







汉语拼音:niàn xiǎng






  1. 想念。

    元 白朴 《东墙记》第一折:“不争你这等念想,倘若其身有失,如何是了?”《水浒传》第三三回:“自从别了兄长之后,屈指又早五六年矣,常常念想。” 李广田 《悲哀的玩具》:“听说,现在他更衰老了些,而且也时常念想到他久客他乡的儿子。”



  1. There is a part of me that wants to be attractive, physically, emotionally, and mental, so of course I understand that part of you as well.


  2. It was nothing in my mind especially, just the fact that the journalist asked me if I would ever leave the Club.


  3. The. Off day reheat thought, yesterday and he washed the mat together, dry, put up. The next summer.


  4. Andrea Dossena's agent has ruled out a return to Italy for the Liverpool defender, claiming that Spain is a likelier destination.


  5. I told him that my desire was to see the god.


  6. Just as the achievements of the holiness and love heart thought.


  7. This is a sad ending, thought is infinite, whether to have a strong, dare to think constantly of.


  8. I only had one desire that was to see my mother in person as soon as possible.


  9. But have a bit, I admit, once copy others' things will bound his own thoughts, you will feel what also can't write.


  1. 他们有你一样的情怀与念想。

    They have the same feelings and you want to read.

  2. 我全部的念想都归根于你,我永恒的爱人。

    My thoughts go out to you, my immortal beloved.

  3. 过了一会儿,他向我搭话,询问我的念想。

    After a little while he spake to me, and asked me my desire.

  4. 念想中的美好,有时候恍若失却了真实。

    The goodness in memory, sometimes seems to lost its truth.

  5. 变革是有可能的,这不仅仅是一个疯狂的念想。

    Change is really possible. It's not just a crazy notion.

  6. 有的是规律,有的是规则。但它不是,它只是你的念想。

    Some are laws, some are rules, but it's neither, it's just your dream.

  7. 念想擦过我的心上, 如一群家鸭飞过天空。

    Thoughts pass in my mind like flocks of lucks in the sky.

  8. 米开朗基罗确实是拉斐尔脑海中常有的念想。

    Michelangelo was clearly in Raphael's thoughts at times.

  9. 米开朗基罗确实是拉斐尔脑海中常有得念想。

    Michelangelo was clearly in Raphael's thoughts at times.

  10. 既然担任了公职,为公众服务,就要断掉发财的念想。

    Since we have chosen public service, we should give up all thought of making money.

  11. 毁灭古巴及其革命是延续了45年还多的一个念想。

    The idea of destroying Cuba and its revolution is an obsession that has lasted for more than45 years.

  12. 毁灭古巴及其革命是延续了45年还多得一个念想。

    The idea of destroying Cuba and its revolution is an obsession that has lasted for more than45 years.

  13. 大自然的万色千般皆为使我们念想出其中的福地洞天。

    All nature is meant to make us think of paradise, Thomas Merton observed.

  14. 那就是我想你念你牵挂你的心!

    That is, I would like you to read you worried about your heart!

  15. 我说我想去念个中专, 他也跟着我一起去了。

    I say I want to attend a technical secondary school, he also followed me to go together.

  16. 我想我念的高中有一支足球校队,但是我们加入了棒球队。

    I think my high school had a team, but I went out for baseball.

  17. 所谓古典, 是谁都希望念过而又谁也不想去念的一类东西。

    A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.

  18. 他想让你念葬礼悼词。

    He wants you to deliver his eulogy.

  19. 你想自己来念这个备忘录吗?

    Ll read the memo yourself?

  20. 每次我念英文,我就想睡觉。

    Every time I study english, I feel like sleeping.

  21. 而且这里有一本很古老的书,我想给你们念其中一段。

    And there's an old book back here, and I want to read a piece from it.

  22. 念天地之悠悠 我想每个人的感受都会有所不同

    that this has gone on for a long time, and we're experiencing it in a different way.

  23. 我想恶魔男爵念了下雨的咒语。

    I thought that evil Baron cast a spell for rain.

  24. 沉默了片刻后,他说他想要人给他念一段祷文。

    After a little while of silence, he said he thought somebody might read a prayer.

  25. 神第一念想到的是天使。

    The first thought of God was an angel.

  26. 心心念念的思想。都念不出我的所思所想。

    Harbors intentions thought. Cannot read me to think thought.

  27. 我总是在念着你,但是我不知道我想你的缘由。

    I always think of you, but I always fail to know the reason why.

  28. 想满意,自己做,菩萨合掌念菩萨,求人不如求己。

    If you want to do it right, do it yourself. Rather than spending time on prayers, you should start to rely on yourself.

  29. 我也想当警察来着, 但我决定先把高中念完。

    I was going to be a cop, but I decided to finish high school instead.

  30. 我想在几年后回去念研究所, 拿个硕士学位。

    I want to return to grad school in a few years to get a master's degree.