







汉语拼音:xié tǎng






  1. As the user types in a password, a reclining model dubbed Sally loses her garments a few chunkily bitmapped patches at a time.


  2. Andy is reclined in the chair, transported, arms fluidly conducting the music. Ecstasy and rapture. Shawshank no longer exists.


  3. Baba and his friends reclined on black leather chairs there after Ali had served dinner.


  4. Some fishing boats had capsized; those sweptinto town by the tsunami teetered on their sides, or were tossed upside down.


  5. If anyone is tired during the visit, he or she can reline on the lounge chair for tourists.


  6. The weary setting sun reclines in the arms of west mountain, waiting for the midnight dreams.


  7. Their still waters, still and chilly with the snows of the lolling lily.


  8. Children may use walkers to sit, recline, bounce, jump, and use their feet to move around.


  9. When you recline you will find the gap uncomfortable and will move forward on the seat pan creating the infamous void!


  1. 斜躺在沙发上

    recline on a sofa.

  2. 斜躺在摺叠帆布椅,平底船,吊床上

    recline in a deckchair, a punt, a hammock.

  3. 这个疲倦得女孩斜躺在长沙发上。

    The tired girl reclined on the couch.

  4. 这个疲倦的女孩斜躺在长沙发上。

    The tired girl reclined on the couch.

  5. 由舒适得办公椅改造成得自行车, 需要斜躺着骑哦。

    Recumbent bicycle equipped with very comfortable office chair.

  6. 疲惫得残阳, 斜躺在西山得怀里, 预备着午夜得梦。

    The weary setting sun reclines in the arms of west mountain, waiting for the midnight dreams.

  7. 由舒适的办公椅改造成的自行车,需要斜躺着骑哦。

    Recumbent bicycle equipped with very comfortable office chair.

  8. 疲惫的残阳,斜躺在西山的怀里,预备着午夜的梦。

    The weary setting sun reclines in the arms of west mountain, waiting for the midnight dreams.

  9. 椅背可以降低椅腿可以升高以便可以斜躺在上面的扶手椅。

    an armchair whose back can be lowered and foot can be raised to allow the sitter to recline in it.

  10. 斜躺式靠背

    reclining backrest.

  11. 斜躺式轮椅

    reclining wheelchair.

  12. 斜躺式疗养车

    reclining model wheelchair.

  13. 穿长统袜斜躺的女人

    Reclining Woman with Green Stockings

  14. 我在树林里安然斜躺,

    While in a grove I sate reclined,

  15. 我在树林里安然斜躺,

    While in a grove I sate reclined,

  16. 他舒服地斜躺在沙发上看报。

    He reclined comfortably on a sofa reading a newspaper.

  17. 一种带加长的底座以支撑外伸的腿的可斜躺的椅子。

    A reclining chair with a lengthened seat that supports the outstretched legs.

  18. 斜倚。躺向后或往下向倒

    To lie back or down.

  19. 为了舒适, 支撑或歇息而放置, 躺或斜靠

    To place, lay, or lean for ease, support, or repose.

  20. 那些我们不认识的雕刻,他的肢体歪歪斜斜的躺在那里

    the sculptor we hardly knew, his limbs were lyin askew

  21. 您将躺在你的背部,斜倚在椅子上,或放在桌子上。

    You will lie on your back, reclining in a chair, or on a table.