







汉语拼音:hái tóng








  1. 幼儿;儿童。

    《国语·吴语》:“昔吾先王,世有辅弼之臣,以能遂疑计恶,以不陷於大难。今王播弃黎老,而孩童焉比谋,曰:‘余令而不违。’”《后汉书·皇后纪序》:“ 东京 皇统屡絶,权归女主……贪孩童以久其政,抑贤明以专其威。” 唐 韩愈 《岳阳楼别窦司直》诗:“主人孩童旧,握手乍忻悵。怜我窜逐归,相见得无恙。”《西游补》第五回:“便是三尺孩童,也知 虞美人 能词善赋之才。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第二章:“那里有他孩童时期熟识的景物,跟形成他最初认识人生的种种事情。”



  1. At the beginning of the 19th century, America was a stumbling babe as far as a culture of its own was concerned.


  2. We were also able to help two hospitalized patients with medicines and give vitamins and other items to malnourished children as well.


  3. Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.


  4. As he toddled round the run-down family farm in the hills near Cologne, he would hit things with it to see what sound they made.


  5. And really that's my idea, that I would like to help the children of the street because in the street there are many children who suffer.


  6. During those two days of our meeting she told us that she regretted she had ever said "inner child" during a major talk she had given.


  7. Wang said he had not decided whether to apply again if he failed this year but did say his childhood dream "deserved his best try" .


  8. My husband fell asleep . Looking at him, listening to his regular breathing, just like a sweet baby.


  9. I've been interested in photography since I was a kid, but it was only a few years ago that I started collecting photographs.


  1. 孩童用马桶

    toilet chair.

  2. 小鸟与孩童

    The Bird And The Child.

  3. 与孩童玩耍。

    Play with a child.

  4. 孩童的画像。

    Portraits of children.

  5. 老人如孩童。

    Old men are twice children.

  6. 逻暹孩童进行曲

    March of the Siamese Children

  7. 恒牙孩童期

    childhood period of permanent teeth.

  8. 孩童四处皆是?

    Children are everywhere.

  9. 他对孩童温柔。

    He is gentle with children.

  10. 孩童的天真快乐

    the unaffected delight of a child

  11. 被偷换下的孩童

    A child secretly exchanged for another.

  12. 我孩童时到处旅游

    I traveled enormously as a child.

  13. 防孩童开启的药瓶

    childproof containers for medicines

  14. 自由之邦孩童嬉戏

    Then I see a land where children can run free

  15. 治好鬼附之孩童

    Healing of a Boy with Evil Spirit

  16. 所以,孩童不是空瓶子

    So, children are not empty vessels, OK?

  17. 短发女子或孩童的短发

    A womans or childs short haircut.

  18. 借问每个认识的孩童。

    And ask every child I know.

  19. 婴儿玩耍,孩童玩耍 成年人也玩耍

    Babies play, kids play, adults play.

  20. 和迷途孩童的发现者。

    And the finder of lost children.

  21. 此书不适合孩童阅读。

    The book is not adapted for children.

  22. 谁能知道孩童得思想?

    Nora Perry Who knows the thoughts of a child?

  23. 谁能知道孩童的思想?

    Nora Perry Who knows the thoughts of a child?

  24. 孩童容易调适新环境。

    Children accommodate easily to new circumstances.

  25. 身旁带着一名孩童?

    with a child by her side.

  26. 首先是研究孩童的心理。

    You begin studying minds of children.

  27. 另一个孩童用手可以

    Another child could use a hand.

  28. 孩童时,我有两个梦想。

    As a child, I had two passions.

  29. 你城内都是妇孺孩童。

    Your city is full of women and children.

  30. 你在孩童时害怕黑暗吗?

    When you were a child, were you frightened of the dark?


  1. 问:孩童拼音怎么拼?孩童的读音是什么?孩童翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孩童的读音是háitóng,孩童翻译成英文是 An infant; a child.

  2. 问:孩童大衣拼音怎么拼?孩童大衣的读音是什么?孩童大衣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孩童大衣的读音是,孩童大衣翻译成英文是 pelisse

  3. 问:孩童安全座椅拼音怎么拼?孩童安全座椅的读音是什么?孩童安全座椅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孩童安全座椅的读音是háitóngānquánzuòyǐ,孩童安全座椅翻译成英文是 child safety seat

  4. 问:孩童用三轮车拼音怎么拼?孩童用三轮车的读音是什么?孩童用三轮车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孩童用三轮车的读音是,孩童用三轮车翻译成英文是 velocipede

  5. 问:孩童癌症研究协会拼音怎么拼?孩童癌症研究协会的读音是什么?孩童癌症研究协会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孩童癌症研究协会的读音是Háitóng Áizhèng Yánjiū Xiéhuì,孩童癌症研究协会翻译成英文是 Association for Research of Childhood Cancer...