




1. 度 [dù]2. 度 [duó]度 [dù]计算长短的器具或单位:尺~。刻~。~量衡。事物所达到的境界:程~。高~。风~。分角的单位,一圆周角分为360度:角~。依照计算的一定标准划分的单位:温~。湿~。经~。纬~。浓~。电能的单位,……



汉语拼音:xié dù






  1. 斜掠而过。

    唐 敬括 《花萼楼赋》:“流云衝牗而中断,飞鸟拂簷而斜度。”《南宫词纪·皂罗袍·闺怨之二》:“惹起閒愁千种,向緑牕斜度,对语飞虫。”

  2. 数学名词。指直线与水平线在一个平面上相交的角度。

    杨朔 《秘密列车》:“山坡的斜度挺大,霜雪又重,一开车,轱辘光打空转,上不去,急死人了。”



  1. The pieces of this type of stand collar are often curved in shape at the front so that the collar slopes in smoothly towards the upper neck.


  2. The pitch of the car, the difference between the front and rear ride heights, is also critical.


  3. A condition that may occur when a coiled tubing string is run into a horizontal or highly deviated wellbore.


  4. Brick houses gradient different, some large housing Ramps have to display furniture, and therefore often used as a storage room.


  5. Work with palettes of your own shapes, and use layers, gradients, transparencies and connectors.


  6. Among the effects that can be applied: textures, blurs , convolution, gradients and text rendering.


  7. In contrast, grid refers to the minimum pitch of the grid where the layout designer aligns objects during placement.


  8. In healthy subjects, aging is associated with reduction of lumbar lordotic angle and tendency for posterior inclination of the sacrum.


  9. The forging die has no draft angle and the material utilization rate is increased about 12. 5%.


  1. 螺旋桨斜度

    propeller rake.

  2. 方位角斜度

    azimuth tilt.

  3. 容许斜度对

    admissible slope pair.

  4. 卷筒纸直径斜度

    taper of web diameter

  5. 手调斜度切割器

    manually angled cutter

  6. 倒起模斜度

    negative taper.

  7. 屋顶的斜度很低。

    The slope of the roof is low.

  8. 砾石充填大斜度井

    High angle gravel packed well

  9. 浅造斜大斜度井

    shallow deflecting highly deviated well

  10. 层顶斜度屋檐施工

    Demonstrate Knowledge Of Equal Pitch Gable, and Hip Roof Construction

  11. 普通等离子,斜度达15度。

    Ordinary plasma, ascent reaches 15 degrees.

  12. 断裂带表面粗糙, 并带有斜度。

    Fractured zone has a crudity surface with a pitch.

  13. 钓丝的斜度也比较明显。

    It was easier to see the slant of the fish line.

  14. 船的甲板总有几分斜度。

    There is always a certain inclination in a ship's deck.

  15. 增加模腔壁上的脱模斜度

    Increase draught in the cavity walls

  16. 图中表示出顶部的斜度。

    The slopes of the roofs are shown in the figure.

  17. 剧场的地板斜度太大了一点。

    The rake of the theater floor is a bit too steep.

  18. 改变航行器的斜度就可以前进。

    To move forward, the pitch of the craft is changed.

  19. 得到代表目前图像斜度的字节数。

    Retrieves the pitch of the current image, in bytes.

  20. 西服对条对格肩斜度串口线

    Keywords western suitsymmetrical tripe and checkshoulder slantgorge cline.

  21. 采电动控制,来校正纬纱之斜度。

    Use electrical control to correct the gradient of weft.

  22. 布料及缝制品的洗涤后偏斜度

    Testing method for skewness change in fabric and garment twist resulting from automatic home laundering

  23. 膝状的有膝状关节的能以较陡的斜度弯曲的

    Having kneelike joints able to bend at an abrupt angle.

  24. 斜纹面料织法有明显的斜度,稍有光泽。

    Twill fabrics texture has apparent rake, a bit luster.

  25. 斜纹面料织法有明显得斜度,稍有光泽。

    Twill fabrics texture has apparent rake, a bit luster.

  26. 他的字体稍微有点斜度,看上去十分漂亮。

    His handwriting slopes a little and looks very beautiful.

  27. 提出一种基于偏斜度得视频水印新算法。

    This paper proposes a new algorithm of video watermarking based on skewness.

  28. 提出一种基于偏斜度的视频水印新算法。

    This paper proposes a new algorithm of video watermarking based on skewness.

  29. 设置功能显示电极斜度,零偏移和毫伏数。

    Setup function displays electrode slope, zero offset, and millivolt values.

  30. 钓索的斜度说明它正在较浅的地方游着。

    The slant of the line showed he was swimming at a lesser depth.


  1. 问:斜度拼音怎么拼?斜度的读音是什么?斜度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斜度的读音是xiédù,斜度翻译成英文是 gradient; inclination; obliquity

  2. 问:斜度仪拼音怎么拼?斜度仪的读音是什么?斜度仪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斜度仪的读音是xié dù yí,斜度仪翻译成英文是 slope meter

  3. 问:斜度角拼音怎么拼?斜度角的读音是什么?斜度角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斜度角的读音是xié dù jiǎo,斜度角翻译成英文是 draft angle

  4. 问:斜度偏差拼音怎么拼?斜度偏差的读音是什么?斜度偏差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斜度偏差的读音是xié dù piān chā,斜度偏差翻译成英文是 pitch variation

  5. 问:斜度序列拼音怎么拼?斜度序列的读音是什么?斜度序列翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斜度序列的读音是xiédùxùliè,斜度序列翻译成英文是 clinosequence

  6. 问:斜度改正拼音怎么拼?斜度改正的读音是什么?斜度改正翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斜度改正的读音是xié dù gǎi zhèng,斜度改正翻译成英文是 slope correction

  7. 问:斜度曲线拼音怎么拼?斜度曲线的读音是什么?斜度曲线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斜度曲线的读音是xié dù qū xiàn,斜度曲线翻译成英文是 slope curve

  8. 问:斜度检测拼音怎么拼?斜度检测的读音是什么?斜度检测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斜度检测的读音是xié dù jiǎn cè,斜度检测翻译成英文是 slope detection

  9. 问:斜度检测器拼音怎么拼?斜度检测器的读音是什么?斜度检测器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斜度检测器的读音是xié dù jiǎn cè qì,斜度检测器翻译成英文是 slope detector

  10. 问:斜度切割控制拼音怎么拼?斜度切割控制的读音是什么?斜度切割控制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斜度切割控制的读音是xié dù qiē gē kòng zhì,斜度切割控制翻译成英文是 taper cutting control

  11. 问:斜度磨光装置拼音怎么拼?斜度磨光装置的读音是什么?斜度磨光装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斜度磨光装置的读音是xié dù mó guāng zhuāng zhì,斜度磨光装置翻译成英文是 bevel grinding attachment

  12. 问:斜度递增误差拼音怎么拼?斜度递增误差的读音是什么?斜度递增误差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斜度递增误差的读音是xié dù dì zēng wù chā,斜度递增误差翻译成英文是 progressive pitch error


