


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……




心地仁爱,品质淳厚:~良。~心。~举。~事。~人。~男信女。慈~。好的行为、品质:行~。惩恶扬~。高明的,良好的:~策。~本。友好,和好:友~。亲~。和~。熟悉:面~。办好,弄好:~后。擅长,长(cháng )于:~辞令。多谋~断。赞许:“……


长形的东西从中间分开:~裂。~层。~面。截~。~肠。~魂。~线风筝。不继续,禁绝:~粮。~水。~炊。~奶。~档。~流。~种(zhóng )。~交。~片。~续。~子绝孙。判定,决定:判~。诊~。~狱(审理和判决罪案)。一定,绝对:~乎不可。~……



汉语拼音:hào móu shàn duàn








  • 【解释】:善:擅长;断:决断。形容人能不断思考,并善于判断。
  • 【出自】:晋·陆机《辨亡论》上:“畴咨俊茂,好谋善断。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;形容人勤于思考,并善于作出判断


  1. na.
  2. resourceful and decisive;sagacious and resolute

  1. 这汤有利于治好断骨。

    The soup will help to heal the broken bone.

  2. 请别挂断好吗

    Could you hold the line, please.

  3. 请不要挂断好吗

    Would you hold the line, please.

  4. 请稍等不要挂断好吗

    Could you hold the line for a second, please.

  5. 请不要挂断好吗 我查查看。

    Could you hold the line, please I'll check for you.

  6. 这扇门得门扣好象断了, 门打不开了。

    The catch on this door seems to be broken. It won't open.

  7. 这扇门的门扣好象断了,门打不开了。

    The catch on this door seems to be broken. It won't open.

  8. 医生用夹板把腿固定住, 一直到断骨长好。

    The doctor had so splint the leg until the broken bone began to mend

  9. 外科医生为她接好断臂。

    The surgeon set her broken arm.

  10. 我刚锁好门钥匙就断了。

    I had scarcely locked the door when the key broke.

  11. 请把您得笔借给我, 好吗?我得断了。

    Would you please lend me your pencil ? Mine is broken.

  12. 请把您的笔借给我, 好吗?我的断了。

    Would you please lend me your pencil ? Mine is broken.

  13. 弯曲要比折断好。

    Better to bend than break.

  14. 手指上的筋被刀弄断了, 接好后, 一定会好么

    The muscle on finger by knife strand, after been receive, is regular meeting good

  15. 手指上得筋被刀弄断了,接好后,一定会好么

    The muscle on finger by knife strand, after been receive, is regular meeting good.

  16. 她认为断网的想法是好的。

    The idea of unplugging was good, shed decided.

  17. 医生把断的骨头完全接好了。

    The doctors have set the fractures without any problems.

  18. 外科医生把她摔断的肩胛骨重新接好。

    The surgeon reset her broken shoulder blade.

  19. 断水保护,更好地延长激光器的寿命。

    Water break protecting, it can prolong the life of laser tube.

  20. 好,抢断,继续

    Good, hustle!Keep it up!

  21. 断骨已接好。

    The broken have knit together well.

  22. 时断时续, 有好几年了。

    On and off, for quite a few years.

  23. 这根断骨能接好吗

    Can this broken bone knit up?

  24. 病情确诊断,治病好一半。

    A disease known is half cured.

  25. 挂断!求你别发烫了好不好!

    Knock it off! Stop burning, please!

  26. 大风折断了好几根树枝。

    The gale ripped off several branches of the tree.

  27. 他的断腿正在很好地愈合。

    His broken leg is mending very well.

  28. 医生接好了我腿上的断骨。

    The doctor set my broken let.

  29. 医生把她的断骨拼合好了。

    The doctor knitted her broken bones together.

  30. 我希望断骨的两头会接合好。

    I hope the two edges of that broken bone will knIt'smoothly.


好谋善断是形容人能不断思考,并善于判断。出自于 晋·陆机《辨亡论》上:“畴咨俊茂,好谋善断。