




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……



汉语拼音:pà bù







  1. 亦作“ 怕不的 ”。恐怕;也许。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第五本第四折:“那吃敲才怕不口里嚼蛆,那廝待数黑论黄,恶紫夺朱。”《金瓶梅词话》第七三回:“娘不信只掏他的袖子,怕不的还有柑子皮儿在袖子里哩。”《儒林外史》第二六回:“他怕不也有二十五六岁,他对人自説二十一岁。”《醒世姻缘传》第十九回:“那喜溜溜水汪汪的一双眼,合你通没二样,怕不的他那鞋你也穿的。”

  2. 尽管。

    元 刘致 《端正好·上高监司》套曲:“怕不你人心奸巧,争念有造物乘除。”



  1. "I sat down with the nurses to take a break after this long day, and I asked them if they were scared, " wrote Zeng.


  2. Yes, but I have no option. Because I don "t want you to look at me while you" re thinking of another.


  3. He carried a dagger nine and a half inches long to determine whether or not the teacher was afraid to die.


  4. I run to his room and get him in my arms. "It's alright. "


  5. I'm a bit afraid, but happy to come with you. . .


  6. Shouldn't I give her a good lesson if I could only catch her!


  7. "then go lor. . . if you want to go yet scared that you cannot better your own record, then dun do treadmill lor. . . " countered A.


  8. Translator fear is not accurate, so look for friends to help me put my words into English.


  9. that he was afraid to kill the tiny winged insects which might be resting in the cracks.


  1. 你怕不怕鬼?

    Are you afraid of spooks ?

  2. 事情怕不这么简单。

    I'm afraid things are not so simple.

  3. 事情怕不那么简单。

    I am afraid things are not that simple.

  4. 佛门怕不能容他。

    The temple cannot allow him.

  5. 这项事业怕不合算。

    The enterprise will not pay you.

  6. 不怕不识货,就怕货比货。

    Don't worry about not knowing much about the goods; just compare and you will see which is better.

  7. 詹天佑不怕不怕嘲笑毅然任务。

    Zhan Tianyou resolutely not afraid to accept the difficult task is not afraid of ridicule.

  8. 他老太爷、老太太怕不会作主。

    As if his own father and mother couldn't take care of him.

  9. 患者你刚问我怕不怕自己同性恋。

    Patient Did you just ask me if I worry about being homosexual

  10. 你不怕不到你通常的时间就回家吗?

    You have no fear of going home before your usual hour?

  11. 没听人说最怕不问清楚就疑神疑鬼吗?

    Don't they say the only foolish questions are unasked ones ?

  12. 咱们的运气太好,怕不牢靠。不如现在洗手不干。

    Our luck is too good to last; and now is our chance to stop.

  13. 现在脚趾很痛。但我怕不能参加后面得训练。

    My toe's paining. But I wonder if I can participate the following training.

  14. 现在脚趾很痛。但我怕不能参加后面的训练。

    My toe's paining. But I wonder if I can participate the following training.

  15. 老圃种菜, 一畦菜怕不就是一首更清新的诗?

    The old Pu grows vegetables, is a Qi vegetables afraiding not a more delightfully fresh poem ?

  16. 老圃种菜,一畦菜怕不就是一首更清新得诗?

    The old Pu grows vegetables, is a Qi vegetables afraiding not a more delightfully fresh poem?

  17. 他身藏一把九寸半的利刃, 想试试老师到底怕不怕死。

    He carried a dagger nine and a half inches long to determine whether or not the teacher was afraid to die.

  18. 为这事,他把家人分派到不同的队列去排队,就是怕不保险。

    He sent his family to line up in different queues for the same item, so kiasu.

  19. 无畏,不怕

    without fear.

  20. 企鹅不怕人。

    Penguins are not afraid of people.

  21. 我不怕你。

    I am not afraid of you.

  22. 我不怕你。

    I am not afraid of you.

  23. 冷我不怕。

    The cold doesn't worry me.

  24. 我不怕山姆。

    I'm not scared of Sam.

  25. 我不怕山姆。

    I'm not scared of Sam.

  26. 光棍不怕偷。

    The beggar may sing before the thief.

  27. 好砧不怕锤打。

    A good anvil does not fear the hammer.

  28. 直到你不怕了

    until you felt safe.

  29. 我当然不怕他。

    I'm certainly not scared of him.

  30. 我不怕劈木头。

    Not that I mind splitting rails.