, the seeing is not the light.

  12. 是故关注经济增长的人们 则转移视线至亚洲。

    And people interested in growth are turning their eyes towards Asia.

  13. 是故原来的虎、龙图腾也随之演变为狼、鹿图腾。

    The former totems of tiger and dragon became totems of wolf and deer.

  14. 是故玩家在游戏中的经营手法将不会是一成不变的。

    So player's management tactics in the game will not be unalterable.

  15. 犹食一雉, 是故不能疗其愚惑烦恼之病。

    This is just like the patient eating only one pheasant that his illness of ignorance and worries cannot be cured.

  16. 在上级军官面前他流露出一种尊敬, 但又不是故作卑下。

    He was respectful without being ill at ease in the company of superior officers.

  17. 在面对人情是故和无情法律时, 他将作出如何的选择呢

    And ruthless in the face of actual occurrence of human law, he will make to choice

  18. 我是她故有

    I'm an old friend.

  19. 你是在故作镇定吧?

    Are you keeping up appearances?

  20. 尽管我们一再批评,他还是依然如故。

    Despite our repeated criticisms, he remains unchanged.

  21. 赣州是红色故都、共和国的摇篮。

    Ganzhou is former red capital, the cradle of the Peple's Republic.

  22. 您能告诉我他是怎么故去的么?

    Would you mind telling me under what circumstances?

  23. 最危险得时期是亲人故去后得最初30天。

    The most vulnerable period was the first 30 days following the loss.

  24. 最危险的时期是亲人故去后的最初30天。

    The most vulnerable period was the first 30 days following the loss.

  25. 他们是初犯,故应处缓刑。

    They should be probated for first offences.

  26. 故我们是把位置向量,分解为简单向量的和。

    So, we want to decompose the position vector into a sum of simpler vectors.

  27. 故可能是超重,而不是身材矮小,增加心脏疾病风险。

    It could be the excess weight, not the short stature, driving the heart disease risk, he says.

  28. 刘鸣之画, 故大多数是晚上和礼拜天的时间完成的。

    Therefore his works are almost completed in the evening and on Sunday time.

  29. 银河辐射因能量较高,故此是宇宙辐射的支配组分。

    Galactic radiation has higher energy and is therefore the dominant component of cosmic radiation.

  30. 然还未行普贤之行, 故仅仅是发心和誓愿阶段。

    If one hasn't practiced Samantabhadra's vows, he is still in the stage of initial resolve.


  1. 问:是故拼音怎么拼?是故的读音是什么?是故翻译成英文是什么?

    答:是故的读音是,是故翻译成英文是 hereat



词语解释: 词性:连词 拼音:shìgù 解释:因此;所以 英文:consequently;therefore