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1. 枝 [zhī]2. 枝 [qí]枝 [zhī]由植物主干上分出来的茎条:树~。~干(gàn )。竹~。节外生~。~柯。~节(a.由一件事生发的其他问题;b.细碎的,不重要的)。量词,指杆形的:一~铅笔。古同“支”,支持,分支。枝 [q……
汉语拼音:lì zhī
《东观汉记·匈奴南单于》:“南单于来朝,赐御食及橙橘龙眼荔枝。” 晋 嵇含 《南方草木状》卷下:“荔枝树,高五六丈餘,如桂树,緑叶蓬蓬,冬夏荣茂,青华朱实,实大如鸡子,核黄黑似熟莲,实白如肪,甘而多汁,似安石榴。” 唐 杜牧 《过华清宫绝句》之一:“一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷三:“ 宣和 中, 保和殿 下种荔枝成实, 徽庙 手摘以赐 燕 帅 王安中 。”
宋 刘蒙 《菊谱》:“荔枝,枝紫,出 西京 ,九月中开。千叶紫花,叶卷为筒,大小相间……俗以为荔枝者,以其花形正圆故也。”
Someone said, the graceful shape, mellow fragrance and sweet aftertaste of litchis is superior to any other kind of fruit.
或曰,荔枝之形貌、醇香、及其甘美回味,均非其他果类所可与伦比。Someone said, the high state that litchi enjoyed in legends and poetics is also superior to any other kind of fruit.
或曰,荔枝在传说及诗歌中所占之地位,亦非其他果类所可与伦比。But the scientists found a spontaneous mutation that causes seedlessness in a cherimoya relative, the sugar apple.
但是科学家们在南美蕃荔枝的近亲——另一种番荔枝身上发现了引起无籽的自然转变。the fruit of any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona having soft edible pulp.
几种热带美洲番荔枝科树的果实,果肉柔软可食。It also has high clinical value, and is said to be effective for the treatment of anemia, insomnia, and cardiopalmus .
荔枝还有很高的药用价值,对于贫血、失眠、心悸等疾病均有疗效。Response Surface Analysis (RSA) was applied to optimize the extraction of the total flavonoids of Semen Litchi.
利用响应面分析法优化荔枝核总黄酮提取工艺。May, is the early-to-date listing of litchi, seven, August is being lychees made a strong season.
五月,是荔枝最新早熟上市,七、八月是荔枝旺盛正造时节。After-bitterness substances were the main factors influencing wine taste. The bitterness substances in Litchi Wine were a. . .
影响荔枝酒口感的主要为后苦味物质,本文对荔枝酒的苦味物质做了分析。Litchi knottiness must arrive, welcome you to taste the litchi chinensis to Lingshan, the feeling litchi township flavor.