


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……









汉语拼音:yǒu shēng zhī nián








  • 【解释】:一生之中最后的年月,即余年。
  • 【出自】:清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第68回:“俾臣得保蚁命,此后有生之年,莫非主上所赐,惟求格外垂怜。”
  • 【示例】:只好用今后~的辛勤努力,来补偿过去的不足。


  1. What does it matter in the course of a life-time if a father never tells a son what he really thinks of him?


  2. Barbossa : [ at a pirate gathering] There's not been a gathering like this in our lifetime . Jack Sparrow : And I owe them all money .


  3. But not so fast. Even Plato was attacked in his own time for treating philosophy as if it were all mathematics.


  4. We hope the information you find here will help you get as much joy and satisfaction as possible out of every day for the rest of your life.


  5. There is only one correct approach: cherish life. Lifetime, regardless of the length of every day to do, would be sufficient.


  6. I said then -- and I will repeat now -- that this is a long-term goal, one that may not even be achieved in my lifetime.


  7. We hope you are able to travel to far-north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime.


  8. A man of practice, in his life, he seeks for nothing but a simple condition that can maintain his life.


  9. How much would you have to have on hand every year to invest and be a billionaire at a time where you could still spend it?


  1. 我們有生之年就可見證到

    that we witness in health care during our lifetime.

  2. 他有生之年一直养蜂。

    Throughout his life he had always kept bees.

  3. 你在他有生之年认识他吗

    Did you know him in his lifetime

  4. 会在有生之年见证这个时刻。

    did not think we would see this moment in our lifetime.

  5. 希望那能在我有生之年完成。

    hopefully in my lifetime.

  6. 他有生之年曾追悔他早年的恋爱。

    He lived to repent his early love.

  7. 可能我们的有生之年都看不到。

    in my lifetime or in yours.

  8. 他活到在有生之年看到孙儿辈。

    He lived to see his grandchildren.

  9. 他的作品在他的有生之年从未出版过。

    During his lifetime his work was never published.

  10. 那么我们可以在有生之年实现这些吗?

    So could we achieve this in their lifetimes?

  11. 在他有生之年, 这个梦想一直没有实现。

    His dream never came true in his lifetime.

  12. 你想在你的有生之年就呆在这里吗?

    Do you want to stick on here for the rest of your life?

  13. 他在有生之年看到了他的孙女结婚。

    He lived to see his granddaughter married.

  14. 他有生之年, 逢人便说他对手诈了他。

    He spent the remainder of his life complaining to everyone he met how he was cheated out of a presidency.

  15. 这房子虽旧,但在我有生之年尚可居住。

    The house is old, but it well last my time.

  16. 我母亲希望能够在她有生之年抱上孙子。

    My mother hopes she would live to meet my children.

  17. 我母亲希望能够在她有生之年抱上孙子。

    My mother hopes she would live to meet my children.

  18. 她希望在有生之年看见普选落实的一天。

    She hoped to witness universal suffrage during her lifetime.

  19. 在塞伊有生之年,他的作品拥有大量的读者。

    Say's writings reached a wide audience during his lifetime.

  20. 这个决定可能会让你在有生之年都追悔莫及。

    The decision could be one you live to regret.

  21. 如今我们可在有生之年过豪华生活了。

    Now we'll be able to live in luxury for the rest of our lives.

  22. 她的有生之年尚多,长篇累牍并无妨害。

    With a lifetime before her, the length of books was no hindrance.

  23. 他本想在有生之年成为一个出众的人物。

    He means to be somebody before he goes of his handle.

  24. 赖利先生在有生之年一直因丧子而悲痛。

    For the rest of his life, Mr. Riley grieved about the loss of his child

  25. 在有生之年我从未想到你会爱我胜过爱你自己!

    I never thought that you would love me more than you love yourself!

  26. 至于最终结果, 我们在有生之年是看不到了。

    What the eventual outcome will be, we will not be able to see in our lifetime.

  27. 父亲在有生之年见证了我出人头地的那一天。

    My father lived long enough to see that I'd made something of myself.

  28. 而是在四十年之内 在在座大多数人的有生之年

    but in less than 38 years, in the life time of most of you.

  29. 这欢欣的时刻将在我有生之年都长存在我的记忆中。

    The euphoria of the moment will live in my memory for the rest of my life.

  30. 我从未曾想过,在有生之年可以看到这一刻。

    I did not think I would see this political moment in my lifetime.


  1. 问:有生之年拼音怎么拼?有生之年的读音是什么?有生之年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有生之年的读音是yǒushēngzhīnián,有生之年翻译成英文是 in one's remaining years

