







汉语拼音:liǎng shuì







  1. 夏税和秋税的合称。

    唐德宗 时 杨炎 作两税法,并租庸调为一,令以钱输税。夏输不超过六月,秋输不超过十一月,故称两税。 唐 赵元一 《奉天录》卷二:“京城减收两税之半。”《新唐书·崔造传》:“ 造 久在 江左 ,疾钱穀诸使罔上,或干没自私,乃建言:‘天下两税,请委本道观察使、刺使选官部送京师。’”

  2. 见“ 两税法 ”。



  1. With the law of Enterprise Income Tax appearing, the quarrel of two enterprise income-tax laws which had continued 3 years halted.


  2. lately old business enterprise income tax; Tax rate, special policy', two taxes merge.


  3. Analysis on the Economics in the Unpayment Reasons of "Two Taxes"


  4. The Economic Analysis of the Two Income Taxes'Unification: the Advantages and Institutional Arrangement


  5. Harmonizing Accounting with Taxation after Unifying Income Tax System for both Domestic and Foreign Corporations


  6. Local Finance and Disaster Relief in Two Tax Law Finance System in Late Tang Dynasty


  7. New rural old-age insurance; Social security taxes; One country two tax systems; Taxes and Charges separately;


  8. On the Influence of the Combination of the "Two Taxes" to Our Direct Investment from Overseas


  9. Protection of Foreign-Funded Enterprises'Trust Interest in the Process of Uniting Two Tax Laws


  1. 具体地讲,土地取得税设契税、遗产和赠与税两个税种。

    Specifically, land acquisition tax can establish the deed tax, inheritance and gift tax of two types of taxes.

  2. 复合关税是从价税与从量税两种关税相结合所征收的关税。

    A compound tariff is a combination of a specific and an ad valorem tariff.

  3. 两税合一税制

    integrated income tax.

  4. 关税主要有两种, 保护税和所得税。

    They are of two main classes, protective duties and revenue duties.

  5. 新的家庭税合并了人头税和地方税两个税种。

    The new council tax combines elements of both the community charge and the rates.

  6. 近代化初期中日两国土地制度与税负的比较

    A Comparison between China and Japan in Land System and Tax in the Initial Stage of Modern Times

  7. 财政部吞掉这个月两倍的飞机乘客税也起到什么作用。

    Nor has the disappearance into the Treasury maw of the revenues from this months doubling of airpassenger duty helped.

  8. 我得购车税两天前已到期。

    The tax on my car ran out two days ago.

  9. 我的购车税两天前已到期。

    The tax on my car ran out two days ago.

  10. 我的购车税两天前已到期。

    The tax on my car ran out two days ago.

  11. 两年前他被逃漏税。

    He was convicted of tax evasion two years ago.

  12. 企业可办理两类减免税建议函

    Proposal on Granting Tax Concessions to Enterprises

  13. 这两次旅行得费用可合在一起报税。

    The cost of these two trips can be lumped together for tax purposes.

  14. 这两次旅行的费用可合在一起报税。

    The cost of these two trips can be lumped together for tax purposes.

  15. 温家宝承诺下年取消农业税, 比原定计划提早两年。

    Mr Wen pledged to abolish agricultural taxes next year, two years ahead of schedule.

  16. 融资两次,我得到一个较低的利率和健康的扣税。

    By refinancing twice, I get a lower interest rate and a healthy tax deduction.

  17. 此前,俄罗斯政府为每两个月调整一次石油出口税。

    Earlier, the Russian government for the first time every two months to adjust oil export duties.

  18. 总结来说有两点, 第一大众都认同必须扩税基。

    First, the public shares the view that there is a need to broaden our tax base.

  19. 可是,纳税人不会就同一笔收入被徵收两次税项。

    However, the same slice of income will not be charged to tax twice.

  20. 说,有两个人上殿里去祷告。一个是法利赛人,一个是税吏。

    Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.

  21. 只准带进两瓶酒和四百只香烟,对超额部分你得上税。

    Since you are only allowed to bring in two bottles of wine and four hundred cigarettes, you'll have to pay duty on the excess.

  22. 那两位国会议员为国会是否应通过新的税则条例而争论。

    The two senators debated whether or not the Senate should pass the new tax bill.

  23. 第二是分析小税史实与异闻两方面的内容及其写作特点。

    Secondly, analyse the real and empty contents of novels and writing characteristic.

  24. 高达两百万的物业税

    into the city every year.

  25. 人头税与两汉人口数量的变化

    On the Influence of Capitation to Population Fluctuation of the Two Han Dynasties

  26. 两汉时期的人头税分为算赋,口赋,更赋三种。

    The capitation of the two Han dynasties was divided into three kinds of adult tax, unadult tax and quitrent.

  27. 增税和堕胎在立法机关是两件有争议的难题。

    Tax hike and abortion are two hot potatoes in the legislature.

  28. 就是扬弃累进所得税而选择一种两级制的比例税。

    the abolition of the progressive income tax in favor of a twotier flat tax rate.

  29. 大多数政府将不得不削减开支或加税,亦或两者都要实施。

    Most will have to slash spending, or increase taxes, or do both.

  30. 事实上, 联邦政府在我们身上抽汽油税不是一次, 而是两次。

    The federal government actually taxes us on gasoline not once, but twice.