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汉语拼音:míng zhì
汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·相刺》:“天设三光以照记,天子立公卿以明治。”《魏书·世宗纪》:“任贤明治,自昔通规;宣风赞务,实惟多士。”
日本 天皇 睦仁 的年号(公元1868-1912年)。
鲁迅 《现代日本小说集·关于作者的说明》:“ 夏目 的著作……轻快洒脱,富于机智,是 明治 文坛上的 新江 户艺术的主流,当世无与匹者。” 郁达夫 《日本的文化生活》:“ 明治 维新,到现在不过七八十年,而整个国家的进步,却尽可以和有千馀年文化在后的 英 法 德 意 比比。”
As early as the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese began to expend a great deal of effort on science, technology and education.
日本人从明治维新就开始注意科技,注意教育,花了很大力量。What some dared hope was a modern Meiji Restoration has turned out to be rather less inspiring.
一些人曾大胆希冀上演一场现代版的明治维新(MeijiRestoration),但结果并不尽如人意。The " Meiji restoration" did not last long: a new band of oligarchs and militarists swiftly gathered real power back.
但是“明治维新”却未能持续很长时间,因为新的寡头政治家和军国主义者又迅速的掌握了实权。The company isn't recalling the formula, but said customers can replace any of the purchased 850-gram cans in question free of charge.
明治株式会社没有召回这些奶粉,但表示可向购买了受质疑的850克装罐装奶粉的消费者提供无偿更换服务。The restoration ushered In the Meiji period, a time of rapid modernization and Westernization.
明治维新后开展了明治时代,是日本一段迅速现代化和西化的时期。By chance he came across the Pacific, the Meiji government effectiveness, training the army, the military enlightenment civilization.
一个偶然的机会他来到了太平洋对岸,为明治政府效力,训练军队,教化军队文明。The Meiji Restoration re-established the authority of Japan's emperor and heralded the fall of the military rulers known as shoguns.
年,明治维新重建日本天皇权威,预示着德川幕府军事统治的衰亡。'Even if drunk everyday, the level [of radioactive material] detected would not have an effect on health, ' the company said in a statement.
明治株式会社在声明中说,即使每天喝,检测到的放射性物质水平也不会对人体健康造成影响。When Meiji became Emperor of Japan at the age of 14, Japan was a primitive and isolated country.