




无机化合物,一种有咸味的无色或白色结晶体,成分是氯化钠,用来制造染料、玻璃、肥皂等,亦是重要的调味剂和防腐剂(有“海盐”、“池盐”、“井盐”、“岩盐”等种类):~巴。~卤。~分(fèn )。~田。〔~酸〕氯化氢的水溶液,是一种基本的化学原料……



汉语拼音:jiāo yán



(~儿)把焙过的花椒和盐轧碎制成的调味品~排骨 ㄧ~月饼。



  1. 把焙过的花椒和盐轧碎制成的调味品。

    唐 寒山 《诗》之二○六:“蒸豚揾蒜酱,炙鸭点椒盐。”《古今小说·宋四公大闹禁魂张》:“烦你买一百钱熬肉,多讨椒盐,买五十钱蒸饼,剩五十钱,与你买碗酒吃。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·柔石作<二月>小引》:“这大苦痛,便是社会的可怜的椒盐,和战士孤儿等辈一同,给无聊的社会一些味道,使他们无聊地持续下去。”



  1. When you hear the word "yoga, " do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel?


  2. The experiment shows that this method can powerfully denoise salt-and-pepper noise with good edge-preserving.


  3. He has the deep tan of a dedicated snowboarder and a salt-and-pepper goatee that gives him a casual, approachable air.


  4. Naxi bread is a mix of an Italian pizza bianco and a pretzel, dusted with sesame seeds, scallions, chilis, garlic and Sichuan peppercorn.


  5. Ideally, pepper and salt Standard Schnauzers have a gray undercoat, but a tan or fawn undercoat is not to be penalized.


  6. And I slowly pour melted butter over the crushed pretzels. I let it cool. Meanwhile my oven is preheating.


  7. Buy small packages of food Bonus-size boxes of cookies, crackers, pretzels and potato chips may be a deal, but they encourage overeating.


  8. In the light of this we propose a novel filter for removing salt & pepper-noise in this paper.


  9. In the light of this, this proposes a novel filter for removing salt&pepper-noise.


  1. 椒盐鸭下巴

    Salt Pepper Duck Ja.

  2. 椒盐状眼底

    salt and pepper fundus.

  3. 椒盐白瓜子

    roasted and salted pumpkin seed.

  4. 椒盐项颈肉

    Pork neck meat with salt pepper.

  5. 头爪椒盐式煲粥

    Conjee pot boiled with chicken claw

  6. 椒麻腰片椒盐炒鲜鱿

    Kidneys steamed in hot sauce

  7. 你真的不要椒盐脆饼?

    Sure you don't wanna pretzel?

  8. 想来点酥软的椒盐卷饼吗?

    Want to go get a soft pretzel?

  9. 给我来点花生和椒盐卷饼。

    Let me have some peanuts and pretzels.

  10. 加拿大银鳕鱼、原汁扇贝、椒盐香鱼。

    Canada Silver Cod Fish, Scallop w Original Sauce, Octopus.

  11. 椒盐游水濑尿虾,成只龙虾仔咁大。

    Live shrimp as big as a small lobster!

  12. 打开烤炉, 取出椒盐脆饼粒, 冷却。

    I remove the pretzel crust from the oven and let it cool.

  13. 我们在旁边放了一碗椒盐卷饼

    We had a bowl of pretzels positioned off to the side.

  14. 最佳匹配菜肴羊扒, 烤肉, 椒盐虾蟹类

    Serving Suggestions It perfectly matches with mutton chop, roasted meats, pepper salt crab and shrimp.

  15. 我们就是看看玩家吃了多少椒盐卷饼

    So we're just tracking how many pretzels participants eat.

  16. 基于极大似然法的椒盐噪声滤波算法

    A New Salt and Pepper Noise Filter Algorithm based on the Maximum Likehood Method

  17. 严重椒盐噪声污染图像的非线性滤波算法

    A Nonlinear Algorithm for the Removal of Salt and Pepper Noise from Highly Corrupted Images

  18. 基于椒盐噪声图像的加权均值滤波算法研究

    Study on Weighted Mean Filtering Algorithm Based on the Images with Salt and Pepper Noise

  19. 一种基于邻域信息的椒盐噪声滤波算法

    A Filter Algorithm for Salt and Pepper Noise Based on the Information of Neighborhood

  20. 有时意味着吉姆拿啤酒, 而你带来椒盐脆饼。

    Sometimes that means Jim picks up the beer, while you bring the pretzels.

  21. 你有比这些椒盐卷饼更解饿的食物吗?

    Do you have anything more substantial than these pretzels?

  22. 一个适当的手铐结,看起来有点象椒盐脆饼。

    A proper handcuff knot should look like a pretzel.

  23. 布什总统在大嚼椒盐饼干时噎住、昏厥了。

    President Bush was munching on some pretzels when he choked and fainted.

  24. 这使得我们可以观察玩家吃椒盐卷饼的行为

    That allowed us to watch participants'consummatory behavior.

  25. 禁食咸得小吃,如富含盐分得薯条和椒盐卷饼。

    Stay away from salty snacks, such as chips and pretzels,are loaded with sodium.

  26. 禁食咸的小吃,如富含盐分的薯条和椒盐卷饼。

    Stay away from salty snacks, such as chips and pretzels, are loaded with sodium.

  27. 起先他们好奇那一碗椒盐卷饼 为什么会在那里

    They wonder what that bowl of pretzels is doing there in the first place.

  28. 从驼色到黑色、包括椒盐色、灰色、虎斑色都有。

    From fawn to black, passing through salt and pepper, gray and brindle.

  29. 优化自适应中值滤波器滤除图像椒盐噪声方法研究

    A research on reducing noise in medicine image based on optimized adaptive median filter method

  30. 我是说过,但是去商场里卖软椒盐卷饼而不是。

    Yeah, at the mall hocking soft pretzels, Not working for.


  1. 问:椒盐拼音怎么拼?椒盐的读音是什么?椒盐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:椒盐的读音是jiāoyán,椒盐翻译成英文是 spiced salt; spicy salt

  2. 问:椒盐卷饼拼音怎么拼?椒盐卷饼的读音是什么?椒盐卷饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:椒盐卷饼的读音是,椒盐卷饼翻译成英文是 Pretzel

  3. 问:椒盐噪声拼音怎么拼?椒盐噪声的读音是什么?椒盐噪声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:椒盐噪声的读音是,椒盐噪声翻译成英文是 Salt and pepper noise